what we did on our summer vacation

Today is officially the last day of our summer vacation. Hudson starts preschool tomorrow and Hayes will be going, too, though his isn’t technically preschool.

I’m excited for Hudson because he loves school, but I’m especially excited for Hayes to have an opportunity to be around other kids a couple days a week and have an opportunity to be away from his brother.

We’ve had a really great summer. At times it was busy and full of activity and at times we took it really easy and just hung out at home. I’m thankful for the summer I had with my boys, and I wanted to be able to look back and see all that we did in a nutshell.

We went fishing on our friends’ farm and got to hang out with horses.

We went to Greenville to celebrate the Smith family and Mary Brooks’s miraculous little life, and saw lots of sweet friends when we were there. 

I taught 3 year olds at VBS with Anna and we had a great time hanging out with Gracie and Mary Elizabeth all summer.

Hudson had a great time at swim lessons.

Uncle Walker came to visit for a week.

We visited the Charleston Aquarium with RC and PC. 

We celebrated Hudson’s 3rd birthday at the beach!

We spent a week at Wild Dunes on the Isle of Palms, South Carolina with RC, PC, KK and Poppie. 

We said “goodbye” to Hayes’s doc band and the wonderful therapists who helped him.

We potty-trained Hudson!

We spent two weeks in Indiana with KK and Poppie at their house. We celebrated 4th of July there.

I went to Atlanta for Market with Nina and my mom, and got to have dinner with these lovely ladies.

We spent a week in Orange Beach, Alabama with KK, Poppie, and Uncle Walker

We had family photos taken by Sarah Lyn Photography while we were in Orange Beach


Todd and I went to the PGA Championship at Kiawah Island

And, of course, we had so many lazy days at home just hanging out and learning to share.

I hope you all had a great summer and are excited about the start of a new year!


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  1. Molly says

    What a great summer!!! Those boys are lucky to have such great parents, and I know they will look back on their summers with such great memories, just like I do!

    One question, what exactly is it you are sending Hayes to? I have a little girl just a few months younger than Hayes and I want her to go to something like preschool one or two days a week, but I don’t know what kind of program to be looking for!! We just moved to a new state, so I don’t have many people to ask yet, and don’t know much about the options! It it mothers morning out, modified preschool, etc? So many different names for similar things 🙂

    • says

      Thank you, Molly.

      Hayes is going to the same preschool that Hudson is going to. He has a very “light” curriculum, but the program is just wonderful and very age appropriate. It’s not technically a mother’s day/morning out because it is part of a private preschool at a church. They both go from 9-12.

      If I were you, I’d look for some type of morning preschool or mother’s day out. The programs that are associated with churches are usually wonderful and interactive.

  2. says

    What a great summer! Hudson looks so grown up in all of his pics. I love the last one. The look on his face is exactly what Amelia does when she’s loving on Sydney. I joke that she loves her so much it hurts Sydney…literally! LOL

  3. says

    Such a great way to recap the summer fun. It all goes by so quickly! I’m not ready to let go of summer yet even though cooler temps are around the corner with fall.

  4. says

    I just can’t wrap my mind around the fact that Summer is coming to a close.

    I feel like I was just reading your post about having a relaxed Summer, etc.

    Time is flying!

  5. says

    It looks like you had a great summer. I may have to check out Sarah Lynn Photography for portraits when we are in Orange Beach next year. She done really good on yours!

  6. Diane says

    Looks like you had a wonderful summer! Hudson and Hayes are so cute! And Hayes looks a lot like his Uncle Walker.

  7. says

    I feel totally stalkerish for asking this question, but what color/kind of earrings are you wearing with the tortoise color chain necklace in the pic with your Atlanta friends? I saw that necklace on Bridier the other day but skipped it. It looks super cute on you but if I get it, I’m not sure what earrings I’d wear with it. Thanks!!

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