the summer of "yes"

I cannot believe how quickly this summer is flying by. It’s almost over and I feel like it just started.

Truthfully, I was dreading it a bit. Hudson has gotten so used to his morning preschool and he just loves it. So I was worried that he would be really bored at home all cooped up in the house all day. And he gets so frustrated as he is learning that he has to share his toys with his little brother.

Parts of the summer did seem really long, but we’ve found ways to pass the time and have a great time this summer without becoming “over-scheduled.”

We’ve been working on having Hayes drop his morning nap so we could have a little bit more flexibility with our schedule. It has helped us this summer to be able to have a morning outing. For the most part Hayes adapted to this change well. But in the last few days he has made it very clear that he really wants a morning nap, so he’s back to getting his morning nap. I know he’ll drop it sooner or later.

We’re about to go on one last family vacation before the summer officially comes to a close. Football season will start again and the boys will be in preschool. And I know it will be Christmas before we know it.

I’ve been more focused lately on just saying yes. But not to anyone but my kids. Their needs are simple. And they’re fun.

If Hudson wants to go to the park, then we’re going to the park. If he wants to go to the splash park, then we’re going to the splash park.

He wanted some ice cream after dinner one night and he ate every bite of his supper in hopes that we would take him to get some ice cream. So we loaded up the car and went to the yogurt place in our neighborhood.

Even Buzz and Woody were able to join us.

And Hayes snuck in bites of yogurt, too.

We went to the splash park with Anna and her girls on Monday, and ended the fun with a picnic in the back of Anna’s car. Aren’t these four just so cute eating their lunch?

Does this count as their first double date? So cute!

And today we went to a fun little indoor playground at the mall with Emily and Jack. And we had frozen yogurt again.

We’ve been just keeping busy without wearing anyone out, but making sure that the boys have an opportunity to avoid cabin fever.

I’ll admit that I used to be so intimidated by the thought of taking both boys on outings like this. Hudson has grown up a lot in the last year and he is the reason that these outings are so much easier. He still has the occasional outburst, but he’s agreeable and does a great job following directions. And that makes it easier on us to get out and do fun things. And it just makes it more fun.

We’re off to the beach tonight. We’re excited to see KK, Poppie, and uncle Walker!




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  1. says

    Sounds like everybody is having a great time!

    When it was time to drop a nap for my my son {he’s now 18 months} I tried and tried to drop the morning nap. Wasn’t happening. So we dropped the afternoon nap. AMAZING! He does so much better with a morning nap. He gets to bed early and we are able to stay out all afternoon. I love this.

  2. says

    Truth: I couldn’t even read most of this post. Just had to skim. Your “it will be Christmas before we know it,” added to some seriously sweet pictures of your boys, just made my heart hurt too much. You’re so right – it’s flying!! Hope we get to see y’all before football season picks up, and maybe after, too? Miss you guys!

  3. says

    Morning naps do make it hard to get out of the house. It’s so much easier getting out of the house w/ two kids than it used to be to take them out. Frozen yogurt . . . sounds yummy!

  4. Kristin B says

    Someone else told me this week that if you have a choice between something and your kids, always choose your children; there will come a point when they don’t ask you to do anything. I am practicing saying “yes” to the right choices and not to people just to be a people pleaser…..which is so hard sometimes! 🙂 Thanks for your friendly reminder to focus on who my yes’s should go to.

  5. says

    amen. amen. love it. a older, wiser mom once told me that we have to find a way to say yes more often. even if it’s “can i have a cookie?” instead of NO!.. its “YEs!, after dinner….” just rewording so they don’t hear no all day long. hard for me. so proud of you. you’re such a great mom.

  6. says

    What a fun summer it looks like you are having. I just love those spur of the moment trips to the park, just because.

    Enjoy your last summer vacation, we will be heading down to Orange Beach on the 15th and I can’t wait!

  7. says

    I love that your little Hayes needs that morning nap for just a little longer…just staying a baby a little longer for Mommy 🙂 I need to work on more “yes.” I love that. And I LOVE when Buzz and Woody have been good enough to go on family outings, too 🙂

  8. says

    I remember when we first saw those playground areas in the malls and all I could think was “Greatest Idea EVER.” However since I am not a child nor do I have a child I have been restricted from trying them out. Glad to see they are as much fun as I anticipated.

  9. says

    I’m with you on the difficulty of getting out of the house with little ones! My son naps at noon, which of course splits the day in half, so it takes a lot of personal motivation to get out knowing it wont be for long. He’s always thrilled, though, and that makes it worth it!

  10. says

    WHERE IS THIS SPLASH PARK?! if you say the northeast i will cry. all the things i wish were in lexington seem to go there instead. 😛

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