my little monkeys

The last time I took monkey pictures of Hudson, he was 24 months old. Yikes. And the last time I took one of Hayes, he was 12 months old.

I wanted to do a little update on what they’ve each been up to, so I thought I’d plop them down next to their favorite monkeys for the update.

Hayes is 16 months old. He started “school” this month. He’s going three mornings a week and he has had no trouble adjusting already. He walks right into his class and smiles and just goes on about his business. I’m really excited for him to have some time with other kids, but away from Hudson.

Hayes still isn’t saying a whole lot. He actually had his first real word last week when he whispered “hush” while we were reading Goodnight Moon. I thought my heart would explode. It was the sweetest little sound.

He is a hilarious instigator. He grabs Hudson’s toy and takes off running around the house, just begging Hudson to chase him. It’s so funny to watch them chase each other!

He loves to eat, but has gotten a little bit picky. His favorite books are Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Goodnight Moon, and Birthday Monsters.

He likes to dance and loves to sing “e-i-e-i-o” when we sing Old MacDonald. He’s an adaptable, happy kid and we’re just so thankful for him!

Hudson started five mornings a week of preschool this year. He has always been a fan of school, but I think this year he’s more aware of everything. He understands more about the process of making friends and people becoming buddies. So we’ll see where that takes us. He’s a sensitive soul and can be very shy. He’s super independent and smart, so I’m excited to see how he adapts and grows this year with other children.

He is still off the charts tall! His little belly is pretty much gone, and that’s about the last sign of “baby” that he had. He potty trained like a champ, and we’re so glad to be done with diapers.

He is just hilarious, as most three-year-olds are. Hudson is a true thinker and makes us laugh on a daily basis with the sweet and hilarious things he says. I keep notes in my iPhone of what he said that day just so I won’t forget.

Just a few Hudsonisms….

“Where’s Boudreaux? Oh, he must be around he somewhere.”

“Mommy, I’m never going to do that. Never!” (That one didn’t turn out so well for him.)

“Whatcha doing over there?”

When Hudson back-talked me, Todd said, “Hudson, what do you say to Mommy?” Hudson replied, “Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy!” (I think Todd wanted him to say he was sorry.)

I asked him to pick up his toys in the next five minutes. He got to work and finished and said, “I did it! Wow, that was a close one!”

“Here we are, guys! We made it!” (He says this when we drive anywhere- grandparents house, the zoo, church, home. He always announces that we made it.)

“Oh, Hayesy-boy.” (Says this to Hayes regularly.)

He likes to ask which is left and which is right, kind of like he’s quizzing us. We play the “left, right” game when we’re driving and Hudson tells us which way to go to get home.

He also likes to ask us if we’re boys or girls. “Mommy, are you a boy or a girl?” After I say that I’m a girl, he says, “That’s right, Mommy! I’m so proud of you!”

Whenever we do anything “right,” Hudson tells us he’s proud of us.

On the way to school this morning, Hudson was looking at a picture of all of us that he was bringing to show his class. He said, “This is my family!”

When he gets in trouble and I tell him not to talk back to me, he says, “Mommy! Stop talking to Hudson that way.”

(He still speaks in the third person sometimes.)

When we watched Fievel on An American Tail, Hudson looked at me and said, “Mommy, I fink I’m gonna cry.” It was very sweet, but very sad. We won’t be watching Fievel again for a while.

He recognizes a handful of sight words from the Meet the Sight Words DVDs and he knows all of his phonics after learning them on the Starfall ABCs app.

So there’s an update on my boys at 3 years and 16 months. They challenge us and make us laugh. We’re so proud of who they’re becoming, and I pray each day for the wisdom to know what in the world I’m doing each day. These spirited youngsters light up my life!


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  1. says

    Okay, now I ‘fink I’m gonna cry’! This was so, so sweet. Hudson says the most adorable things, and before you know it, Hayes will as well. I love when parents (mine included) write down funny sayings from childhood. My mom’s book of quotes is still my favorite thing to read when I go home. Seriously…where did I come up with the things I said!? Thanks for giving us a glimpse of his funny sayings! Brightened my day. 🙂

  2. Trac~ says

    They are both adorable and growing up so fast! I love that you are writing down the funny things Hudson says! Irish I had thought to do that when my kids were young. :(.

  3. says

    How sweet are your boys!!! So precious. I love that you write the things that Hudson says down to remember them – that’s definitely something I will remember to do when I have my own children one day. And, I can’t believe how big Hudson is getting. You are so right – he is all little boy now. No baby left! But, he’s still adorable, and will always be ‘Mama’s little baby!’

  4. says

    Your boys are so cute!

    I have a 16 month old boy too. He isn’t saying much either. I know he can hear and he understands everything, so I am hoping he will explode soon. I am speech pathologist, so sometimes I try to do a little “therapy” with him. 🙂 I have seen many little guys who wait until they are two-ish to start talking!

  5. Diane says

    I love that picture of Hayes looking at his gorilla. And Goodnight Moon is a favorite at our house. Whispering “hush” is too precious! Happy 3 years to Hudson! He is such a handsome little guy!

  6. says

    Oh sweet sweet boys. I love all of the Hudsonisms. It’s amazing what toddlers will pick up and say. I especially love how he tells you he’s proud of you.

  7. says

    Erin, your boys are just too precious for words! I love the “Hudson-isms”– I have a feeling that out of all the things you write on this blog, those will be some of the most cherished sentences you write looking back! I can’t believe Hayes is WALKING and going to school. Time flies by. For some reason I think he should just be learning to crawl. What a sweet post on your darling little guys! Wish I could bring my crew over for a boy-filled play date! 🙂

  8. says

    I loved reading all of the Hudsonisms! Kids are so funny! I especially love that he tells you he’s proud of you when you tell him you’re a girl – SO cute!

  9. says

    Sweet boys!! I love all the little things they say. “Happy Mother’s Day,” hehehe 😉 “This is my family,” “That’s right, good job mommy” after you say you’re a girl, I love it. It is just going to be so amazing continuing to watch them grow together and become better and better buddies every day. Oh it is awesome. There are toy tiffs and picking on each other times of course, but oh my, our boys love each other and are so blessed to have each other (and HM too! ;)). Ok, sorry for the long comment, they are just so sweet, and I’m so happy for you and your sweet fam 😉

  10. says

    1. Enjoy being a “girl”. Ann Peyton was talking about this the other day and said “I’m the only girl in this house.” I said “But Momma’s a girl”. “No ma’am, Momma is a LADY!”. She was so exasperated, too. Way too grown up!

    2. We started to watch Fievel and knew immediately it was going to be too much for sensitive sister. Maybe when she’s ten 🙂

  11. says

    Oh my goodness Hudson sounds like such a sweet little boy!!! I wish I could reach through the computer and hug him! (yes, I absolutely LOVE to give hugs to little ones. It’s the older ones that feel awkward. LOL)
    And Hayes is getting SO BIG!
    Your boys are so adorable and I can totally see why you want to have more just like them!

  12. Sweta says

    Is that a 12 month old sticker on Hayes? Or is it a onesie that says that? I’ve always wondered this when I see monthly baby updates.

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