Home Tour: a living room update

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted any pictures of our house.

A few years ago I posted about our living spaces, so you can see what they used to look like here.

I’ve gotten some emails recently from people wondering if we’ve made any updates. And there have been a handful of updates, so I thought I’d share.

And since our house is on the market, it’s fun to take pictures so we can remember what our first home looked like. You know, in case we ever do move!

I got these little garden stools using One Kings Lane credits a couple of years ago. I got one and then a few months later I got the other.

I am replacing the two lamps on the entry table. I have noticed how dark it looks right there. We’ve had those two lamps forever, but I’ve decided to find them a new home in our house. I’ve ordered some lighter lamps for this entry table– wholesale, of course. Hopefully they’ll arrive soon!

Please don’t fret, my fellow mom friends. My house is not regularly spotless and tidy. These pictures were all taken one morning before the boys were awake. The boys (and their toys) were all nestled snuggly in their beds.

My living room regularly looks like a bomb went off as the toys make their way from the boys’ rooms to the living room. Puzzle pieces are everywhere and let’s not even talk about the dog hair.

Thrifty Decor Chick
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  1. says

    I definitely do not have a knack for decorating, so I’m always impressed with people who have such beautiful homes like yours. Maybe if I stick around some of it will rub off on me 🙂

  2. says

    Love your living room! I also love how you have different rugs in the space, but all 3 complement each other so well.

    And, thank you for being real at the end. I’m always happy to hear I’m not the only one who battles dog-hair on a daily basis!

  3. Stacy says

    It’s beautiful! I like to see how other people have pictures displayed through their house. It gives me some ideas!

  4. says

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your living room! I’ve been trying to decide where I can put some garden stools. I think they are so fun!

    This is random, but since Knox & Sloane are mobile, for all my lamps on tables that are open at the botton….I duck tape the cord to the back of the table so it’s not visible 🙂 There is some that tables that my tape wont work so I put a tack in the wall and drape it on that, behind the table.

  5. Beth (@sadietalk) says

    I love how you have your family photos framed. I need to get to displaying ours especially our newest ones we had taken on the beach. Looking at your living room and how it is decorated inspired me to get more of our pictures out and frame and display them. Hope your house sells soon!

  6. says

    I just love you home!

    I read somewhere else on your blog that it was built in the 30s and that is just so cool!

    And I have such a dog hair problem too!

  7. says

    I love your house! If I lived in America I would SO buy your house. I actually was trying to convince my husband for us to move home so I could have it. I think it’s my dream house. I really hope you sell it! Good luck!

    I love how you had to take it before everyone was awake. Ha! So true. The minute the kids are up all bets are off. Doesn’t get cleaned until bedtime.

  8. Debby says

    I love your house — also interested in where you got the sectional. We are in the market for one. I have to say, I love your big round mirror also. Funny thing is that I have the exact mirror and love it. Mine is over the mantel. Looks great also with a wreath hung in the middle of it. Thanks for sharing.

  9. says

    I LOVE southern homes! They are so pretty!!. I’m a Minnesota girl, and for some reason they always use golden oak trim. UG. The white is so pretty and clean… I’m just going to sit and dream for a bit….

    Beautiful BTW. 🙂

  10. says

    Looks cute! I like the photos around the TV. Aren’t you going to miss her taking pictures of y’all. Have you thought about shaving Bordeaux? We have 2 labs- one has longer hair and sheds constantly. We decided to groom him in the spring and it’s changed my life. I used to vacuum everyday and now only the cleaning lady vacuums one time a week. He actually looks prettier shaved. Its a lot to groom a large dog, but totally worth it.

  11. says

    LOVE your living room! I love the style! We have a 3.5 year old lab that stays inside. And we have all hardwood, no rugs even. And it is awful trying to keep up with his hair!

  12. Danyelle Franciosa says

    Your living room, is so nice. The looks is so refreshing! This gives me some ideas, how I’m gonna renovate my living room!

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