"you don't spell it, son. you eat it."

This post actually has nothing to do with one of the most hilarious quotes in Sixteen Candles. (While I’m talking about Sixteen Candles, let’s all take a moment to reflect on the greatness that was and is Jake Ryan.) Did you know there’s a blog called The Jake Ryan Project?

Now that the reflection is out of the way… I’m just going to give y’all a little Friday weekly recap and let you know what’s going on in the Carroll household.

1. TC has been in trial all week and we’ve probably seen him for a total of an hour this week. We miss him very much.

2. While he’s been away, Hudson did, in fact, get sick. I’m trying not to blame Monday evening’s events, but he was running a fever yesterday and a little bit in the night. He’s also very congested, which leads to a loss of sleep for both of us.

3. Because of #1 and #2, I only made it to the gym for my 6:00 a.m. workout once this week. I hope next week I can get back on track.

4. We’re going to the Greek Festival for some gyros and baklava tonight. Yum yum!

5. Tomorrow, the Gamecocks are playing TC’s alma mater, Furman in Columbia. He jokes that he’ll be torn about who to root for, but we know he’s rooting for the Gamecocks. It should be a fun game and hopefully we’ll get a strong lead early on so we can relax. I’m also hoping for cooler temperatures!

6. My friend, Anne, sent me the link to this Wall Street Journal article called “The State of Disappointment”Β today that talks about the “passion-to-production ratio” of college football in South Carolina. It focuses on the performances of South Carolina and Clemson football over the years. It’s a bit tough to read, but hopefully our Gamecocks are turning it around this year.

7. Because TC and I haven’t spent much time together this week, I’ve occupied my evenings with Junior League meetings, children’s choir, and adult choir. I’ve also been reading like it’s my job. I’ll finish Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins today and I’ll let y’all know how it is.

8. My roots are a mess. But, honestly, I just don’t even want to think sitting for three hours to have my hair high lighted and low lighted. I’ll get around to it one of these days.

9. I found a super adorable rug for Hudson’s playroom yesterday on One Kings Lane, but even the OKL price was a little high for me. I’ve got my mom, the decorator, on a mission to try to find it at wholesale price.

10. Speaking of One Kings Lane, I’m always so excited to see what photo of the gorgeous dogs they use at the beginning of a new season. Isn’t this great?

I hope y’all have a great weekend. Help me cheer the Gamecocks to victory tomorrow!

Toodles, poodles!

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  1. says

    Matt and I noticed last night that South Carolina was playing Furman. He remarked Todd would have a tough time….but I said undoubtedly he would be rooting for the Gamecocks πŸ™‚ Glad to know I was right. Ha!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. says

    I’m pretty sure I could quote 2/3 of Sixteen Candles word for word! B had never seen it before we got married, so I had to rectify that pretty quickly – love the reference.

    I adore those beautiful OKL dogs. So glad for a new fall pic!

    Hope tomorrow is cool and Hudson is sniffle- and fever-free!

  3. says

    my husband and i are both graduates of clemson and die-hard clemson fans (we have season tickets for football and drive from Louisville every weekend there is a home game). that article was definitely a little dis-heartening to read. at least the state is passionate about something positive though, the schools need all the support they can get!

  4. says

    LOVE the rug, so perfect for a little boys room! And OKL is fantastic I just recently stumbled across it… but sometimes even their cheap stuff is more than I want to spend πŸ™‚

  5. says

    Those OKL dogs get my pupological clock ticking hardcore! Oooooh, I forgot to tell you! Morg and I were ject approved to adopt by Golden Retriever Rescue! Now we are just waiting on a young pup to come our way!!! Hurrah!

  6. says

    Mmm…we went to the Greek Fest in CLT last weekend and enjoyed all the yummy food. Molly had fun watching the dancers!

    And my roots are starting to show, too…I’ve just recently started color treating my hair and I just don’t have the patience for the process! Yikes! I didn’t realize that I was going to be sitting in that chair for three hours when I made the first appointment.

  7. says

    Those OKL dogs get my pupological clock ticking hardcore! Oooooh, I forgot to tell you! Morg and I were just approved to adopt by Golden Retriever Rescue! Now we are just waiting on a young pup to come our way!!! Hurrah!

  8. says

    Um, wordpress is just randomly posting my comments, so you might receive more. Before it preemptively posted, I was also going to state that I love Greek fest. It’s definitely an annual pig-out!

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