"you don't spell it, son. you eat it."

This post actually has nothing to do with one of the most hilarious quotes in Sixteen Candles. (While I’m talking about Sixteen Candles, let’s all take a moment to reflect on the greatness that was and is Jake Ryan.) Did you know there’s a blog called The Jake Ryan Project?

Now that the reflection is out of the way… I’m just going to give y’all a little Friday weekly recap and let you know what’s going on in the Carroll household.

1. TC has been in trial all week and we’ve probably seen him for a total of an hour this week. We miss him very much.

2. While he’s been away, Hudson did, in fact, get sick. I’m trying not to blame Monday evening’s events, but he was running a fever yesterday and a little bit in the night. He’s also very congested, which leads to a loss of sleep for both of us.

3. Because of #1 and #2, I only made it to the gym for my 6:00 a.m. workout once this week. I hope next week I can get back on track.

4. We’re going to the Greek Festival for some gyros and baklava tonight. Yum yum!

5. Tomorrow, the Gamecocks are playing TC’s alma mater, Furman in Columbia. He jokes that he’ll be torn about who to root for, but we know he’s rooting for the Gamecocks. It should be a fun game and hopefully we’ll get a strong lead early on so we can relax. I’m also hoping for cooler temperatures!

6. My friend, Anne, sent me the link to this Wall Street Journal article called “The State of Disappointment” today that talks about the “passion-to-production ratio” of college football in South Carolina. It focuses on the performances of South Carolina and Clemson football over the years. It’s a bit tough to read, but hopefully our Gamecocks are turning it around this year.

7. Because TC and I haven’t spent much time together this week, I’ve occupied my evenings with Junior League meetings, children’s choir, and adult choir. I’ve also been reading like it’s my job. I’ll finish Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins today and I’ll let y’all know how it is.

8. My roots are a mess. But, honestly, I just don’t even want to think sitting for three hours to have my hair high lighted and low lighted. I’ll get around to it one of these days.

9. I found a super adorable rug for Hudson’s playroom yesterday on One Kings Lane, but even the OKL price was a little high for me. I’ve got my mom, the decorator, on a mission to try to find it at wholesale price.

10. Speaking of One Kings Lane, I’m always so excited to see what photo of the gorgeous dogs they use at the beginning of a new season. Isn’t this great?

I hope y’all have a great weekend. Help me cheer the Gamecocks to victory tomorrow!

Toodles, poodles!

Hudson is 15 months old

Dear Hudson,

I’m really late posting your 15 month update. Your turned 15 months old on September 5 and we were in Dallas with KK, Poppie, and Uncle Walker. As every month is, this month was so much fun. You, Hudson, are so much fun.

Your little personality shines through more and more every month and we just love the little boy you’re becoming. You always make us laugh with the things you say and do. We call you a little parrot because you repeat everything we say– or at least you try.

You are still very sweet, but you are trying to be a little more defiant and that’s hard for mommy and daddy to take. We hate to have to discipline you, but we always want to keep you safe. Your most common way of showing your independence is when you stand up in your little chair and shout “sit down.” Except you don’t sit down and continue to stand up. We struggle with that every single day. You little booger.

Hudson, you are quite the communicator. You are so good at letting us know what you want and have gotten great at naming all of the items you want. If you can’t say it, you point and say, “that.” Which actually sounds a lot more like “dat.”

When I’m talking to KK on the phone, I’ll say to her, “okay, I love you.” And then you will say, “bye” before I can even get the words out. It’s so funny how you’ve picked up on our cues and have learned so much just be observing all of the people you love. We have to be extra careful to make sure that we’re showing you what is good and right.

You’re still a very big boy and we just love you that way. You’re a fast little guy, too. You run all through the house and your cheeks jiggle while you’re running. You love to play with the dogs and chase them, too. You love singing and dancing and will stop whatever you’re doing to listen to a song and try to sing along or dance.

You pretend to talk on your old cell phone that we gave you and say “hey” and “bye” and nod along while you walk and talk. I wonder where you’ve seen that before! You’ll give something to us that you found on the floor and say “thank you.” And when we say “you’re welcome” you say “thank you” again. I think you have it a bit backwards, but we love your little manners.

Hudson, you have gotten much more particular about what you’ll eat, but we’re learning what you like and still insist that you try everything we give you.

Thank you for being so sweet and loving. We’re so proud of you!



