Hayes is 10 months old

My sweet little Hazer,

In two months you will be one year old. I can’t believe it!

Where did this year go? It flew by faster than our first year with Hudson did. I still think of you as my tiny little baby just sleeping in my arms. But it has been months since you’ve slept in my arms.

This month, you’ve been doing a lot more. You still laugh all the time and it is so easy to get you to smile.

You cannot get enough of Hudson. He can walk into a room and you start screaming and making as much noise as you can to get him to notice you. And you laugh at every single thing he does.

You do this hilarious little bear crawl thing on your hands and feet. You rarely crawl on your knees anymore. You’re cruising around on everything and have let go a few times and stood on your own.

You’re babbling a little bit more. I think it’s because your ears are clearing up. You got tubes in your ears this morning, so hopefully that will help it a lot, too.

You say “ma-ma-ma” a lot and “ba-ba-ba” constantly. You love your bottle!

We’ve been replacing one of your bottles with a straw sippy cup every day so we can get you to drop your bottles easily when your birthday comes. You can suck down your formula so quickly in that straw cup!

I’ve done a few things to start planning for your birthday party, but this two month mark really makes me want to step on it and start crossing things off the list. It will be here before we know it! But I honestly cannot believe that 10 months have gone by. I really, really don’t like how quickly time flies.

You are eating two solid meals every day and you are doing a really good job. I’m so glad things are getting easier. You also love eating graham crackers, saltine crackers and Cheerios.

You want to clap and wave so badly. You are fascinated when you watch us clap or wave at you.

I’m so excited to see what happens in these next two months, but this has definitely been the fastest year of our lives. I would give anything to stop time.

I love you so much!


10 month stats

Weight: 23.5 lbs

Height: 30 inches

Diaper Size: still wearing size 5 but only because I’m afraid to buy any size 4s

Clothes: 12-18 and some 12 and some 18

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  1. says

    He is just too precious! My girls will be 8 months old tomorrow and I just can’t believe it! Why does time have to go so fast?? 🙁

  2. says

    He is such a handsome boy! A friend nice told me that when you become a parent time goes by much faster, and now that I’m a mommy I can agree. It seems like yesterday I was giving birth, but Owen will be 2 months next week.

    I’m looking forward to seeing what you do for Hayes’ 1st birthday. Hudson’s was so creative!

  3. says

    Hi there!

    What kind of sippy cup with a straw is it?? I’ve looked all over for one of those!!!! If you get a chance, pa-lease let me know 🙂

  4. says

    When you just said he will be ONE in 2 months I thought…NO WAY! Then I realized SJ will be too! Where has the time gone??? HOLY COW! Our babies are about to be toddlers and I don’t know that my mommy heart is ready to let the baby stage slip away. Haha! He is the sweetest thing ever Erin!

  5. says

    He is TOO precious for words, such a darling little grin. He really is your mini-me. So fun! I am just kicking myself for not doing these monthly posts for C & S. I am bound and determined to get my act together for Miles.

  6. says

    Hayes is looking so much like Hudson to me now! He is precious & looks like he has the best personality. I can’t believe he is already 10 months old! …and bigger than my 18 month old-ha! I bet you will have a walker before you know it!

  7. Pinkprayers says

    Awwww! 10 mos is my fav age! Wish my girls were still that little! Every age brings fun though! He is precious!!!! Edie

  8. says

    Hey girl!

    Happy 10 months Hayes 🙂 where has time gone?! I just LOVE the pic of him standing up in his chair and hugging his monkey too. He is just adorable and is getting So big!! I love his month updates to see what he’s up to. I will keep you guys in prayers with his cranial band appointments and tubes in his ears.


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