what's happenin', hot stuff?

Any Sixteen Candles fans out there? I could quote that movie all day long. Hopefully you all know that’s what the title of this post is!

I had a few minutes for a quick post to let you all know what we’ve been up to lately. The boys don’t have school today because it’s… ahem… election day. (Did you vote?)

So here are some snip-its of what’s going on in the Carroll house right now!

Packing. Lots of packing. There are just nine more days until we walk out of our little house where we’ve grown our family.

House-hunting, offering, negotiating. And more house-hunting. And waiting.

Reading picture books and board books and big people books.

Doing my weekly Bible study.

Taking family photos with Millie Holloman for our Christmas cards. Millie posted this on Instagram the other night. She took a picture of us with her iPhone during the session. We love Millie and were so excited to see her again!

Planning the decorations for Holiday Market. (Coming up on November 28!)

Planning a trip to Kiawah for my 30th birthday.

Getting excited about seeing my mom this week as we celebrate my birthday.

Chasing and running and giggling. The boys are playing together more and more and it absolutely thrills me to hear them laugh together.

Singing “Never ever ever ever.” Yes, Hudson has become a Taylor Swift fan because he thinks her new song is just hilarious. He sings it whenever he hears it, and even requests it. (This is probably one of those things he’ll wish I never shared.)

and… Voting. I got up at 6:15 today and went to our voting location while Todd got the boys dressed for the day when they got up. I got there at 7:00 and was finished by 8:30. I was number 97 in our precinct. I love election day, the sense of patriotism and the sense of community that we have in our neighborhood.

I hope you’re all doing well. I’m apologizing in advance for the upcoming onslaught of Huggies posts. We’re nearing the end of that campaign and those posts are all scheduled to post within the next few weeks. Thanks for the grace, friends!

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  1. says

    i actually got a little eary eyed at that picture of TC taing down the gallery wall! but i’m so excited to see what the future holds for y’all and watch you put together your new home.
    any big people books to recommend?

  2. says

    So excited for y’all! I know packing and waiting and the process can be very tough, but it is so comforting to know that God has a place for you! I just voted, it was a great feeling, it’s going to be a crazy night! Hope y’all have a great day 🙂

  3. Hailey says

    Can not wait to see y’alls pictures by Millie. One of the girls that works for her did my bridal portraits! Also very jealous of your Kiawah trip, went there growing up when my Grandparents had a house!

    Praying for your upcoming move and also that you will soon find a new house 🙂

  4. says

    I just knew you got that from Sixteen Candles!!! I’ve been quoting Long Duck Dong ever since I read this…automobile?!?!?!

    I cannot imagine packing..I’m sure its time consuming and stressful and I’m sure gonna miss pictures of you and your boys in that lovely home..BUT I know great things are in store for you and your little family. And I know you’ll find your perfect house soon and be so happy you waited til you got it right. Hugs, friend!!

    Kiawah?? So jealous!

  5. anonymous says

    i giggled when i saw the title of this post. for some random reason i can no longer remember, i blurted out “oh my gosh, do you remember jake from sixteen candles?” the other night. my husband bust up laughing because apparently the tone in my voice gave away the massive crush i had on him. i admitted to looking him up online recently and discovering that he was no longer an actor, but was a carpenter who made custom furniture i believe. still dreamy. sigh. i digress 🙂

    so much going on at the carroll house! it’s a whole lot of transitional stuff and temporary stuff and waiting to see how the future unfolds, huh? and the holidays! i admire how you are staying anchored in your faith. i also admire how you are also staying present…and finding joy….today. you are all in my prayers. i can’t wait to see your christmas card pic. i feel so blessed to have a beautiful family to to put on a card this year and am very much looking forward to creating our first christmas card.


  6. says

    For what it is worth: LOVE this post! Why? Because it is real. My 3 year old boy loves the same song along with Call Me Maybe. I see both in a video montage in his distance future!

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