it's a boy!

Oh, my word! How is everyone doing? I got a couple of emails asking if I was alright since I hadn’t blogged in a while. Yes! We are doing great. I’m super tired, and I feel like some days are really slow and some days we just go, go, go until we drop.

The baby and I are doing great. Todd and I went to my appointment last Tuesday and we decided to go ahead and find out the sex. The sweet ultrasound tech that has been with us through pregnancies with Hudson and Hayes started showing us the profile, and she rolled it over and said, “And here’s baby’s bottom….”

And there it was! Todd and I both shouted, “There it is!” And we just laughed and laughed. And then I was overwhelmed with happy tears. There was no mistaking that we were having a baby boy. A very proud baby boy.

In that moment, I imagined meeting him for the first time, introducing him to his brothers, and watching them play in the backyard and at baseball practice. I imagined Hudson being old enough to pick up the little guy from school. It’s crazy how your mind can go to all of these places, for someone you’ve not even met yet… but my heart is full of so much love.

I am 18 weeks now… almost 19 weeks. It will be so nice to reach the halfway mark! Some days I look very very pregnant, and some days it’s not quite as obvious. It’s the difference between maternity clothes and regular clothes.

I’ve been feeling great, just so tired still. I don’t get sick until I brush my teeth. It’s really the worst feeling in the world for me. I get so worked up before I brush my teeth, too, because I just know I’m going to feel sick.

I’m ready to start getting out the baby clothes and getting everything washed in sweet Dreft. We’re ready to get the nursery going (and get Hayes and Hudson moved in together). And we’ll announce his name soon. We aren’t 100% settled on it, but I can say that it’s not an H name this time.

Hudson, Hayes, and I flew to Indiana last Tuesday after the appointment to visit my parents and for me to attend the Influence Conference. I got to spend a couple of days with my parents before going to the  conference, and the boys got to spend the week with my parents. We told the boys the happy news on Wednesday morning.



My friend Blair made a couple of baby gowns for me. One that said “little brother” and one that said “little sister.” I was planning to wrap up the one we needed (and gift the other one! ha!) once we found out.

So my mom wrapped up the “little brother” gown, and Hudson and Hayes got to open the box, and Hudson read it to Hayes. They were both confused thinking that the baby would actually be inside the box. Then they went outside to find blue balloons for them. They were both so excited! They both kept saying, “I wanted a brother!”



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  1. Keisha Dawson says

    So excited to see an new post from you this morning and for your news about another little boy! You are such an incredible mommy!

  2. says

    Congratulations!!! My mind is just like yours. I imagine all the kids at Thanksgiving or my oldest coming home from college when my youngest is a tween! My second child wanted a baby brother soo badly that he refused to admit we were having a girl and even called her Thomas Percy throughout the pregnancy. When he met her in the hospital he said “she looks like a boy” and everything has been great since ;). My older son was excited to have a sister because he didn’t have one of those yet. I hope the sickness gets better soon!

  3. says

    So happy for y’all!! We have 3 boys too… about the same ages as yours. 5 and 1/2, 3, and 7 months. They love each other deeply and are so much fun! Congratulations again!!

  4. Hannah J. says

    Congratulations! I am pregnant with our third boy too, following a miscarriage last year. I can relate to your story well. I’m sure you’re already hearing people say, “Aw, had you been hoping for a girl?” or “I guess you’ll be trying again for a girl, won’t you?” Weirds me out every time. . .we could NOT be happier about three little boys!

  5. says

    I saw the picture of the sweet boys on IG and it totally made my day!! Their faces – I love hearing the story now!!! So sweet!! Glad you are feeling good-ish – hate that brushing your teeth makes you feel sick! That is SO NOT OKAY!! Hang in there, mama!!

  6. says

    Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you. A crew of boys will be a blast and you will always be the Queen Bee. Loved seeing your baby bump yesterday on IG- so sweet to sit and ponder. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy – it sure is a special time.

  7. lily says

    a very belated congratulations to you, erin! so excited for you. it’s official – you are a BOY mom supreme!

  8. says

    I’m so glad that things are going well with you so far! I’ve got about 2 more weeks to go until our third little one arrives and I can honestly say that I am BEAT! I feel like I’m just in survival mode at this point! 🙂

  9. says

    So excited for you all! Your boys are just precious. We are having a little boy as well! I think we are due a few weeks apart. Little boys are so much fun! We just picked a name, let the monogramming begin!

  10. Lenora Riedel says

    Hi Erin,
    Congrats on 3 boys!! I have 2 and love every minute of them. 🙂 I just had a thought on your brushing your teeth situation, if it hasn’t already gotten better. Have you tried cinnamon flavored toothpaste? I know cinnamon always helped my nausea, so I was thinking it might help you! Good luck on the last half of your pregnancy!

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