Hudson is 15 months old

Dear Hudson,

I’m really late posting your 15 month update. Your turned 15 months old on September 5 and we were in Dallas with KK, Poppie, and Uncle Walker. As every month is, this month was so much fun. You, Hudson, are so much fun.

Your little personality shines through more and more every month and we just love the little boy you’re becoming. You always make us laugh with the things you say and do. We call you a little parrot because you repeat everything we say– or at least you try.

You are still very sweet, but you are trying to be a little more defiant and that’s hard for mommy and daddy to take. We hate to have to discipline you, but we always want to keep you safe. Your most common way of showing your independence is when you stand up in your little chair and shout “sit down.” Except you don’t sit down and continue to stand up. We struggle with that every single day. You little booger.

Hudson, you are quite the communicator. You are so good at letting us know what you want and have gotten great at naming all of the items you want. If you can’t say it, you point and say, “that.” Which actually sounds a lot more like “dat.”

When I’m talking to KK on the phone, I’ll say to her, “okay, I love you.” And then you will say, “bye” before I can even get the words out. It’s so funny how you’ve picked up on our cues and have learned so much just be observing all of the people you love. We have to be extra careful to make sure that we’re showing you what is good and right.

You’re still a very big boy and we just love you that way. You’re a fast little guy, too. You run all through the house and your cheeks jiggle while you’re running. You love to play with the dogs and chase them, too. You love singing and dancing and will stop whatever you’re doing to listen to a song and try to sing along or dance.

You pretend to talk on your old cell phone that we gave you and say “hey” and “bye” and nod along while you walk and talk. I wonder where you’ve seen that before! You’ll give something to us that you found on the floor and say “thank you.” And when we say “you’re welcome” you say “thank you” again. I think you have it a bit backwards, but we love your little manners.

Hudson, you have gotten much more particular about what you’ll eat, but we’re learning what you like and still insist that you try everything we give you.

Thank you for being so sweet and loving. We’re so proud of you!



15 month stats

Height: 35 inches long (above the 97th%)

Weight: 30 pounds (95th%)

Shoe Size: 6

Clothes Size: Mostly 24 month, but some 18 month stuff still fits, thank goodness

Diaper Size: 5

Food: grilled cheese, peas, carrots, green beans, apple sauce, bananas, blueberries, chicken nuggets, salmon, cheese, oranges, kiwi, oatmeal, strawberries, pancakes, pasta, mashed potatoes

Words and Phrases: thank you, please, that, zebra, hippo, puppy, Poppie, whoa, wheee, poo poo, β€œnight moon” (Goodnight Moon), β€œMelmo” (Elmo), bubbles, mommy, daddy, Boo-doh (Boudreaux), Nona (Fiona), cheese, shoes, juice, milk, book, turtle, meow, dog, moo, bye bye, woof, cow, hey, chicken, baby, touchdown, banana, uh oh, ball

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  1. says

    He’s so grown-up! With that big boy haircut- goodness! I just want to squeeze those legs! Can’t wait to see him so soon. (and more importantly you!)

  2. says

    I love that you’ve been taking pictures of him each month next to the monkey – it shows how much he has grown over these past 15 months! I’ve been following your blog since well before you were pregnant with Hudson, and I simply can’t believe how big he’s gotten – I know you can’t either πŸ™‚ Your letter to him is really sweet!

  3. says

    He IS a big boy! My niece is 19 months and weighs 6 pounds less!

    I don’t say that as an insult…that would by hypocritical. My daughter is about 4 months, was born a month early, and already weighs 15 pounds…I have a feeling she’ll be more like Hudson! hee hee

  4. says

    He does seem to have quite the outgoing personality! I love the monkey pics…have I told you I’m stealing your idea of taking pictures next to the same stuffed animal? They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery πŸ˜‰

  5. says

    He is such a cutie! I have to tell you, as a mom-to-be of a little boy, these posts warm my heart and get me so excited to be a mama soon! Side note-his nursery is fantastic!!! I have struggeled finding cute baby boy stuff bc everything is so “theme-y”. You did a great job-I love the bright colors!

  6. Nicole says

    I’m a relatively new follower. I love your blog and your cute little family. I just have to say, as a speech therapist, it’s really great that he has that many words at such a young age. πŸ™‚

  7. says

    When I read that Hudson stands up and shouts, “Sit down!” while continuing to stand, I laughed. Our little boy does the same thing, and he tells himself no-no. Our boys are the same size… but mine is 3 months older. He is precious!

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