from another blue-eyed bride named Shay!

Today’s post was written by one of my newest blog friends. Shay from Mix and Match Mama is the only guest blogger I’m having this week that I don’t know in “real life.” But I absolutely consider her a friend. From the second I started reading Shay’s blog, I just loved how real she is. She gives amazing tips. She shares delicious recipes. She documents the simple every day moments of motherhood. And she’s so relatable. I just know that all of you will love reading her blog. Today, she’s sharing a little bit about herself and sharing some of her favorites for fall! 
Hi everyone!  I’m Shay…otherwise known as the Mix and Match Mama.
I have two blogs where I talk about food, family and travel.  Erin asked me to introduce myself and give you a little more insight to who I am and how I love to make the mom life a little bit simpler.
First, I’m all about making food simple in the kitchen!
The focus of my foodie blog is getting quick, simple and delicious dinners on your table in a matter of minutes.  I’m a big believer that it’s more about sitting down at the table with the ones you love and less about fretting over something complicated with a long list of ingredients.I have recipes that span from breakfast to lunch, from grilling to slow cooking, one pot meals, vegetarian, appetizers and desserts galore!  All simple and all quick.

  Plus, with fall coming up, I have a kitchen already brimming with the perfect special treats for your holiday season.  Things like this…
I also write a family blog where I chronicle my life as a mom of two preschool kids, simple tips and tricks to better organizing your home, a little fashion here and there (because even though we’re moms, it doesn’t mean we have to wear sweats all the time!), and how I love to travel the world…with my two young kids.
That’s my kids and me.  Smith is 3 and Kensington is 4.
And this is my hubby and me.  We’ve been married 9 years.
I love to talk about basic busy mom stuff on my blog.  We talk about things like…
working from home.  For me, the key is waking up early before the family gets up.  I have this sign in my office…it’s my life’s motto.
I also love to talk about some of my favorite things like beachy hair, nail polish, shortscandles, and magazines.
But the blog revolves around my primary role in life…mom stuff like this…
Crafts with my kids (easy ones!)
Time at the park
Lots of splashing in the pool!
And the much needed mom break…
My life is really, really normal.  I love Jesus, I love coffee, I love watching reality TV, I love spending time with my girlfriends, and my hubby and kiddos rock my world.  Oh yes, and this guy just happens to be my little brother…
You might know him.  He was on this little dating show.  Twice.  And then he danced on this other little show.  But to me…he will always be my little brother.
Aren’t we cute?!  In our house, he’s not the Bachelor, he’s just Uncle Seanie…
…my kiddos adore him.  And he adores them too :).
My family blog wouldn’t be complete without a little bit of fashion and travel too…
I decided a few years ago after I had my youngest, that just because I stayed home and took care of babies all day, didn’t mean I couldn’t try and fix myself up a little too.  I’m a big believer in buying a few tried and true basics that will punch up any old Tuesday and take you from frumpy mom to put-together lady.
Here are a few of my faves for this fall…
I am such a sucker for a striped shirt.  A striped shirt paired with basic shorts or jeans just looks put together.  And it’s a t-shirt.  From Gap.  Nothing could be more simple!
I also love how cords are back this fall!  Cords just seem a little more put together than a basic pair of jeans.  This pair (also from Gap) comes in 8 different colors.
I’m also pretty obsessed with a bold coat.  It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing ratty gym clothes, old sweats or your kid just spit up on you…if you throw on a bold coat, no one will notice.  You’ll look fabulous!  For other coats and jackets I love click here.
And then I adore this scarf so much that I’ve bought it twice!  Once in pink and once in white.  Thrown over a plain t-shirt, you look like you got yourself dressed (when let’s face it, some days, it’s hard to get yourself dressed!).
I’m not much of a flat shoe kind of girl (I live in wedges) but I bought these boots for the fall because they look so cute and are so comfy!  Plus, they’re pretty timeless.  When is a flat boot not in style?!?!  The zipper up the back is my favorite part of it :).
And finally…my very favorite thing for this fall…
These new faded camo Toms!  I just think they’re super cute and will be great for the fall.!
Food, kids, a little fashion and some travel tips (did I mention that I was a travel agent???), and you know what I’m about.  I consider myself a Walt Disney World pro…I send more families to Disney a year than any other destination.  You can check out some of my Disney tips here.
I also cover what you should pack, take with you, wear and what the most comfortable walking shoes for a vacation here too.  Traveling can be complicated but I try and simplify it.
Thanks to Erin for letting me share a little about myself today!  From one blue-eyed bride to the next, I feel very blessed to share the ups and downs of mommyhood with women like you.  Stop by and say hi some time.  There is always something yummy in my kitchen, there are always two kiddos around, and a vacation is almost always being planned.  Life is too short to make things complicated…I find that it’s the simple things  that give us the greatest happiness.
Find me on Twitter here.
Find me on Face Book here.
Find me on Pinterest here.

Find me on Instagram  @mixandmatchmama

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  1. says

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post! This is totally Shay in a nutshell. And those GAP cords? Oh my goodness. I love them. And everybody needs those boots! That red zipper in the back is awesome! Great post Shay!

  2. stacey says

    you know, i just love you. if we ever got the chance to meet, we would be best friends… i just know it! we both love Jesus, love to shop, and have really cute kids. what more is there?? 🙂

  3. Sabrina says

    I love the Mix and Match Mama!!!! She has become one of my very favorite bloggers over the past few months!!! 🙂

  4. says

    I absolutely love your blog, Shay!!! Excited to go through some of these links and do some meal planning this weekend! And I’m adding that scarf to my “must by list” right along with the adorable wedges you’ve shared a few times!

    You and Erin are both the sweetest, most genuine mommas —- so glad we all connected!

  5. says

    So glad you invited Shay to guest post today! I really enjoyed it! Her blogs are two of my favorites! 🙂 I especially enjoyed all the great stuff she picked for fall… the best time of the year!

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