the boy mom's bookshelf

I have a thing for other boy moms. If I hear someone say that they have all boys, I want to be her friend. I want to pick her brain and share stories and laugh and cry and sip Diet Cokes. I just think there’s something that boy moms share.

And today I wanted to share what our favorite “boy books” are. I’ve had to learn a lot of this stuff along the way. Some of my favorite books for Hudson and Hayes were some of my favorite books. But there are a lot of great books for boys that I’d never heard of before having my own boys.

We love to read books, so please chime in and let me know what your favorite boy books are. And if you’re a girl mom, go ahead and list your favorite books, too, so the other girl moms can find them in the comments.

In the beginning, when Hudson was a baby, we read Goodnight Moon about 10 times a day. He loved it so much and still sometimes asks for it. He knew it by heart. Hayes’s bed time book is Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?

The Little Blue Truck is our current favorite. Our boy book flavor of the week, you could say.

How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight, How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon, and How Do Dinosaurs Go to School (and there are many more of the How Do Dinosaurs… books that I’d love to add to our collection)

Chugga Chugga Choo Choo, not to be confused with Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, which is also a great book that we love

The Matthew Van Fleet books are all great, but we love Dog and Heads

Two great lift-the-flap books are Elmo’s Big Lift and Look Book and Little People Let’s Go To The Farm

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and If You Give a Cat a Cupcake (We have all of the books in this series, but these two are Hudson’s favorites)

Of course we love Green Eggs and Ham and my childhood favorite, The Cat In The Hat Comes Back

Eight Silly Monkeys

The Jan Pienkowski books were favorites of mine as a kid, even though the pop up illustrations are kind of scary. Hudson loves Dinnertime and Little Monsters

This Is My Tractor is lots of fun and has a little button that makes a tractor sound. Fun!

We also love all of the Karen Katz books and the Fiona Watt “That’s Not My…” books for babies. And Hayes’s current favorite book is Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?

So, boy moms, what are you favorite books? We need more animal, dinosaur, and transportation books. And girl moms, share your favorites, too!


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  1. says

    First, I love the new look!

    I’m a boy mom too!!! My son is 16 months old and his favorite book is ‘The Going to Bed Book’ by Sandra Boynton. We used to read Goodnight Moon all the time, but he prefers this one instead. Plus “the quiet old lady” rabbit creeps my husband out in Goodnight Moon.

  2. says

    Erin~ I love your new design on the blog! It looks great!!

    I am also a boy mom of two. I have an almost 3 year old and a 2 month old 🙂 Bryson’s favorites have been “Goodnight Moon,” “Hand Hand Fingers Thumb” by Al Perkins and “Are you my mother” by P.D. Eastman. I have got to get busy buying some dinosaur and transportation books. B is really into cars right now. 🙂 I will have to check out some of the ones you posted.

  3. says

    Here’s a few more that we love: Dinotrux, by Chris Gall. Fun at the County Fair (a John Deere lift-the-flap book). I Love You Stinky Face, by Lisa McCourt.

  4. says

    I love the new design! Very very pretty.
    I am about to be a first time mom to a boy, and I have his bookshelves stocked with books.
    There are a bunch on here that I hadn’t heard of. Thank you!

  5. says

    We love a lot of these, too! You must add “Dear Zoo” to your bookshelf. It’s my son’s favorite, and I know it’s popular with a lot of other kids, too. His favorite as an infants was “In My Den.” It’s part of a series about animal homes-off the top of my head, “In My Nest” is another.

  6. Cate says

    Do y’all have any of the Llama Llama books? My little boy loves them. And Pete the Cat is a popular one too. A lot of your favorites are some of our favorites too, but a few we don’t have so I’ll be checking into them.

  7. says

    Here are two more classic books that we love~ “Harry the Dirty Dog” and “Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel”. They are older stories but very timeless!

  8. says

    Erin, I am a boy mom too – one 23 month old and our second son is due in September. I never in a million years imagined I would have a son, let alone two. However, I love them so much and wouldn’t trade life in for anything. Thanks for sharing these books today. We have a few of them; however, I’ve never seen a couple like the tractor one. I will be on a mission to find that one for our little guys birthday – he is obsessed with tractors!! Have a great day with your boys!