15 month stats

Height: 35 inches long (above the 97th%)

Weight: 30 pounds (95th%)

Shoe Size: 6

Clothes Size: Mostly 24 month, but some 18 month stuff still fits, thank goodness

Diaper Size: 5

Food: grilled cheese, peas, carrots, green beans, apple sauce, bananas, blueberries, chicken nuggets, salmon, cheese, oranges, kiwi, oatmeal, strawberries, pancakes, pasta, mashed potatoes

Words and Phrases: thank you, please, that, zebra, hippo, puppy, Poppie, whoa, wheee, poo poo, “night moon” (Goodnight Moon), “Melmo” (Elmo), bubbles, mommy, daddy, Boo-doh (Boudreaux), Nona (Fiona), cheese, shoes, juice, milk, book, turtle, meow, dog, moo, bye bye, woof, cow, hey, chicken, baby, touchdown, banana, uh oh, ball

a hypothetical… er real life situation

What would you do if, say, you were at Little Gym with your sweet, healthy toddler and one of the other little toddlers doesn’t seem so healthy? Actually, he has a wide-spread rash-like situation going on all over his face and body.

He’s playing with the equipment your child is playing with and putting his mouth on things. And then at one point he walks over to your toddler and tries to stick his hand in your toddler’s mouth. The cute toddler with the rash has a mother there, too, but she’s just kind of laughing it off.

I don’t like confrontation and I don’t like to assume anything. Maybe he just got hot in the car? Maybe he’s not sick at all. Maybe he cried a lot before he got to Little Gym and he got one of those crying rashes.

So I just didn’t do anything or say anything. Except I did ask my friend if it made her a bit nervous, too.

What would you do? Ask the parent if the child is okay? Ignore it like the chicken that I am? Or just leave with your child because the whole thing makes you so nervous.

I’ve been checking Hudson today about every twenty minutes trying to make sure he isn’t covered in spots!

Keep your sick babies at home so they can get well and so others don’t get sick. (I know I shouldn’t assume that he was sick, but it was questionable.)

Are there any nurses or pediatricians in the house who can weigh in on this to help me feel better…. or put me in my nervous-mother place?

monday morning brain dump

  • My sweet pea is at school and I love it. Does that make me a bad mom? I don’t know and I don’t care.
  • I’m sitting here sipping coffee and writing a blog post. That’s how I’m spending my time while Hudson’s in school. Does that make me a bad mom? Don’t answer that.
  • I’m mentioned this before, but I am officially the most impatient dog mommy on the planet. My dogs have taken a back seat. But, to my defense, they are really bad these days when they used to be really good.
  • They say there are no bad dogs and only bad dog owners. Hmmm….
  • Things at the house have been extra crazy and chaotic because it’s a really big work week for TC. I love him and I love that he loves his job. What a lucky guy! But I do miss him.
  • These are the weeks when I really wish my mom was here to hang out with me.
  • And I really wish I had an infinite amount of time to watch 90210 marathons.
  • Because it’s the best show ever.
  • Why did I ever think I wanted to plan people’s weddings? I love my weekends too much for that nonsense.
  • Our Gamecocks won this weekend! And we watched it at home. In the air conditioning.
  • I had a long chat yesterday afternoon with a friend about how we can’t get over awful things that people did to us or said about is in college. I should forgive, but some things just hurt too bad.
  • Those awesome boots that I ordered from Lands End still haven’t arrived. Where are they?
  • I spent about 20 minutes this weekend programming my DVR for fall television shows. My life is so exciting!
  • I’m so struggling for blog content. Can you tell?
  • Hudson is going to be a lion for Halloween. This is the costume we chose. It arrived this weekend and I nearly peed myself laughing at Hudson wearing it! (That’s not Hudson in the picture.)

  • I got a Facebook invitation to my 10 year high school reunion. I won’t be going. It’s too far away and it looks like there’s just a dinner planned. It’s just not worth the plane ticket. But I feel a little bad about letting my 10 year anniversary of my high school graduation go by without even seeing anyone from my class.
  • When I sleep, in addition to not being able to tolerate my thighs touching thus forcing me to wear pajama pants, I have to have heavy weight covers on my hips. I just do. It relaxes me and makes me feel safe.
  • I finished The Hunger Games and Catching Fire this weekend. I am a reader on a mission!
  • When TC finishes up with these crazy weeks of work, I’m begging him to play a game of nertz with me!
  • And then it’ll be just about time for us to travel to Auburn, Alabama for the South Carolina vs. Auburn football game.
  • This Southern Living Idea House laundry room is one of my old favorites. I know it’s a little dated now, but it just makes me so happy.

What’s going on with you this week?

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