America, The Beautiful

Everyone is remembering the victims and the events of September 11, 2001 today, and this morning on Twitter a lot of people (myself included) were tweeting about where we were on that day.

I was a sophomore at Louisiana Tech University and it was one of the first days of classes. I went to work in the Admissions Office and that’s where I heard about the first tower being hit. We turned on the TV just in time to see the second tower get hit. I’ll never forget the images and the emotions I felt. I went to a city-wide church service that night and we sang, held hands, and prayed. For the victims, for the heroes, and for our Country. Our beautiful, brave, country.

When we sang the third and fourth verses of America, The Beautiful I remember not being able to control my emotions. I don’t think I had ever really heard these lyrics before. I had sung them my whole life and in that moment they truly meant something to me. Still, to this day, I can’t sing these lyrics without fighting back the tears and thinking about that day nine years ago and those that are still fighting for us.

Lyrics by Katharine Lee Bates

O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife.
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!

O beautiful for glory-tale
Of liberating strife
When once and twice,
for man’s avail
Men lavished precious life!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till selfish gain no longer stain
The banner of the free!

a little of this and a little of that

1. We have had quite the busy day! I got up earlier than I’ve gotten up in a long time (except for when we have to catch early morning flights) and met a friend (who I’m excited to get reacquainted with) at the gym at 6:00 a.m. We did the Body Attack class and I do, in fact, feel like my body was attacked. Attacked by a cheerful, smiley, fun fitness instructor who made it impossible to hate the class even though I wanted to curl up on the floor and go back to bed. I survived and I actually didn’t feel all that bad when it was over. (If you haven’t learned this by now, I’m not so consistent when it comes to working out.)

After my workout, I came home, showered, and got dressed all before 8:30! I’m usually still in my pajamas at 11:00 a.m. when Hudson goes down for his nap. Todd is back in town and was able to get Hudson fed while I finished getting ready and that was a big help. I had a great phone chat with Lyndsey and wished so badly that she (and many others) lived here!

Then it was off to lunch with my friend and her daughter who is Hudson’s age. They’re finally really starting to acknowledge each other and smile at each other. It was really so cute to watch them. And good to catch up with friends.

Tonight is the first Junior League meeting (not counting committee meetings) of the year and I’m pretty excited to get back into the swing of things and see people that I haven’t seen in a few months.

2. Yesterday when I was at Barnes and Noble, I picked up a ton of new books. I have finished all but two of the books on my 2010 reading list and I know I’ve said that I’m not going to buy anymore books until I finish the unread books in my house, but I just couldn’t resist! I started The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I picked up all three of the books in the series and if they’re as good as everyone says, I’ll be done with them in no time!

Head on over to Book Beginnings and Bookends to vote for the next book we’ll be reading if you want to participate! Rachel and I tried to come up with a good list and want your opinion on the next book. The poll is in the right sidebar.

3. I just added Parenthood and Modern Family to my Netflix queue and hopefully I’ll be watching those soon! I saw the pilot episode of Modern Family when it originally aired, but my DVR goofed and forgot to record the next two episodes, so I just felt too behind at that point. Now I can get caught up! Football season is in full swing, but we might have a little time leftover for some TV on DVD. And we still have a few weeks before all the fall television starts back.

What’s going on with all of you? My mind is consumed with thoughts of dining room draperies and chairs and I can’t wait for my sectional to arrive. I guess that’s what happens when your job takes place in your home. I sit around all day and think of ways to rearrange and redecorate.

Hudson's first day of "school"

This morning was Hudson’s first day of school. Our church has a weekday program for kids of all ages and Hudson’s age group can go two days a week. I know it’s going to be so good for him to go and see his friends twice a week and it will be good for me to be able to get out and get some errands taken care of without trying to bring Hudson with me.

We got up this morning and had breakfast and then got Hudson dressed in his most “back to school”-looking outfit. I had to take some pictures of him outside our house before we left. He was a little upset with me because he wanted to “get down” and run around the yard rather than sit still. And by the time he started smiling at me my camera started to fog up in the humidity.

But I do think he looked pretty stinking cute!

He was pretty excited to put on the “Hudson” backpack that Kim gave us. He just carried some diapers, a change a clothes, and a sippy cup in his bag, but he was still proud.

And when we got to school he was so excited to walk in and check out all the toys. They allowed the parents to stay for an hour since it was the first day. He walked around and played with the toys and started playing with some of the other kids. When I got up to leave, Hudson didn’t even look back to say goodbye.

He didn’t seem like he was going to miss me too badly. While Hudson was at school, I ran home to pick up some things I needed to take to UPS and discovered that our darling Boudreaux had shredded one of Hudson’s favorite books. So I spent some of my time cleaning up that mess. Then I ran to Starbucks, UPS, and to Barnes and Noble to replace Hudson’s book. I ended up sitting at Barnes and Noble for the last hour before I had to go get Hudson and I just read and enjoyed the quiet.

I think I’ll probably spend the mornings that he’s at school taking care of my Junior League responsibilities and preparing for children’s choir activities, but it’s nice to get some errands run and take care of business sometimes, too.

When I picked up Hudson, he had done a little finger painting craft today, so that was pretty sweet. He was quietly playing and when he saw me he ran to the door and said, “go.” Ha! So even though he did okay he was still ready to go home, eat lunch, and get his nap!

our fun labor day weekend in Dallas

We spent the long weekend in Dallas and had such a great time! It was low-key and spent just hanging out with my family. TC came with us this time and it was so nice to have him there with us. Unfortunately, he still had to work most of the weekend, but that’s the life of a lawyer, and we love him!

My brother got to be there this weekend, too, and I think he had a pretty good time playing with Hudson.

We spent part of Sunday afternoon at the Dallas World Aquarium and despite the crowds, we really enjoyed ourselves. Hudson loved the animals, birds, and fish. And he was even able to identify a lot of them and making the appropriate animal noises.

And then he had a little fun in the gift shop! What is it about dressing up a baby in goofy glasses that creates such mindless, entertaining fun? We picked up a couple of fun books while we were there to have some new books for Hudson for the flight back to Columbia.

Our oldest family friends met us for dinner on Sunday night. My mom and her best friend were pregnant together with both of their kids, so we all grew up together. And Jennifer and I were college roommates our freshman year and she was one of my bridesmaids. They’re more like family to us. It was so much fun catching up and then we went to Menchie’s for some yummy yogurt and to give Hudson a place to sort of run around.

Mom, Hudson, and my “Aunt” Pam

Hudson, Walker, Kate (who is Walker’s age), Jennifer (who is my age), and me

Back at the house, Hudson just loved playing in the play room. There were so many fun new toys to play with and we couldn’t keep him out of the ball pit!

Hearing Hudson say, “Poppie” is just about the sweetest sound in the world. He loves his Poppie.

How did you spend your long weekend? Hopefully you all had a labor-free time and had lots of fun!

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