  9. says

    We love “Cowboy Small” by Lois Lenski (there is a whole series about Mr. Small, but the others are harder to find) and “Big Dog, Little Dog” by P.D. Eastman.

  10. says

    How are all of your books in such great shape?? I’ll just tell my self its from loving them so much! 🙂 We love many of these books, but our current rotation consists of Usborne Complete Book of First Experiences (we’re headed to the dentist soon), Kitten’s First Moon, and The Great Gracie Chase — Hudson would love this, it’s about a silly dog named Gracie. Love the new blog layout, it’s great! xoox

  11. says

    Not a “complete” boy mom (but I have two!), and our favorites are “How do Dinosaurs Say Good Night,” and basically anything about “Melmo,” trucks, and sports. Now that my oldest is reading, we’ve also gone out of our way to research fun boy series, we’re buying him Super Hero readers, and working very hard to encourage him to read for the fun of it!

  12. Melissa says

    What a great post! I agree with Callie–how are your books not frayed and bent like ours?! I have two boys and both of them LOVE the Sandra Boynton books. She has so many great books…check out Snuggle Puppy!

  13. says

    Anything by Don and Audrey Wood is great. Our very favorite though is The Little Mouse, the red ripe strawberry and the big hungry bear. Our second favorite is The Napping House. We also love Make Way for Ducklings- Spencer loves Officer Michael!! There are toddler seek and finds that have Elmo, Abby, Pooh, and Backyardigans that we get regularly from the library. He loves to find the things in the pictures and it’s a good workout for his eyes and brain. Baby Danced the Polka is a great, great, great book. Maybe a little too young for Hudson (Spencer loves it but he is only 2), but Hayes would love it and there are tons of ways to make it interactive. I do love all the Sandra Boynton (for Hayes) and we have a fabulous time making up the dance to Barnyard Dance. Looks like I’ll have to make a library list from all these comments!

  14. says

    The new blog looks great! What a great post! I love being a boy mom! We also love Are You My Mother?, Bears on Wheels, and Green Eggs and Ham lately. I’ll have to look and see what other fun books we haven’t read in a while. This is great because Will hardly has ANY books on his shelf so I’ll be picking up some of your favorites for him!

  15. anonymous says

    oh my gosh, i read 8 silly monkeys once while babysitting and loved it! thanks for all the great gift ideas erin 🙂

  16. says

    I don’t quite understand the boy mom vs girl mom mentality for books. Aren’t books… books? Shouldn’t parents be trying to break the gender barrier by reading books about dinosaurs to little girls so they love science, and books about ballet to little boys so they grow up with an appreciation for culture and the arts? I’m a girl (obviously) and my favorite book as a toddler was Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel which is, as one can deduce, all about a steam shovel and construction — not a girl topic. Erin, you should definitely check it out, along with it’s companion Katy and the Big Snow about a snowplow (a female snow plow!), but girl moms should also check it out too.. books for that age should be gender neutral!

  17. says

    Ok, so glad we were tweeting about this last night and I have a few to add to my list now! Can’t wait to come back and read all of the comments. I’m about to order diapers off amazon and I happen to be sneaking in a few titles! 🙂

    We also like

    Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site by Sherri Duskey Rinker

    and we had checked out

    I Love Trucks by Philemon Sturges from the library and loved it. I might have to purchase that one.

    We also found some great (but not board books) from Half Price Books. But there is a board book edition on amazon of this fave:

    I love Trucks and Cars and Planes and Things That Go

    Sorry for the long comment! 🙂

  18. says

    It’s so funny you posted this b/c I have had a post like this in my head – love it! So I would add the ones I tweeted about – Roadwork is a must, and Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site. The Robot Book is cool for younger ones, and Trashy Town.

  19. says

    I’m not a boy mom or even a mom, so I may not be qualified to jump in here! On the other hand, I am a teacher so I’m always hearing about new books coming out. Have you tried “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus?” or “Knuffle Bunny”? They’re both very cute and I hear great for preschoolers.

  20. Catherine says

    LOVE Little Blue Truck! Just picked up the “sequel” to it, Little Blue Truck Leads the Way. My 13 month old boy loves when I make all the sounds. I’ll definitely check out these other books! Oh, and other than Goodnight Moon, we’ve been reading Time For Bed I forgot it when we traveled to DC, but I realized I had it memorized!!!

