2013 trip to Orange Beach, Alabama

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Coming home from vacation and getting back into the swing of things always feels like such a shock. We spent the last week in Orange Beach, Alabama. It’s where I vacationed every summer when I was growing up in Louisiana, and we still made the drive down there when we moved to Indiana.

South Carolina beaches are much closer to us, but I still like to get to Orange Beach once a year, if possible. My parents joined us again this year, and it was so wonderful.

We stayed at Turquoise Place this year, and the kids absolutely loved it. When we do vacation, we are truly on vacation. We stay in and cook. We spend nap times on the beach or on the balcony. We just keep it as low key as possible.

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Hudson loves everything about the beach. He loves the pool, the ocean, the sand, the lazy river. Our condo building had a lazy river that the boys got the biggest kick out of. Hudson has been swimming so well this summer, that it made us even more comfortable with him being so brave.  (He also tans so quickly! How did that happen when Todd and I are both oh so pale?)

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Hayes loved everything in moderation. He could take a little bit of sand and a little bit of ocean. He loved the pool, but when he was hungry, he was done. If we kept him snacking and kept his belly full, he was the happiest camper you ever did see. He even liked the lazy river a little bit.

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They got to stay up late and watch lots of Mickey Mouse movies. My parents and Todd and I all went to bed soon after the boys did every night. Central time still confuses me so much! I’m not used to going to bed after the 10:00 news!

We all took the boys out to play miniature golf one night. Neither of them had ever played putt putt, so it was an exciting time. It was hot as all get out, but we loved watching the boys. (If you follow me on Instagram, you got to see some pretty stinking cute videos of Hayes “playing” mini golf.)

Hayes loved to just walk over and drop it in the hole. And Hudson basically shoveled it in with his putter. But they loved it and cried when it was over.  (The rest of us were just thankful to get out of the heat!) My boys were so sweaty that night.

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My boys absolutely adore their grandparents, and that was definitely the best part of the trip. We don’t get to live in the same city as my parents, so our visits together are so special.

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We sat on the balcony a few times a day and read or just watched the dolphins in the morning. My dad said that the last day of a beach vacation just has the saddest feeling looming over it. And it’s true. The last day always feels so sad because you know it’s ending.

Another really great part of the trip was that I got to see two of my dearest friends. Megan was in Orange Beach with her family and Nina was in town with her family. Megan, Nina, baby Caroline, and I all met up for lunch at The Gulf. It was such a fun and cute little place to eat. And the company was fantastic!

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Todd and I had dinner with Nina and Joe at Cobalt one night. It was such a fun double date and so great for Todd and Joe to finally meet after all these years!

The next night, Nina came to our place with her family for us to eat an amazing meal that her mom prepared! We had gone to the best restaurant in town the night before, and Kiki’s meal was ten times better than that meal. It was the first time for my parents to meet her parents, and that was just so much fun for us.

And Hudson and Hayes got to play with Jack and Caroline. Hudson instantly fell in love with baby Caroline, and cried when she left. And the boys had a fun time together… and by the time we said goodnight, they were finally starting to share!

It was a really, really great trip. And the integration back into reality is not as much fun. But we’re gearing up for the start of preschool in a few weeks, and loving our transition back into a nice little family routine.


*My friend, Sheaffer from Pinterest Told Me To, is celebrating her 1st blogging birthday with a super fun giveaway to Nordstrom for $365! If you’re not reading Sheaffer’s blog, I highly recommend it. She is stylish, funny, and just a great girl to know. And now’s the perfect time to start reading because she’s hosting a pretty stinking awesome giveaway! 

Pinterest Told Me To Birthday Week cropped




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  1. says

    What a wonderful post! It was the best vacation! So many special memories made and having our families together was definitely the highlight! Makes me even more sad that we live so far away, but it gives us more to look forward to when we do get to see each other. Love you and your precious and I am thankful we are all home safe and sound. xoxo

  2. says

    I’m thinking you need to move your boys to the beach. They are clearly right at home with the sand between their toes. 🙂 That picture of red cheeked Hayes playing putt putt is precious!
    And thanks for the sweet words about the blog and for the birthday love! So grateful to be bloggy friends, and hoping that one day we can meet in real life! 🙂

  3. says

    Just discovered your blog last week while you were away, so I’m glad you had a nice trip. I know what you mean about going back to your childhood beach. We are at Nags Head, NC this week on vacation and I have so many good childhood memories here too! Good luck getting back into the routine – I’ll be right there with you next week! 🙁

  4. says

    we have never tried out orange beach, but after this recap we may have to give it a go sometime soon!! looks like you and your boys had an absolute blast together (as always)…family beach vacays are the best!!!

    cannot believe you’ve almost got a preschooler on your hands…YIPPEE

  5. Christina Mitchell says

    Wow. I have got to start a family blog just so you can see how much we do the same things. Lol! We vacationed at Orange Beach back in April for Springbreak and we loved it soo much we are going again for Labor Day Weekend!! Glad you guys had a great time. Let me know the next time you are in the ATL you have to have a blogger meetup. Take care,

    Christina M.

  6. says

    Looks like ya’ll had a great time! Our beach trip next summer will be our first with a child so you will have to give me some pointers come July!

  7. says

    This looks like such a fun time. I’m happy you guys were able to get away and enjoy some time with your family. Also? Hudson is huge! I can’t believe how grown up he is looking. Good job mama 🙂

  8. says

    I grew up vacationing every summer in North Carolina and loved it. But once we moved to Oklahoma, we wanted a closer beach to visit. It took awhile for us to find it, but we adore Gulf Shores and Orange Beach and have been going every year for the last 6 years. We just love it! Glad you had a great time!! We saw The Gulf restaurant this year for the first time…didn’t have a chance to try it but hope to next year.

  9. says

    What a fun week! I know the feeling of returning from vacation but it is nice to get back into a routine. Which reminds me… I have been wondering for awhile and I hope this isn’t too personal but how has it been living with your Grandmother (correct me if I’ wrong)? I assume it would include a transition both for your family and for her. Do you ever feel like guests in her house? Just curious because I know you have been living there for awhile!

  10. Alison says

    We spent 2 nights in Orange Beach on our way to New Orleans this summer! Wish I had known you vacationed there so much, I would have asked for pointers! We did have two fantastic dinners though–one was at the marina (can’t remember the name of the restaurant, but we talked about going there the 2nd night too since it was so yummy!) and the 2nd was over in FL at Lillian’s Pizza. It was fabulous!!

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