Hudson is 22 months old!

My dear Hudson,

You turned 22 months old on April 5. The next time I write one of these letters to you, you’ll be a big brother! But that doesn’t mean you have to grow up any faster.

I love that you assert your independence as an almost 2-year-old, but still ask me to hold you and give you kisses. This age is such a fun age with you. I know I say that every single month and it does seem like each month only gets more and more fun as you learn to do more and say more.

You are so observant and I am still convinced that you have some kind of photographic memory. You have the entire book Goodnight Moon memorized. We hear you reading it to yourself in the monitor at night after we’ve read it to you. You almost have all of Green Eggs and Ham memorized, too.

The entire cast of Sesame Street are your absolute favorites. You love to name them all and talk about them. The giant Elmo that KK gave you has to be right next to you in bed every night and sometimes you drag him around the house talking to him. The other day you said, “Did Elmo poo poo? Elmo need a change?” I thought it was hilarious.

You still love your ABCs and love to call out letters when you see them on street signs, license plates, and signs on buildings. Your favorite, though, is H-U-D-S-O-N.

You are still going to school two days a week and your favorite time at school is circle time when you all sit in a circle and sing songs. You get in the car every day singing “Twinkle Twinkle,” “Itsy Bitsy Spider,” “Jesus Loves Me”, and “Wheels on the Bus.” You also love to sing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song and the Hot Dog song. You really are a happy kid.

You are one hundred percent boy and love cars, trucks, tractor, fire trucks, garbage trucks, and any other heavy machinery. You love being outside and climbing things.

You have recently really started loving to color. I got you a big sketch pad and some twist top Crayons and you will sit and try to write your letters and draw pictures of the dogs. You love naming all of the colors and saying, “Do you see the green?” Or “Do you see the pink?”

I am afraid you have a bit of a bossy streak. You are always telling the dogs to hush and get in their kennels. And yesterday at school you were telling one of your friends to stop crying while he waited for his mommy to get there.

This month we’ve talked a lot about Easter, the Easter bunny, and Easter eggs, but we’ve also told you about Jesus on the cross and how much He loves you, Hudson. I hope that you always know how much He loves you and that you continue to grow to love Jesus, too. That is my biggest prayer.

I am so excited about watching you become a big brother to sweet little Hayes. I can’t wait to see the things that you teach him and show him. I can’t wait to see how different the two of you will be and see your similarities.

We love you so much and are so proud of you!



Clothes: 2T shorts, 3T shirts, and 3T John Johns and longalls

Diaper: Size 6 (time for potty!)

Shoes: Size 7

Weight: 32 pounds

these are my confessions

I haven’t done one of these in a few weeks, so I guess I’m due.

1. I am addicted to Words With Friends. I got addicted while I was in the hospital and didn’t have the attention span to read or watch TV, so I just played Words With Friends. Love it! Wanna play?

2. I have stretch marks. They showed up about a week ago. Super sad day. But… my linea negra hasn’t made its appearance yet, so at least I have that going for me. Except the stretch marks are permanent and the linea negra fades over time. Boo to stretch marks. I wasn’t planning on ever wearing a bikini again anyway.

3. Ever since the kidney infection episode, I am terrified of a repeat infection. So every single time I wake up during the night, I get up to use the restroom. Last night, I got out of bed seven times. Seven!

4. I am wearing a purple maxi maternity dress today. I am one hundred percent positive that nothing in my maternity wardrobe makes me look bigger than this dress, but it is comfortable. I have gotten a few compliments while wearing it, but I kind of get the impression that people say, “you look so cute” because they know they can’t say, “whoa mama!” Just a couple more weeks.

5. I sat down to make an Easter wreath last night because I’m feeling festive. I have these adorable eggs and bought a grape vine wreath and some really cute ribbon. And then I just couldn’t get the hot glue to make everything stick together. I called my mom, the wreath master, and she told me I should be using floral wire. So I just gave up on the wreath for 2011 and will revisit it in 2012. I decided to put the eggs in these fun Willow House hurricanes and a bowl instead. It works for now.

6. I still haven’t gotten our baby swing or infant car seat out of storage. Not exactly sure what I’m waiting for.

7. Hayes’s nursery isn’t finished either. Poor guy. In my defense, Hudson’s wasn’t finished until the night before I went into the hospital, so I guess it’s normal for us. I think I’m just waiting on my mom to arrive to put the finishing touches on everything.

8. I’m afraid Hudson may be a bossy kid. When I picked him up at school today, one of my friends’ little boys was crying and Hudson kept saying “no no,” “stop,” and “hush” to him. Kind of funny. Kind of bossy.

Do you have any confessions for today?

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