  21. Stephanie says

    My daughter doesn’t have any girl-specific books and her absolute favorite books are the Llama Llama book series by Ann Dewdney. They rhyme and the stories and pictures are wonderful! Her absolute favorite of the series is “llama llama misses mama.” Highly recommend these books! I’ve also been looking at the dinosaur books you mentioned above, so I’m glad to know your kids love them. Thanks!

  22. Kristen says

    What a fun post! I just love children’s books. I’d say 90% of the books you posted above are favorites of ours, too! Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? and Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear? are two books that will be on our shelf forever!

    Here are some of Wynn’s other current favorites:

    -I Stink! by Kate McMullan and Jim McMullan: A stinky, fun book!
    -Clifford The Big Red Dog by Norman Bridwell (perfect for a boy who loves his dog; always read while holding his stuffed Clifford, of course!)
    -Good Night Our World series (we especially love Good Night Florida, Good Night Ocean and Good Night Charleston. Good Night Baby Jesus is in my Amazon cart!)
    -Fire Truck by Peter Sis: This book is about a little boy who turns into a fire truck. Wynn could read it every single morning.


  23. says

    My son (14 months old) and I enjoy reading “House Mouse, Senate Mouse,” “Red Fish Blue Fish” and “That’s Not My Tractor.” He also likes books by Mo Williems, esp. “Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus.” He loves it when I make funny voices and faces when reading the book.

  24. says

    Love this! Grayson LOVES the Little Blue Truck books…they are his favorite! Does Hudson like trucks? We have a big book called “My First 100 Machines” and G loves that one too. We have to look at it multiple times every day! We also love the Llama Llama books. They are so cute!

  25. says

    I have two boys and they are almost the exact age as Hudson and Hayes and we have a lot of the same books as you and your boys do. Our all time favorite book thought is Love You Through and Through by Caroline Jayne Church. Kaden just loves to change his voice and facial expressions to match the words!

  26. says

    I have 3 little boys and they are so fun! We have similar taste in names, one of mine is named Hayes and we seriously considered Hudson for the oldest. Hudson might enjoy any of the Elephant and Piggie books by Mo Willems. “Watch me throw the ball” is probably my son’s favorite. And my younger one loves Sandra Boynton, “Moo, baa, la la la” is the most loved one but they’re all cute.
    Love the new look!

  27. says

    I am a mom of two boys as well; 4 and 7. Some of our favorites have been listed already especially the Clifford books but one of Walker’s favorites (and mine too) is The Very Cranky Bear by Nick Bland. The boys also like Charlie the Dog by Pioneer Woman.

  28. says

    As a fellow boy mom, I adore you! Your family is too sweet! My boys 2.5 and 4 LOVE books and have moved to more stories which makes me super happy. Our favorites currently are “the amazing adventures of bumblebee boy” by David soman, “where’s my t-r-u-c-k?” by Karen Beaumont, and “tickle monster” by Josie bisset? Happy reading!

  29. says

    I am writing some of these down for future reference for Andrew!

    Andrew is almost 10 months old- but some of his are

    Goodnight Gorilla
    Oh my Oh My Oh Dinosaurs by Sandra Boynton
    The Going to Bed Book by Sandra Boynton
    Fifteen Animals by Sandra Boynton
    A Mud Pie for Mother (we got this book from the Dolly Parton Imagination Library- do you know about that, where you can get free books?)
    I Love You Through and Through
    The Very Silly Sheep (it’s a pop up book)
    The Very Messy Monkey

    Those are just a few! I’m going to write down the ones you suggested that we don’t have, though, for future reference! 🙂

  30. Carrie says

    I’ve got one daughter (age 6) and no sons, BUT two that Hudson would love now (and Hayes would as he gets older) are “Cat in the Hat” and “Go, Dog, Go!” They’re classics and incredibly fun to read/listen to for all kids!

  31. Kemperley says

    My 3 boys love the Deb Lund dinosaur books. Another favorite is Iggy Peck Architect. We love several of the ones mentioned previously too.

