shiny happy Hayes

This is one of those sugary sweet posts that may make you a little sick to your stomach. But I can’t help it. This is just so cute!

I know I keep saying that Hayes is the sweetest, happiest, most content baby and he really is. Of course he has his fussy moments, but they’re very rare. He is just so low maintenance and is always okay to just go with the flow.

We’re pretty proud of him because he had mastered sleeping 9-10 hours at night without waking up, so we decided to do the next phase of Moms on Call, which has them sleeping 11-12 hours. And Hayes did it on his first try! He cried for less than 5 minutes at 5:00 a.m. and was then back to sleep until 7:30 this morning. I love Moms on Call!

He smiles so much. At this age, we had to try really hard to get Hudson to crack a smile, but once Hudson started, he never stopped! Hayes just smiles at us all the time and always seems to get tickled at stuff. It’s like he wants us to know how happy he is to be here. And that just makes my heart flutter!

We are so blessed to have this little guy in our family and I look forward to seeing him every single morning and miss him after he’s gone to bed.

Yesterday I put him in his swing and was talking to him and he started giggling. I was so happy to have had my iPhone with me so I could get it on video. He’s such a happy little guy! I can’t believe he’s almost 3 months old.
*I hope the swing and the fancy camera work don’t give you motion sickness. And I hope my over-the-top mommy voice doesn’t make your ears bleed!

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  1. Turner says

    He is sooo cute. I love when Emmy gets giggly like that. Yay for sleeping til 730. Are you doing the example schedule they give you? What time did you give him his last bottle at night? I am having a hard time to get her to eat at 2 and then again at 430/5. We are normally giving last bottle at 8 right now.

  2. Vabelle says

    He is so cute and his sweet laughter just made my day! I’m so happy to hear he’s sleeping so well for y’all!

  3. says

    Precious! So glad you shared Moms on Call…did you just buy the online seminar or did you buy the book too? I was thinking just the seminar…let me know what you think

  4. says

    Yay Hayes! He is so adorable! We are getting ready to start our next Moms on Call schedule (4 month schedule that adds solids). I am so glad it is working for you and he is such a good sleeper. Way to go Momma!

  5. Andrea says

    I have been hearing a lot about Moms on Call and considering it for my 3 mo old who is not a good sleeper. I have heard they use a “cry-it-out” method and I am not sure I am comfortable with that at such a young age. Sears website:
    But I am not getting good sleep and would like to know what your take is on the concerns that baby looses trust in environment and desensitizes caregivers to baby’s cries? I am just doing research before deciding to do it or not. I realize it is not for everyone and no judgement either way, just wanting your opinion. Thanks!

  6. says

    He is such a good baby and SO STINKIN’ CUTE! Seriously. And sleeping through the night?? Amazing.

    I don’t know why it wouldn’t let me watch the video…I’ll try again later!

  7. says


    I’m not sure if it’s my pregnancy hormones in high gear or what, but that was the cutest and sweetest video of Mr Hayes! He is just adorable and I am counting my weeks before my September due date with my little girl until I get to hear her coo like that too. I have loved reading your blog for the past few years and have learned so much on being a wife and mommy and christian and can relate to so many things (and insecurities) you have posted about. As my next chapter at being a Mommy of two soon begins, I only hope to have it all under control, as you seem to.

    I am definitely going to learn more about the Moms on Call that you have mentioned, and am hoping to get Brynley to sleep well, once she gets here! My son Ryder, who is now 2 1/2 was never a good sleeper, so I have prayed this whole pregnancy that she will be like her Momma and like to sleep ha! You have the cutest family and I just love reading your blog.


  8. says

    Erin, he’s seriously the cutest little baby boy! So happy to hear he’s been such a great baby for you all! You make having two little ones close in age look so easy! I plan on having mine close in age once we start in a couple years and it’s so nice to see your family doing so well! Keep up the sugary posts! I love em! 🙂 Have a great day!

  9. says

    Aw, he looks like you! Such a cutie. My sister was a happy, content baby like that. Giggled and laughed at everything. Me, not so much.

  10. Kristy says

    Sweet Hayes’ giggles was just what I needed to remind me that there are so many more sweet moments in a childs life that make up for the moments when they’re being terrible. My 20 month old son was asked to leave his music class today because he was being fussy. When the teacher said under her breath in the middle of a song, “Take him out please” I had to catch my breath to make sure I heard her correctly. I’m in no way going to pretend my child does no wrong, and I have voluntarily taken him out of class before when I thought he was being a little disruptive, but in his defense, today he wasn’t even being that bad and I think it had more to do with the fact that we were sitting right next to the teacher. As a parent, it just stung (mainly my ego). It only got worse when later in class he threw his musical instruments and pushed a little girl down. I was so embarassed and frustrated, when class was over I just got in the car, called my husband and cried. I really hope this is just a stage, but I can’t help but feel I’m failing as a parent during times like this. Sorry for such the long post, I guess I just needed to vent.

  11. Elizabeth says

    Great post…love your honest feelings on motherhood.
    Our son is obsessed with Elmo and Hudson looks
    adorable in his Elmo personalized t-shirt.
    Would you mind sharing where you bought the Elmo

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