I am far from a style expert. And I would be very hesitant to ever offer fashion advice to someone else. But I know what works for my body. And I know how to shop for myself.
It’s clear that I have a certain style and that has become even more narrow and defined since becoming a mom. I need clothes that move and keep it easy for me to move. I have to be able to set up the stroller, get in and out of the car a lot, lift big boys, and sit on the floor.
I am not a fan of shorts. And skirts just aren’t practical in the summer time. I like some cropped pants, but I prefer to roll up a skinny jean.
But I love me some jeans.
So I put together some of my favorite items for the spring and summer. I have some of these things and some of these things are on my wish list.
We’ll be spending the summer at the zoo, the children’s museum, the beach, and just piddling around town. And when the temperatures reach 110, we won’t be going anywhere.
But let’s not focus on summer. I prefer to enjoy spring for as long as possible before even talking about summer. All the shopping information is under each set if you’re interested.