  32. AKC says

    My boys are 16 months and 34 months… they love a lot of the books you’ve listed… and now I have a few more to pick up from your suggestions. Right now we are loving “When a Dragon Moves In” by Jodi Moore and “Race You to Bed” by Bob Shea.

  33. says

    my son is almost 4 his favorite right now is 10 little monkeys (jumping on the bed) we read dr suess as well, but i’m telling you i feel like i need to go back to school whenever i read any of those books. tongue twisters for sure!

  34. says

    I agree, I love having all boys and think that it’s a secret club that no one really talks about 🙂

    My boys LOVE the Sandra Boynton (I think that’s how you spell her last name) books. Brayden’s all time favorite (and now Connor’s) is Moo Baa, La La La. They also love Big Red Barn (no idea who the author is). Some of our other faves include Go Dogs Go, Dr Seuss’ ABC book and the Nose Book.

  35. china says

    LOVE the books you listed, many of the them are favorites of the preschoolers I teach. Nonfiction books on dinosaurs and transportation are always a hit with the boys in my class. They love looking at the pictures over and over and I usually shorten or “edit” what to read, since it’s a bit long sometimes. Still enjoyable none the less. Frank Sabuda also has AMAZING books. They are definitely not books you want to let them read unsupervised (they are pop-ups), but I often use them as a treat at the end of the day for the kids.

  36. says

    We have a lot of the same favorites–even though I’m a girl mom (so far…!). Another favorite of Charlotte’s that your boys would love is The Little Engine that Could and The Lorax. We are reading those about 5 times a day–each! They’re long…but for some reason CG loves them! When she was a baby her favorite was The Goodnight Book by Sandra Boynton. I just love children’s books!!!! Great post. Oh–looks like Charlotte just brought me Goodnight Moon, HAHA! Must have known I was reading your post 😉

  37. Kendall says

    What great lists!

    My son (just turned two) is currently obsessed with Curious George (we have A Treasury of Curious George and he loves Curious George and the Dump Truck and Curious George Goes Camping), but also loves The Little Engine That Could, any books about Thomas the Train, Go Dog Go (P.D. Eastman and one of my favorites as a little girl), Goose on the Loose (Usborne), and Where’s My T-R-U-C-K? He seems to go through phases where he wants to read just a few books over and over and over again and then he’ll move on to a few others.

    And a wonderful book especially for boy moms and their sons is “Momma Loves Her Little Son,” by John Carter Cash – it is just so sweet.

  38. says

    We also love one called How Kind… Really cute! The Brown Bear, Brown Bear books… There are two others like it we have as well… Also the llama llama books. My boys love those, and I’m thrilled for more ideas! Thanks for this post!

  39. says

    First, I have to say the new layout looks fantastic! I also understand completely what you mean about meeting other “boy” moms and wanting to be their friend!
    Love the books, Good Night Moon and How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight. Josiah loves those. Right now his favorites are The Story Children’s Bible, we read that every night. Elmo Look and Find books (I have had to hide that one so we could read other books ha!), he also loves the Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See and the Polar Bear one too. I am definitely going to pick up Little Blue Truck! I’m sure Josiah will LOVE that one. Thank you for sharing:)

  40. says

    Oh my goodness, I need to go through all of the responses!! It’s hard to pick our favorites but here is a few.

    We love:

    Little Blue Truck
    Little Blue Truck Leads the Way

    I’m the biggest thing in the ocean
    Goodnight Beach
    Squishy Turtle

    All of the Sandra Boyton books (Belly Button, Hippos Go Berserk, What’s Wrong Little Pookie)
    All Leslie Patricelli books (Happy, Sad, Faster Faster)
    Dinosaur vs. Bedtime
    ALL of the Llama Llama books – they melt my heart

    Favorites to give as birthday gifts: Happy Birthday Little Pookie and The Birthday Box (LOVE this one!!)

    Thanks so much for this post Erin! We should definitely start up another book swap soon!!!

