The Story Of Us: Link Up with From Mrs. to Mama

It’s a quiet morning at the Carroll house. Hudson is at school, Hayes is napping, and I just finished my Bible reading assignment for the day. I skipped the gym this morning because I’m starting to feel like I’m getting sick and thought I could use the sleep. (Any excuse will do, right?)

I was just going through my Google Reader during Hayes’s nap this morning and saw that AP from I Love You More Than Carrots did this fun little survey and linked up with From Mrs. To Mama. So maybe you want to post it and link up over there, too?

So in the spirit of Valentine’s Day and a little bit of writer’s block, here’s a fun little love survey. And if you already know the answers to these questions, just skip on over.

1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
We started dating in December 2005, so we’ve been together for six years. And it seems like we’ve been together for so much longer. I can’t imagine my life without him.

2. How did you meet?Β {What’s your “love” story?}
We met at work. I worked for a law firm as my first job out of grad school and I started my job in July of 2005 and he started in September. The day we met, as he frequently reminds me, was a Thursday and was the day of Steve Spurrier’s first home game coaching for the Gamecocks. It all leads back to Carolina football!

I was dating someone else at the time when Todd and I met. But we ran into each other at Publix and started talking and then we started emailing. When I think about those emails I totally get the warm fuzzies. They were borderline flirtatious, but we had so much fun getting to know each other. Then finally we went to lunch and then went on our first date at Nonnah’s in The Vista in Columbia. Another one of our first dates was to the zoo for Lights Before Christmas.

3. If married, how long have you been married?
We have been married for 3.5 years. We got married on May 3, 2008.

4. If you are married, where did you get married? Big or small wedding?
We were married in a medium-sized (150-ish guests) ceremony in the Daniel Chapel on the Furman University campus in Greenville, South Carolina. Our reception was at the Westin Poinsett Hotel.

5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!
His family and friends call him TC, and that’s what I call him on the blog sometimes. He calls me “Ernie” and I sometimes call him “Toddler.”

6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
I love his devotion to his family and his faith, his strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, and he is hands-down the smartest and also the wittiest person I know. I love being married to a funny man!

7. Tell us how he proposed?
He proposed on the Horseshoe on the University of South Carolina campus. We went on a walk and had plans to go to dinner afterward. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him and I, of course, said yes. I loved that it was a really private moment and just for us.

We got in the car to go to dinner and when we got to the restaurant, I was stunned to see my parents, my brother and Todd’s parents and grandmother already at the restaurant. He had flown my family in to surprise me so they could be there for the celebration. It was really perfect.

8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
Umm… he doesn’t really fit either of those areas. We try to get out and do something fun on or around Valentine’s Day, like go to dinner at a favorite restaurant. He typically sends flowers on Valentine’s Day, but he also tries to get me something that he knows I’ve been wanting. It’s never anything over the top. He joked the other day that we can’t spend more for Valentine’s Day gifts that what a tank of gas costs.

9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
I mean, it would be pretty fantastic to be at the beach, but we definitely prefer to pop in a movie and relax on the couch. Although, I always fall asleep on the couch, which isn’t very fun for Todd.

10. Tell us one thing you’d like to do with your significant other one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
There is a long list of places I’d like to travel with just him and places I’d like us to go with our boys. We’ve already done a really good bit of traveling together, but we’d both like to go to Greece and Napa together. I’m thinking Napa for my 30th birthday this year. Right, Todd?

11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine’s Day.
Since Valentine’s Day is on a Tuesday, we’re going to celebrate this Friday. There may be something else planned with the boys for Tuesday, but on Friday we’re going to dinner and going to see The Vow.

12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine’s day?
I may have emailed him some links to a couple of things I “need.” Any time I start telling him something that I might want, he just tells me to email it to him. Not super romantic, I guess, but it works.

13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
These are the things that I’ve learned: Talk to each other and work together to learn about each other and find out what makes the other one happy. Keep laughing and reminding yourselves to see the humor in everything. Don’t take everything so seriously and don’t treat marriage and parenting like a job. (That’s a few pieces of advice.)

14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.

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  1. says

    So, so sweet and that last picture totally makes me want to cry! It’s so emotional and beautiful. Also, we’re going out on Friday- dinner and The Vow! πŸ™‚

  2. says

    LOVE this! It’s fun to hear love stories, I may have to link up too! And the bottom picture, like most of her photos, gives me chills πŸ™‚ xo

  3. says

    so sweet! i love that he tells you to just email it to him…that is exactly what jeffrey says. he is so “business minded” and so practical that if i tell him something i “need” he’ll say – “just send me the link” haha! i used to be almost offended by it and put off by how “unromantic” it was, but now i embrace it. it actually is his own way of being thoughtful. and the times when he goes out on his own for gift buying are even more special (and sometimes comical!) πŸ˜‰

  4. Morgan says

    Erin, I stumbled on your blog by accident about a year ago. I fell in love the way you commuincate and speak so honestly about all aspects of your life. You are such an inspiration to push forward and always seek the good in life. Keep up the good work!
    Cleveland, Ohio.

  5. says

    What fun it is to reminisce about the past and meeting our hubbies. I find inspiration in your communication and faith within your family unit. We have been married 6 years and are just becoming more open about our faith and what we want for our son. It was never that either of us wavered in our beliefs but rather were raised Catholic and thus quiet about them. I may have to copy your email idea for gifts/things we need he could totally rock it with emails!

  6. says

    What a sweet love story. This was a great idea for a link up around Valentine’s day.
    Thanks for your story and the link to Mrs. to Mama’s blog!

  7. Olivia says

    I’m from the “Golden Corner” of SC. Love your blog. I was in Columbia today and saw TC at Five Guys eating lunch. πŸ™‚

  8. says

    loved reading all about your love story! y’all are one of my favorite couples in the blogosphere!! xoxo hope you had a lovely valentine’s day! xoxo

  9. Amanda says

    hey girl, its amanda! your cousin, amanda:). hahha, but i was wondering where that ski picture was taken at? it looks very much like the place i just went skiing over christmas break. well, miss ya girl. love you!

  10. says

    Hey Erin πŸ™‚

    I’m so behind reading and commenting, and I know Valentines Day is long gone now but I loved reading about you and Todd. You seem so in love and I’ve read your blog for years and must’ve never known the proposal story somehow, but how SWEET that he had your family there!! I will celebrate my 5 year wedding anniversary this April and Napa sounds fantastic! We have plans to stay at Hilton Head but we will just be getting back from vacationing in Hawaii, so I don’t know if my parents will feel like babysitting again ha!

    I hope you had a wonderful Valentines day and I love all of your sweet pictures from over the years πŸ™‚



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