Hayes is 3 months old!

Dear Hayes,

Today you are 3 months old. I just can’t believe it. I want to stop time and I don’t want you to grow up at all. I know that each stage is more fun than the next, but once the stage comes I get sad because I know it will also soon be over. Please stay little forever!

You have been up to some fun stuff this month!

You still love being on your changing table. It’s your happy place. You look around at the window and the curtains and just coo. You love that spot.

Your little play mat is another happy spot. You could probably lie there for 90 minutes just watching all the toys and lights and listening to the music.

You’re still not really showing any signs of trying to roll over. That’s okay! But I am showing you how to do it so maybe you’ll get the urge one day.

You still sleep like a champ. Lately, though, you’ve been waking up a couple of times during the night for five minutes and then going right back to sleep. We’re not sure what that’s about. But you sleep from 7:30 p.m.-7:30 a.m.

We moved you to the new Moms on Call schedule that started between 7:00 a.m.-7:30 a.m. and you go down between 7:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. You seem to like it a lot! So do we!

You’re awake a lot more during the day.

You are so very happy and content. Everyone says that about you and I honestly can’t think of a better way to describe you. Other than your absolute sweetness. But you really just like around, smile every once in a while, and just chill out. You are such a laid back little guy and I think that’s just going to be your personality.

Sometimes we call you “the middle child” because there’s the hope of having another baby someday in the distant future, but just like Hudson will always be my baby, so will you. My sweet babies!

You like being upright and like for me to hold you in a seated position. You’re still not very interested in pushing off with your legs if I stand you up in my lap.

You are long and lean. Still off the charts for height and in the 75th percentile for weight. So I guess you’re not too lean. You’re just much more lean than your brother was!

3 months

size 2 diaper

3-6 month clothes

6 oz bottles

14 pounds

26 inches

Comparisons: Hayes 2 months and 3 months

Comparison: Hudson 3 months and Hayes 3 months

shiny happy Hayes

This is one of those sugary sweet posts that may make you a little sick to your stomach. But I can’t help it. This is just so cute!

I know I keep saying that Hayes is the sweetest, happiest, most content baby and he really is. Of course he has his fussy moments, but they’re very rare. He is just so low maintenance and is always okay to just go with the flow.

We’re pretty proud of him because he had mastered sleeping 9-10 hours at night without waking up, so we decided to do the next phase of Moms on Call, which has them sleeping 11-12 hours. And Hayes did it on his first try! He cried for less than 5 minutes at 5:00 a.m. and was then back to sleep until 7:30 this morning. I love Moms on Call!

He smiles so much. At this age, we had to try really hard to get Hudson to crack a smile, but once Hudson started, he never stopped! Hayes just smiles at us all the time and always seems to get tickled at stuff. It’s like he wants us to know how happy he is to be here. And that just makes my heart flutter!

We are so blessed to have this little guy in our family and I look forward to seeing him every single morning and miss him after he’s gone to bed.

Yesterday I put him in his swing and was talking to him and he started giggling. I was so happy to have had my iPhone with me so I could get it on video. He’s such a happy little guy! I can’t believe he’s almost 3 months old.
*I hope the swing and the fancy camera work don’t give you motion sickness. And I hope my over-the-top mommy voice doesn’t make your ears bleed!

Hayes is 2 months old!

Dear Hayes,

You turned 2 months old on July 5! I can’t believe two months have passed since we were here.

Time is flying so quickly! I already have trouble remembering what our family was like without you in it. You are such a sweet little spirit and we thank God for you every single day.

You are smiling all the time in the mornings and at night. You coo a lot, too. You just need someone to listen! It’s hard to find quiet moments in the house with your big brother around, but we’re listening to you.

You’re a big boy, but still not quite as big as Hudson was. You weighed 12 pounds, 2 ounces at your 2 month appointment and were 24 inches long. Hudson was 15 pounds and 25 3/4 inches long. You’re almost as tall as he was, so you’ll be stuck wearing his hand-me-down clothes for a while longer, at least!

You have become such a good little sleeper in the past couple of weeks thanks to Moms on Call. You sleep 9 straight hours at night without being fed and then go back to sleep for 3 more hours before we start the day.

You’re such an observant little guy. We’ll all be going about our business around the house and I’ll look down at you and you’re just grinning. I’m sure you’re laughing at us on the inside and wondering how on earth you became part of such a crazy family!

Hayes, you’re getting more and more control over your head movement. You’re still a little bobble head though!

You smile as soon as you see your “friends” on your play mat or in the car seat. It’s so funny to hear you try to talk to them.

You are wearing 3 month and some 3-6 month clothes. You have a couple of 0-3 month things that still fit, but you’re just growing so fast!

You wear a size 1 diaper during the day and a size 2 diaper in night.

You take between 5-6 ounces of formula per feeding. We just switched you to Similac Sensitive for Spit-Up and it seems to be a good fit so far.

Look how much you’ve changed in one month!

2 months

12.2 pounds

24 inches long

clothes: size 3 months and 3-6 months

diaper: size 1 for day and size 2 for night

1 month

Hayes is 1 month old!

Dear Hayes,

I cannot believe how quickly your first month has flown by. For most of the first two weeks we had our struggles with you being a “lazy eater” and losing too much weight. Now that we’re strictly on formula (you are taking Similac Sensitive), you are thriving. And I have lots more time to devote to you and your wild brother.

Some days it seems like you spend all day sleeping and some days you are very very alert. You have the brightest eyes and seem to be just taking everything in.

For the most part, you’re really laid back. You manage to sleep through Hudson’s loud noise and the dogs barking. You fall asleep on your own for every nap and every bedtime. You don’t need to be rocked. I still sneak in a couple of minutes of rocking before I put you in your bed.

Right now, we feed you between 8:00-8:30 p.m. and put you to bed. We wake you up for a “dream feeding” at 11:00 and put you back to bed. You sleep until 3:00, eat a little, and go back to sleep until 6:30. You take a morning nap until around 9:00.

You’re a good baby and have fit in so perfectly with our family. We just love you so much!

Your Aunt Nina thought you needed to have your own Jelly Cats stuffed animal to pose with every month. I gave a monkey to Hudson before he was born and Aunt Nina gave you this gorilla. I’m so excited to measure you up next to the gorilla every month to see how big you are!

We love you, baby Hayes!


1 month stats:

Weight: 9 lbs 14 oz
Height: 22 inches
Eating: 3-4 ounces per bottle, 8 bottles per day
Clothes: 0-3 month and some 3 month
Diaper: Size 1

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