  41. Amy Steger says

    YAY for boy moms!!! I feel the same way, Erin. There is a special bond with other boy moms. My boys are 3 and 4 months. Here are a few of our favorites.
    My Lucky Day by Keiko Kasza. So, so cute!
    The House That Jack Built by Jeanette Winter
    The Mine-O-Saur by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen
    Ready, Set, Skip by Jane O’Conner
    No, David by David Shannon
    Go Dog Go by Eastman

  42. Jennifer says

    I have a little a guy and a surprise on the way, so I’m at least partially qualified to weigh in. My two all-time faves (his too, really) are “Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site” and “On the Night You Were Born.” They are both beautifully written, the latter so much so that it always makes me a little teary to read it. I’ve given “On the Night You Were Born” to just about every new mom I know and will gift the other book as the little ones get bigger. Enjoy!

  43. says

    I have twin boys who will be 2 in August. They love ‘The Going to Bed Book’ by Sandra Boynton, and pretty much anything by Sandra Boynton, all the LLama Llama books and the 5 Little Monkeys series. The good thing about these books is that I enjoy reading them, too. They’re all really cute. What a great blog post, it’s been so fun to read through the other comments.

  44. says

    Mason LOVES anything Thomas the Tank Engine. All of those board books still make him happy, even if he has outgrown them.


    He also loves a sweet little book I picked up on clearance called MUDDY PAWS.

    Let’s not forget his Children’s BIBLE! He loves it, thankfully, and we are over-joyed every time he asks for it.

  45. says

    We love the Llama Llama Series – especially Llama Llama Red Pajama. And they also have a “baby series” – board books with shorter story lines. My 4 year old boy requested that I buy Big Smelly Bear off of Amazon – they read it at his school, and he is so excited that it is going to soon be on his bookshelf!

    Other boy books that we frequently read are The Little Engine that Could, Johnny Tractor on the Farm, Just like Daddy (a dog book), and Cordouroy.

  46. says

    My son and I love Llama Llama books. “Llama Llama Red Pajama”, “Llama Llama Misses Mama” and the list goes on! We have most all of these books by Anna Dewdney. They rhyme and are so fun to read! Boys are fun and so is being a boy mom!

  47. Rebecca says

    Since my daughter and her 2 sons are vacationing currently, I will answer for her as I know she would want to participate. Reading is a huge thing for her, not only because she personally loves to read, but also because before she was a SAHM, she taught Kindergarten and saw first hand so many little ones get that “spark” when the realize they can READ! : )
    Anyway, kudos on your collection, I would venture to say between home and Grandmommy’s house our boys have most of the ones you mentioned, but I didn’t see Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type on your list. That is a series that is HILARIOUS and the little boys just seem to get such a hoot out of them every time!
    My hat is off to all the mothers who take the time to read to their little ones, it will certainly be a help when they go to school and what better way to spend snuggle time?!?!?!

  48. says

    My 1st is due in December, and we don’t know yet if we’re expecting a boy or a girl, but my mom ADORED the book Love You Forever by Robert Munsch when my younger brother was little. It’s all about the trials little boys put their mamas through, but at the end of the day “I’ll love you forever/I’ll like you for always/As long as I’m living/My baby you’ll be.” He is 25 now and it’ll still make her cry!

    I’ve been reading you blog since the wedding days, but now that I’m expecting, it’s my first stop for mom advice! Love the posts on packing the hospital bag, breastfeeding issues, sleeping through the night, general thoughts on motherhood/being a sahm…so many starred posts in my reader! Thank you!!!!

  49. says

    We read a lot of cowboy books and bull riding books. By way of explanation, my parents own a ranch and have stock in bucking bulls. We also read anything with cars, tractors, dinosaurs, or animals in general. There was a point when Andrew was two that I think we read Good Night Moon at least 3 times a day.

    I totally get the connection with boy moms. A lot of my friends have only girls and sometimes I feel lost in the world of bows and tutus. 🙂 and love the new design.

  50. says

    I have a 3 year old boy as well. We love to read as well! Many of our favorites were on your list. Here are a few more:
    The Wheels on the Racecar by Alexander Zane
    The Trucktown series by Jon Scieszka

  51. says

    Hmmm… maybe I’m a boy mom at heart? My daughter loves most of the books you listed. What about some Dr. Seuss books? They are silly and fun and the first book I read independently was in fact one of them. We also love the Llama Llama books in our house, and any books about cars or farms. My daughter can’t get enough of pretending to drive/ beep horns and she also loves animals. We don’t have any particularly girly books yet, although I’m sure they are coming…

  52. Alison says

    My DAUGHTER is 22 months old and her favorite books are Llama Llama Red Pajama, Goodnight Gorilla, Lullabye Little One and The Brave Firemen — not fairies or princesses. I don’t understand the “boy mom” references.

