Hayes is 3 months old!

Dear Hayes,

Today you are 3 months old. I just can’t believe it. I want to stop time and I don’t want you to grow up at all. I know that each stage is more fun than the next, but once the stage comes I get sad because I know it will also soon be over. Please stay little forever!

You have been up to some fun stuff this month!

You still love being on your changing table. It’s your happy place. You look around at the window and the curtains and just coo. You love that spot.

Your little play mat is another happy spot. You could probably lie there for 90 minutes just watching all the toys and lights and listening to the music.

You’re still not really showing any signs of trying to roll over. That’s okay! But I am showing you how to do it so maybe you’ll get the urge one day.

You still sleep like a champ. Lately, though, you’ve been waking up a couple of times during the night for five minutes and then going right back to sleep. We’re not sure what that’s about. But you sleep from 7:30 p.m.-7:30 a.m.

We moved you to the new Moms on Call schedule that started between 7:00 a.m.-7:30 a.m. and you go down between 7:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. You seem to like it a lot! So do we!

You’re awake a lot more during the day.

You are so very happy and content. Everyone says that about you and I honestly can’t think of a better way to describe you. Other than your absolute sweetness. But you really just like around, smile every once in a while, and just chill out. You are such a laid back little guy and I think that’s just going to be your personality.

Sometimes we call you “the middle child” because there’s the hope of having another baby someday in the distant future, but just like Hudson will always be my baby, so will you. My sweet babies!

You like being upright and like for me to hold you in a seated position. You’re still not very interested in pushing off with your legs if I stand you up in my lap.

You are long and lean. Still off the charts for height and in the 75th percentile for weight. So I guess you’re not too lean. You’re just much more lean than your brother was!

3 months

size 2 diaper

3-6 month clothes

6 oz bottles

14 pounds

26 inches

Comparisons: Hayes 2 months and 3 months

Comparison: Hudson 3 months and Hayes 3 months

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  1. says

    Oh my goodness, I cannot believe he is three months already. So sweet! Glad to hear Hayes is sleeping well and you are getting rest.

  2. says

    I just found your blog. It’s beautiful! I have 4 & 6 year old (7 in 3 weeks, boo hoo) daughters. It is crazy how fast time goes with the second one, it flies by. I remember growing up and summers stretching on forever and each school year seeming like an eternity. I feel like both my girls were just three months old! I’m like you, I know the best is yet to come, but I so mourn each passing stage. You should see how I cry when I’m putting clothes away to pass on to their niece.

  3. Turner says

    Happy 3 months Hayes! Emmeline and Hayes have so much in common. I love how you mentioned the love for the changing table. I had never really mentioned that about Em because I thought it was so weird, but at night when she gets fussy we just take her in there and lay her down and she’s fine. She also looooves her playmat and doesn’t feel any need to try and roll over yet. Wish our babies could meet one day!

  4. carrie says

    I can’t get over how big & long your babies are!! They both look like happy babies too!! Yay!!
    Hope to meet them both soon! XOXO. 🙂

  5. Amanda says

    Wow, time flies! Hayes has really started to look like Hudson. You guys must have some strong genes 🙂

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