Hayes's First Fiesta: The Invitations

I have to split this post up into two or three posts because you’d have picture overload if I didn’t.

When my c-section with Hayes was scheduled for May 5, I immediately got excited that our little boy would be able to celebrate his birthday on Cinco de Mayo. Of course, I was mostly thinking about his 21st birthday, but why not have a festive Cinco de Mayo party to celebrate his first year? And Cinco de Mayo fell on a Saturday this year, so we were able to have our fun theme on his actual birthday.

My friend Sarah designed the invitations for us. I just wanted lots of color and papel picado and I am so so so happy with the way they turned out. They’re just so happy!

(I had to blur out the location and RSVP information)

I wanted the back of the invitation to be in stripes to match the table cloths we made for all of the round tables. I just love stripes for a boy and all of the colors are so happy!

I’m trying to organize all of the fun pictures of our friends and all the party details. We had a wonderful weekend celebrating our precious baby boy with all of our family and friends.

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  1. says

    I love the colors! My youngest daughter is into Dora the Explorer right now and since I am not a fan of “character” parties, I’m thinking we’ll do a fiesta with a few Dora touches. I have a few months to plan, though, since it’s not until August! This invitation would be perfect for the occasion! I can’t wait to see *read:steal* your decorating ideas!

  2. step moMster says

    so cute! aaaaah – so THAT’S how you handle it when your name ends with an “s”. my new married last name is giving me lots of trouble as it ends in a “z”. i know it’s a slightly different situation, but i was stumped. even when my husband told me to do it that way (add an ‘s), i’d looked at it too long for it to look right anymore. but i finally gave up and ordered all our stationary and (erin condren labels, of course) to read “the XYZ family”.

  3. McKenna Lane says

    Yes. I have to agree with the teacher from the last page (you see, I’m a teacher too).

    The proper spelling/punctuation would be: Hayes’ (Pronounced: Hayes’s)

    Still…. cute stuff

    • says

      Hey McKenna. 🙂

      I was an English major and learned early on Rule #1 from Strunk and White’s “Elements of Style.”

      1. Form the possessive singular of nouns by adding ‘s. Follow this rule whatever the final consonant. Thus write,

      Charles’s friend
      Burns’s poem
      the witch’s malice

      Exceptions are the possessives of ancient proper names ending in –es and –is, the possessive Jesus’, and such forms as for conscience’ sake, for righteousness’ sake.

      In many cases, it’s acceptable to just allow the writer’s personal preference. Many people would write “Hayes'”, but I’m partial to Strunk and White and decided to stay consistent and write “Hayes’s.”

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