  53. Becky says

    My boys love to be a little scared, so they liked “The Beast in the Bathtub” and “Teacher from the Black Lagoon” when they got a little older (4 and up.)

  54. Becky says

    Oh, and my own personal favorite that they all loved is/was The Giving Tree. What a classic – makes me cry a little every time I read it to them.

  55. says

    We have the chugga chugga choo choo, there is also a tugga tugga tugboat (we love it).

    Freight Train, the original. We also have a freight train board book where the pages slide out and you can see what it inside of the train cars.

    All Matthew Van Fleet books.

    Chicka Chicka boom boom

    Go away big Green Monster (app is good too!)

    Peek-a-Who Peek-a-Moo Ready Set go (nina laden books)

    Walk the Dog- Bob Barner

    Ten Nine Eight

    More More Said the Baby

    Any Leslie Patricelli books

    Trains Go and Trucks Go (love the sounds of the trucks and trains)

  56. says

    I am the “lone” lady in our house as well…. two boys that are loud and wild and crazy and gross but I am totally smitten with them anyway! 🙂 My 15 month old loves Goodnight Gorilla and my 5 year old loves anything non-fiction about animals, specifically African Animals. He’s my little Nat Geo Wild nut!

  57. Lindsay says

    My little boy is 2.5 and also LOVES the Little Blue Truck. There is a second one called Little Blue Truck Leads the Way that he loves too! He too likes Brown Bear, Brown Bear and there is another one called the Big Truck Book that is similar with the sliding open windows that he loves! Another one he loves is his Thomas and Friends: My Red Railway Book Box. It has four little Thomas books in it!

  58. Julie says

    I am a mom of a 19 month old girl and a 2 month old boy. My daughter is taking after me and loving all things boys love. She loves books that have “go-gos” in them. That means garbage trucks, planes, police cars, etc. While many of her favorites are listed above she loves Curious George and Winnie the Pooh Classics. We we also given a book called Poke-a-Dot: Old McDonald Had a Farm for her birthday. It teaches kids to count but she loves to push the dots. It is a good quiet time book. Another favorite in our house is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. As a teacher, Knuffle Bunny is great and so is Where the Wild Things Are.

  59. Kemperley says

    I forgot earlier about a couple of sets that all my boys ask for over and over. The first 2 are Read to Tiger and Tiger is Sleeping by S J Fore. Also they love good night engines and wake up engines by Denise dowling mortensen.
    Sorry for the funky comment I’m on my phone.

  60. says

    Thanks for the heads up on the Dinosaurs books, I will check them out! Have you read Dinosaurs Love Underpants? It’s really cute. Connor also like Harry the Dirty Dog, anything Berenstain Bears, Go Dogs Go, among many others!

  61. emily says

    Cute new digs Erin!!

    Pre SAHM I was a Kindergarten teacher and these two were always a hit with the boys (and girls!)
    The Perfect Nest- by Catherine Friend
    The Magic Hat – by Mem Fox

    Books that my now 2 year old adores and can now “read” with me:
    The Little Blue Truck
    I Went Walking – by Sue Williams

    and oh those dinos!! Can.not.get.enough.

  62. says

    My son is older, but starting around age 4.5 he fell in love with the “llama llama” books (misses momma, mad at momma, holidrama, red pajama).

    And we have a book from Scholastic that is called “April Fools”, and it’s quite fun!

  63. says

    So fun! We have some of the same faves! I look forward to checking others out! The boys have really liked Going on a Bear Hunt (we might change a couple words here or there ;)) but they have fun repeating it/have so much of it memorized. Hubby’s cousin gave it to them. 🙂 It’s been a while since we’ve read it now!

  64. Beth says

    My boys are 13 and 12 now but my all time FAVORITE books for them were by Byron Barton. We had quite a few but here are a few of them : 1.) Machines at Work 2.) Planes 3.) Building a House There might have been a train book too. I was just thinking about those books the other day. They were so cute and simple, perfect for busy little boys who loved trucks, cars, etc. The boys were followed by 3 little sisters so those books are long gone in my house but we loved them!

