white space isn't the answer

white space 9

Throughout the past three weeks of examining, purging, clearing, praying and creating margin, I have hoped.

I’ve hoped for freedom. I’ve hoped for clarity. I’ve hoped for more time in the day. I’ve hoped for more laughs and less rushing. I’ve hoped for a big moment where my dreams fall into my lap because I’m going through all of these exercises to allow room for things to happen.

And while creating all of this white space is fantastic; it clears my heart and my mind and my day, and it makes me more intentional and it allows a place for my story to stop and God’s story for me to begin, it isn’t all.

The white space is great, but it isn’t the answer.

My hope is in the cross.

White space won’t make me any better or more valuable or more productive anymore than a calendar full of yeses and a closet full of clothes will make me valuable or productive.

I can have a calendar without one ounce of breathing room, but if I have Jesus, I know that I can trust in that. Even if I didn’t pencil Him in on that day, He isn’t going to leave me.

I can have a closet full of clothes that I bought in hopes of feeling a certain way when I wear them, but they’re robbing me of white space and causing me daily anxiety. But if I have Jesus, I know that He will clothe me and cover me.

On this journey, I’ve been praying that I can release the need to hang on to the stuff, and that I can find daily freedom in walking with Him. I’ve prayed that I can trust Him to know exactly what I need and to fill all the space where I’ve made room.

Creating room for Him to move has given me the freedom to stop striving and pushing and creating more. And it has also given me so much clarity as to what is the most important. Where I want to focus my time and energy. But my eyes are on the cross as I listen for Him to tell me where to go.

He isn’t my margin. He is my body. And giving Him the room to move in me, in my family, and in my home has been a true act of worship.

This is Day 25 of 31 Days of Creating White Space 


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  1. says

    This is my favorite post in this series 🙂

    I try to create margin by getting rid of ‘stuff’ but yes, ultimately the peace comes from HIM. But, getting rid of the stuff does make me able to focus on what’s important.

    Thanks for sharing! I love your heart.

  2. says

    I think creating white space is an important part of the creative process. I like how you turned it back to God being your leader though. I am currently working on releasing things back to God and following his lead in these adventures that he has given me.

  3. says

    Love how you can turn a post that I think is going to be about white spaces in my home into a post about Jesus! You really have a way with your words. Love that you’re sharing Jesus with all of us.

  4. says

    Spot-on viewpoint. I recently shared the following with my church during an all-church journey…and this is directly relatable to seeking white space. Keep up the great writing! You are a blessing to us!
    “The world’s kingdom is not where I want to be, so I’ve run from it – desperately and without direction. God has revealed to me that it isn’t about running from the world, but it’s about running to God’s Kingdom.”

  5. says

    This is by far one of my most favorite posts you’ve done. I’ve been struggling so much with the words “hope” and “grace” lately. You have been such a blessing to your readers! Thank you for opening up your heart to us. 🙂

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