Throwback Thursday Stories : sweet summertime

My friend Jessica Turner of The Mom Creative hosts this fantastic link up on Thursdays called Throwback Thursday Stories. It basically takes the #tbt idea a little bit further and you can tell the story behind the photo.

I don’t know about you, but I can turn into a weepy mess if I start looking through my iPhoto account. I see pictures from pre-Todd days and pictures when we were engaged, and then married, and then we welcomed our babies. It’s so crazy that your whole life can appear right before your eyes in photos.

In honor of the beginning of summer for us, I chose this picture for today’s Throwback Thursday Story.


I love this picture of sweet, round, little 14-month-old Hudson. He’s carefree. He’s totally unaware of his extreme wardrobe (or lack therof) choice.

My mom, Hudson, and I had gone to Tennessee to visit my cousin and her daughter. She and Hudson are about five months apart in age, and we just couldn’t wait to get them together. It was in the middle of August in Tennessee, and we decided to let the kids run around in the sprinkler.

So we stripped them down to a diaper, put on some water shoes and a hat, and then somehow they found golf clubs. They ran around like this for an hour and just loved it.

This is summer to me. Maybe not so much the diaper part. But being outside. Running through the sprinkler. Soaking up the moments with your kids because they don’t care if you’re sweating and they really just want to be with you having some simple fun.

The pace is a lot slower and sometimes that’s hard on us. Too much time at the house can make us go a little stir crazy. But these days will be over before I know it. August will come back around and they’ll head off to preschool and Hudson will be in kindergarten.

I’m trying to say yes this summer. Yes to a random day trip to the beach. (Thank heavens we live within driving distance.) Yes to sprinklers in the yard. Yes to a bike ride when it’s blazing hot outside and I’ve already washed my hair. Yes to movies on a rainy day. Yes to staying up late just to hang out together. Yes to wacky outfits in the yard because it’s the carefree way to be.

Who’s with me?

What’s your favorite summer memory?

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  1. says

    So darn cute! I love doing #tbt posts. I started doing them at the beginning of the year to “back blog” events that happened pre-blog. Everyone loves a good throwback 🙂 Have a great day!

  2. says

    Awww, yay for just saying yes! When my son asks for night time snuggles after we’ve already put him in bed, I have to remember to just say yes, he’s not always going to ask for snuggles and I just need to stop and enjoy the moment instead of thinking of the 100 things I could/should be doing instead. I might have to link up next week, what a great idea!

  3. says

    I love that you will be saying yes. As a mom to 5 all-grown-up kids, I cherish those memories of ‘yes days.’ Enjoy every one of them. Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Alison says

    I always love our time at the beach, but our road trip to New Orleans last summer was pretty fantastic. We did two nights at Orange Beach and then from there headed to on to Louisiana. My kids learned about getting truckers to honk their horn (which I thought was hilarious), we had a full list of must eats in NOLA that we all loved checking off a list, all the live musicians and artists everywhere topped off with a Father’s Day brunch at Commander’s Palace. It was perfect!

    Add an outing to Krispy Kreme on National Doughnut day to your list of summer activities. My kids thought it was the best!

  5. says

    Fantastic idea for the summer of “yes”! I too am trying to do the same because we will be welcoming our second son in September and I want to soak up all the special time I can with my little guy right now before he isn’t the only one anymore!

  6. says

    Eating watermelon on the back porch, naked as a jay bird! I just love summer time. Oh, thought of you this morning- the Lee brothers have a recipe for strawberry icebox desert in this month’s Garden & Gun. Maybe you should try it instead of the pie, because it looks incredible!

  7. says

    Baby Hudson!! Amazing how much he has changed since then.

    Summer to me is dinner outside from the grill with a cold beer, day after day after day at the pool, windows down in the car to cool it off before the AC kicks in, and spontaneous trips for ice cream in the evenings!

  8. says

    my parents used to sometimes pile us up in the truck with sack lunches and we would go out to the lake or to grand isle and put out crab traps off the bank and catch crabs and then head home and have a crab boil for dinner. We loved it back then, it was so fun!

    Another memory I have of the spring-summer is when we would go out to the Bonnet Carre and go pick blackberries in the woods! 🙂

    Also, my parents grew all of our veggies in a summer garden. I have fond memories of when I was little of going in there to help my mom pick snap beans for dinner and I would wind up eating more raw green beans than I picked in the garden! I would also sneak in there and eat tomatoes off the plants, too. I’d pick them, stuff them in my shirt, and then go into my treehouse to read and eat my snacks. 🙂

  9. Immeasurably More Mama says

    Not sure what happened above but it posted my comment twice and didn’t post all of it…oh, well.

  10. Barbara says

    Going to the lake and my daddy grilling his wonderful hamburgers. Going on picnics I love doing this and I still love doing this. I have a lot of great childhood summer time memories.Happy Summer!!

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