  65. says

    I just ordered a few of these books, and I was reminded of one of my favorite books of all time…Tikki Tikki Tembo. I think Hudson would crack up at the rhymes. 🙂

  66. Sarah says

    Not sure if it has been mentioned, bu a beloved book around here is ‘Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site’ . It is so cute. My daughter loves it.

  67. says

    I have a three and a half yr old boy and a new baby arriving in November – we don’t know yet if this one is a boy or a girl. Some of Gavin’s favorite books are some less-common ones we’ve picked up a thrift stores or garage sales, and they are so much fun! A couple of favorites are “Katie Morag Delivers the Mail” by Mairi Hedderwick, “Who Took The Farmer’s Hat” by by Joan L. Nodset, “Let’s Go Home Little Bear” by Martin Waddell, “Owly” by Mike Thaler, and “Duck at the Door” by Jackie Urbanovich. I hope your boys enjoy some of these!

  68. says

    Boy mama here too! Two boys that are 13 months apart.

    We love Rocket Learns To Read, Dog Loves Books, Hippos Go Berserk and The BIG Truck Book!!!

  69. says

    One of my 2 year olds favorite books right now is Wheels on the Bus by Jane Cabrera. It’s like the song but with a jungle twist! A great series of books for girls is the Very Fairy Princess series by Julie Andrews and her daughter. They are very cute and teach great lessons!

  70. says

    Forgot some of our favorites! We love the books written by Nancy Tillman (On the Night You Were Born and The Crown on Your Head are my favorites). I love to go get the Kohl’s Cares books because you also get a stuffed animal that goes with the book. My daughter got If You Take a Mouse to the Movies and the mouse before she was born and she sleeps with her mousie and we have gone through 3 mousie books because she has read them so much! The recently had brown bear and my littlest daughter loves the book and her brown bear!

  71. says

    Oh, we love books! Chugga Chugga Choo Choo is one of our favorites. Also all of the Sandra Boynton books and Karen Katz (especially Daddy and Me). But my personal favorite is Little Goose — it’s such a sweet book for baby boys and mommas!

  72. carson says

    hi, my son, sawyer, is hudson’s age. so funny that you included “little blue truck” as that is our new favorite and i’ve shared with every boy-mom in our lives, as well. (i don’t have the time to read through the previous posts, so forgive me if i’m repeating suggestions.) you can’t go wrong with anything written by mo willems or curious george. litwin’s “pete the cat” books are an absolute in our house. “goodnight gorilla” was our over-and-over board book, kinda like “goodnight moon” for y’all. sandra boynton! hudson would enjoy “reading” “fifteen animals” to hayes. karen beaumont writes silly and funny, for example “ain’t gonna paint no more.” john lithgow has written some cute ones featuring animals. “when rocket learns to read” is one we check-out from library ALOT. “hot-rod hamster” (don’t remember the author) is about transportation and engaging. lund has written a series of dinosaur books featuring a different form of transportation in each, for example, “Dinosailors” – fun read alouds. i was the director of our local public library system’s youth department before SAHM, so we read and read. fun to re-introduce myself to children’s books through sawyer’s eyes and find new favorites.

    love the new look, btw. 🙂

  73. Melinda says

    I’m a boy mom of eight-year-old twins. Two of their favorite books were “I Stink” and “I’m Dirty”, about a garbage truck and a back hoe respectively. McMullan is the authors name. So much fun, and my boys would just laugh and laugh when we read them.

  74. Kelly says

    I have a boy & 2 girls and the book they all love is Cars & Trucks and Things That Go by Richard Scarry. It’s a big picture book with a million pictures in it that they LOVE to look through. They also love anything by Eric Carle especially Brown Bear, Brown Bear and The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
    This is a great post – love the new book ideas, thanks!

  75. says

    My oldest son’s favorite was The Jungle Book! Loved being a boymom so much I started a fashion brand for us moms! Boymom Designs I love my sons! Oh, both of my boys loved The Bear, The Mouse and the Big Strawberry.

