Five on Friday

*I’ve kind of slacked off the blog this week. And, you know, sometimes that’s just the way it is. Family comes first. Fun comes first. Writing an actual blog post doesn’t take longer than 45 minutes for me, but keeping up with comments, emails, and everything else does take up a lot of time. And I just haven’t felt much like opening that door this week. It’s the ebb and flow of blogging, and the fun comes and goes. 

I’m linking up today with Darci and the other girls for Five on Friday to share some things I’m loving and just some other fun things I want to share on this Friday!

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1. I am absolutely loving this T-Rex wedding party photo that went viral. Todd and I saw it on the Today Show yesterday morning and just laughed and laughed! (We’re big Jurassic Park fans.) I just love the looks on everyone’s faces! It must have been so much fun to do this.

(photos by Baton Rouge photographer, Quinn Miller)

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2. We are Knoxville-bound today. We’re hitting the road for Tennessee later this morning and heading to the wedding of one of Todd’s good friends from law school. We’re bringing Hudson and Hayes with us, and I’m just so excited to have a little weekend out of town. And super excited to see some good friends and a beautiful wedding.

3. We went to the zoo twice this week with friends. We’re trying to make the most of the cooler (80-degree) mornings and get to the zoo before it gets too hot. We met Emily and Jack there on Tuesday, and then met John, Dolan, and Emma there on Wednesday. The big kids got ICEEs. A Coke ICEE was my favorite thing in the world when I was a kid.


We are so ready to be getting to the pool every afternoon. Next week, that’s our plan!

4. I’ve been such a Pure Barre slacker this summer. I used to go to a class that met at 9:30, right after I dropped the boys off at preschool for the morning on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. But the early morning class is at 6:00 a.m., and I’d have to wake up at 5:00. And I just don’t see that happening. But, goodness knows I need to tone, burn, and lift! It’s swimsuit season, friends! I’m trying to work out a couple of mornings and one evening that I can get back to Pure Barre.

5. The house has outside walls! And we chose our roof shingle color! Progress, people! Our expected move-in date is October 1. We moved into Nana’s house on November 18, so that’s pretty good progress.


We still don’t have stairs in the house, so I haven’t been up to the second floor to see the kids’ rooms and the kids’ den/playroom. But I’m so excited to get up there!

We have plenty of furniture and don’t plan to buy brand new everything. I like the things we have and we plan to use them in the new house. But we will have a screened-in porch with fireplace right off the kitchen, and I’ve been pinning away looking for outdoor furniture ideas.

I want it to be a super comfortable, relaxing space we can use year-round. Wish a swing, an outdoor sofa, an ottoman, a TV (for SEC football!), and gas lights! It make take a while to acquire all the furniture to make the space what I dream of.


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  1. HeatherM says

    Your vision for your sunroom is just beautiful! Don’t fret too much about the cost of all of the furniture. The nice thing about outdoor furniture is that it goes on mega-sale in late summer to fall. Just keep an eye out for what you want, and watch for the sales as the seasons change. The other nice thing about building your house (and sunroom) from scratch is you can add in architectural elements to make the house more charming. What do you think of a bead-board ceiling in a sunroom? My mom did this and it added SO much character to the the room. Happy house planning!

  2. says

    Don’t apologize for prioritizing life 🙂 I always look forward to your blog posts, but of course we all understand why you can’t blog each and everyday.

    The t-rex wedding photos are really funny! I hadn’t seen those before. I just shared them with my husband and I’m glad we’re already married because he would have wanted us to do something similar at our wedding! Ha!

    The second picture of the porch area is so inviting! Looks like a great place to play, curl up with a good book or glass of wine!

    Happy Friday!

  3. says

    I saw that wedding photo last night on the way to HG and couldn’t stop laughing. So funny!

    I can’t wait to have an outdoor living space…and screened in…even better. The two you’ve pictured are beautiful!! You’ll be in the new house for the holidays…so fun!!

