Hayes is 2 months old!

Dear Hayes,

You turned 2 months old on July 5! I can’t believe two months have passed since we were here.

Time is flying so quickly! I already have trouble remembering what our family was like without you in it. You are such a sweet little spirit and we thank God for you every single day.

You are smiling all the time in the mornings and at night. You coo a lot, too. You just need someone to listen! It’s hard to find quiet moments in the house with your big brother around, but we’re listening to you.

You’re a big boy, but still not quite as big as Hudson was. You weighed 12 pounds, 2 ounces at your 2 month appointment and were 24 inches long. Hudson was 15 pounds and 25 3/4 inches long. You’re almost as tall as he was, so you’ll be stuck wearing his hand-me-down clothes for a while longer, at least!

You have become such a good little sleeper in the past couple of weeks thanks to Moms on Call. You sleep 9 straight hours at night without being fed and then go back to sleep for 3 more hours before we start the day.

You’re such an observant little guy. We’ll all be going about our business around the house and I’ll look down at you and you’re just grinning. I’m sure you’re laughing at us on the inside and wondering how on earth you became part of such a crazy family!

Hayes, you’re getting more and more control over your head movement. You’re still a little bobble head though!

You smile as soon as you see your “friends” on your play mat or in the car seat. It’s so funny to hear you try to talk to them.

You are wearing 3 month and some 3-6 month clothes. You have a couple of 0-3 month things that still fit, but you’re just growing so fast!

You wear a size 1 diaper during the day and a size 2 diaper in night.

You take between 5-6 ounces of formula per feeding. We just switched you to Similac Sensitive for Spit-Up and it seems to be a good fit so far.

Look how much you’ve changed in one month!

2 months

12.2 pounds

24 inches long

clothes: size 3 months and 3-6 months

diaper: size 1 for day and size 2 for night

1 month

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  1. says

    He’s so cute and getting so big!

    I laughed reading this because I call the hanging toys on Landon’s play mat his “friends” too! 🙂

  2. says

    Precious post! I love your commitment to your family – inspiring. I also love that you got your Masters. I am pursuing my Masters degree right now but still want to be devoted to our future kids….

  3. says

    How is he two months old?!?! Make it slow down!!

    I just read your last post and completely agree about the little one being your whole world. Can’t even imagine…. But also, how much does Hudson look JUST LIKE TC in that first picture?!?!? Uncanny!!!

  4. says

    What is Moms on Call? I’m not a mom yet, but anything that can get a kiddo sleeping 9 hrs through the night sounds very promising for the future!

  5. Jenn Morgan says

    Where did you get the month stickers on Hayes’ onesie? I think I remember reading a post about them. They would be great for my own little sweetie when she arrives.

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