  76. says

    OMG! OUr boys like a lot of the same books. I know Little Blue Truck by heart. We read that about 87 times a day a few months back! Its so cute.
    Right now he loves ” Where is my T-R-U-C-K ” and its very cute and funny!

  77. says

    I have three boys (ages 7,4 and 22 months) and one girl(8), so they don’t always see eye to eye on what to read.

    We love the Little Critter and Berenstain books – good reads for boys or girls.

    My boys favorites are the Bear books by Karma Wilson – Bear stays up for Christmas, Bear feels sick, etc. They have very bright pictures.

    We also like the Zoomer books by Ned Young and Splat the Cat.

    For my oldest son, we really like the Magic Tree House books and the Stink series by Judy McDonald.

  78. says

    I have boys who are 4 and 2 years old (and a girl!). We have a ton of favorites but currently we love Tugga Tugga Tug Boat, My Lucky Day, Dinosaur Bones and Wild About Books. I absolutely love Wild About Books, so cute! And Read To Tiger is quickly becoming a favorite. Oh, and Please Puppy Please.

  79. Jenn Gaddis says

    My little boy (now four) LOVES the Usborne books That’s Not My Tractor, That’s Not My Dinosaur etc. We also LOVE reading I Love You StinkyFace. It is definitely one of his favs! And of course, I cannot help but cry every time we read Love You Forever. Thanks for the books ideas you shared. We are definitely going to check them out! The How Does a Dinosaur collection is another fav of ours too!

  80. says

    i’m a boy mom – of 3 boys! we have a good portion of the books you showed – but haven’t heard of some! checking amazon now for them!!! thanks for sharing!!!

  81. Emily says

    You must get The Gruffalo! So good, especially for a smart little boy like Hudson. I myself am a girl mom and we read a lot of girl books, but The Gruffalo is wonderful for both genders.

  82. Nicole says

    I am a girl mom of a 15 month old. Her favorite books are Tails by Matthew Van Fleet and Wocket in My Pocket by Dr. Seuss. We read both of them before every nap and at bed time. Since she loves Tails, I will have to get Heads too!

  83. Michele says

    I’m not a mom but I was a nanny for years (2 year old twins – boy and girl -they are 6 now!) but some of our most favorite books were:
    “Bear Snores On” by Karma Wilson (this is my personal fav – we could all recite it by heart) You MUST get this if you don’t have it yet!!! I think it’s the best out of all of them
    -any of the Sandra Boynton books
    -“The Big Orange Splot” by Daniel Pinkwater (an awesome book about being yourself and original)
    -“Mahalia Mouse Goes To College” by John Lithgow (this was also a favorite because the family lived in a Harvard dorm at the time, so it was personal, but a great book otherwise)
    -“We’re Off to Harvard Square” by Sage Stossel
    -“Horton Hatches an Egg” by Dr. Suess (that was the boy’s favorite)
    -“Museum Trip”, “Rainstorm”, “Trainstop” by Barbara Lehman (any by her actually) These are picture books but they kids loved them
    They also loved books about our favorite teams (the Red Sox and Penn State) – in particular, “Hello Wally”, “Hello, Nittany Lion”, and “We Are Penn State”. I’m sure there are kids books about your teams as well! They are all in the same series.

  84. Stephanie says

    Several of those books were favorites of mine when I was little, and some I’ve never heard of. My husband and I found out yesterday that our little one (due in November) is a baby boy. It looks like it’s time to stock up my nursery bookshelf with boy books. I’ve been reading aloud Dr Seuss books while pregnant, but I need to pick up a few others.

  85. Olivia says

    I am a boy and girl mom. We love the Chris Van Dusen books. Funny stories. Great pictures. I like to look at the pictures and look for Yellow Bug in Richard Scary’s Cars, Trucks, and Things that Go. Skippy Jon Jones is also a favorite.

  86. says

    Jakes favorites are:
    Where the wild things are- “Max is cool”
    Paul Frank Bedtime Story- Love the illustrations and imaginative things included, strawberry milkshake river, some monster city thing, etc
    Goodnight Moon- Classic

  87. Becky says

    My boys (4 and 2) love anything by Jan Thomas (Favorite: A birthday for Cow) or Mo Willems (ALL the Pigeon books).

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