  4. says

    Yay! So glad that you linked-up!! I’m list driven, so bare with me as this might be long! Ha!

    1.) Oh my goodness…. this is my first time seeing this!! How hilarious is that! And creative! Have to show that to my hubby – he’ll be upset he didn’t think of something so clever!

    2.) Yay for road trips! We’r’e doing the same today…. in fact, I should be getting ready. 🙁 Y’all have fun and drive safe!!

    3.) Way to go on two trips to the zoo in one week!! I actually thought about it on Monday but then remembered that I live in Houston and it’s already beyond hot and oh, so stinking humid that it’s almost unbearable! And Coke ICEEs are my love language! 😉

    4.) I saw you post about the class on FB (or IG??) this week and meant to see if there’s a class close by. But then I probably ate a cupcake and went to bed. Not okay. Not okay.

    5.) I LOVE seeing photos of your home being built — it is going to be gorgeous!! Sign me up for one of those fabulous back patios with as well! 😉 So happy for you guys!

    Happy weekend to you and your crew! So thrilled you joined us for the link-up! Save travels and hope y’all have a wonderful weekend getaway {although a little bit messier / chaotic / busier / wild-er time with toddlers in tow, but still so much fun!!}.

  5. Christy says

    You should check out They have a subscription services for $15/month. You can quit any time too. I like it…not as much as a class at a studio but it is a great option when my season of life doesn’t let me get to the studio!

  6. Christine says

    I am originally from Knoxville! I miss it sooo much! Now I am just south of your parents (I think) in Indiana. Make sure you go to Calhoun’s for BBQ or Litton’s for a burger! Litton’s is my choice of the two. You can not beat their burger or desserts.

  7. says

    I DIED when I saw that wedding picture the other day because it is HYSTERICAL. I’m watching Lost World as I type this. I’m a Jurassic Park nut. I love Hudson’s HoneyBeeTee’s cap. I told James earlier this week he can pick one out because his old cap is too small. I am going to be so jealous of your screened in porch with a fireplace. Do you read Dixie Delights? Her porch is my absolute favorite thing. I want her whole house! Have fun in Knoxville!

  8. says

    Have fun in TN! We love it here in Nashville. How far is Knoxville from Columbia? We love Kiawah but usually go via Atlanta to break up the trip and see family. Blogging is lots of work. I keep doing it for the memories but have slacked off a lot. Your house is really coming along. I’d love a screen porch. So fun! Parties out there will be a blast. I want to try PureBarre- are the results worth the time and money? Happy Travels!

  9. anonymous says

    i love that photo – so fun and SO funny. we basically never left the couch and watched every jurassic park movie over the holiday weekend. your house looks amazing. sometimes until i see the photos, i forget that your still at nana’s. you’ve done a really good job of filling this year (cause it will be a year…wow!) with normal family stuff. good job on that front! i like the idea of keeping your existing furniture. i bet it will go a long way toward making your new house feel like home. i’ve often thought i’d be on decision overload with new construction. picking everything would be great AND i can imagine it would also feel overwhelming deciding on *every* floor and fixture and color and cabinet pull and finish….

  10. says

    That’s it.. The porch makes it official-I’m moving in.
    That wedding picture is hysterical.
    I love that picture of Hudson and his friends-so sweet.

  11. says

    I’m so glad we got to visit! Sending you a text now- ha, hope the return trip was a lot quicker, and no one’s car blew up! xoxoxoxo

  12. says

    LOVE your porch ideas. I just got a new outdoor sofa and I really like it, both price and durability because the cushion covers come off so that you can wash them , but it may be too modern for your taste! Its the Griffin Strathwood Sofa etc on amazon.

  13. says

    have you ever seen the blog dixie delights? she has a GORGEOUS back porch/fireplace area… lots of southern accents. 🙂

    Your house is coming along so well! BEAUTIFUL!

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