Hayes is 9 months old!

Dear Hayes,

You are 9 months old! Actually, you turned 9 months old on February 5, but I’ve gotten a little bit slower about getting your monthly posts up.

This has been a really big month for you! You started really crawling and pulling up this month. And you started eating more solids- and doing it willingly! You love pretty much everything you’ve eaten (with a recent distaste for broccoli) and this will no doubt make things easier in the long run. I’m so glad we all just stayed patient and waited until you were really ready to want to eat.

I think that’s the theme with you. You just do things when you’re ready and you definitely don’t fit into a box.

You stayed pretty healthy this month. We managed to keep you off antibiotics, for the most part.

You still take 8 ounces of formula at a time and you have 4-5 bottles per day, depending on what happens with your schedule.

You love to laugh and Hudson can really, really make you laugh. You love playing peek-a-boo and “where’s Hayes?” You really just get fussy if you have a dirty diaper or need a nap. Who can blame you?

You are happy to go to anyone that will hold you. You love for your daddy and me to hold you, but when we give you to the nursery volunteers at church, you’re just as happy to see them. So far, we haven’t experienced any separation anxiety with you- but I’m sure it’s coming!

We lowered your crib this month because you were sitting up and pulling up in your crib. Yikes. We woke up a couple of nights and saw you sitting up in your crib just looking around. So we thought it was time to drop the crib mattress and hopefully you’d sleep a little better.

We are taking you on Wednesday to have the scans and measurements done for your doc band. I’m excited to see how this works for you and we feel at peace with our decision.

You still love your lovey and a fun little set of blocks that RC and PC gave you for Christmas. You also love your My Pal Scout dog that KK and Poppie sent you. But your favorite toy is the Jump n Go door hanging toy. You could jump in that thing for an hour!

I can’t believe we’re another month closer to your birthday. I’m just not sure where the time has gone!

We love you so much, precious boy!


9 Month Stats

Weight: 23 pounds (85%)

Height: 29 3/4 inches (90%)

Clothes: 12 month and 12-18 month

Diaper: size 5 (only because I’m scared if we buy too many size 4s you’ll grow out of them before you can wear them)

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  1. says

    I thought by this time I’d be calling him a handsome little thing but nope! He’s still so pretty!! 🙂 Love his cheeks & smile. Happy 9 months, Hayes!!

  2. says

    So fun!!

    And I have to know how you got him to sit there…my little girl is 8 months tomorrow and gone are the days of propping her up to take pics!!

  3. says

    happy 9 months Hayes! I’m so happy to hear that he doesn’t have separation anxiety yet – I think it’s more painful on the parent than the actual child! (especially since ours has to go to daycare every single day….oh my heart breaks)

  4. Jenna says

    So glad you’re feeling at peace with the decision to go ahead with the doc band. We saw a little girl at the playground the other day with one on that they had decorated with stickers to say, “Just fixing my flat.” I thought it was so cute since it made me smile and I am guessing it helped answer a lot of questions about what the doc band was before they were asked. I know it might be different for girls but I think decorating/personalizing the doc band might be fun!

  5. HeatherM says

    So cute. By the way, the jumparoo-type toy that hangs from the doorway is actually on the Children’s hospital list of unsafe toys for babies. See here: http://m.childrensmemorial.org/depts/rehab/motor_development.aspx
    When I was a nurse at my local children’s hospital, the occupational therapy department came and talked w/ parents about how more than half of the problems they treat now are preventable, and caused by baby toys that promote poor balance and improper body mechanics. They had one story about a baby who would not walk, because every time they put his foot flat on the floor, he would start jumping, like he was still in the jumparoo.
    I’m not trying to tell you what to do here, I just wanted to pass on the facts and medical recommendations so you can make your own informed choices. Hope this helps!

  6. step moMster says

    adorable. happy 9 months hayes! good luck tomorrow – i’m SO glad you are at peace with your decision (it upset me to no end to read a comment all but blaming you !!?!! sorry – i promised myself i wouldn’t hijack hayes post or start anything). your family will continue to be in my prayers.

  7. says

    Hey Erin 🙂

    I love reading Hayes month updates and he’s eating 4 oz more than Brynley who’s 5 months. I keep wondering when she’ll decide to eat more (and hopefully sleep more too!) I’m so glad you found peace with your decision and he will do great! It’s funny I always thought Hayes looked so much like you but just recently or maybe in these pics he looks like Todd. He’s adorable!


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