my love has come and gone?

I was looking through old blog posts last night as I tend to do every few months. It’s fun to go back to specific times and be able to remember what was going on. I used to do a better job of documenting the day to day and it’s so funny to go back and read about specific things that happened.

Last night I was reading in my archives around the months right before Hudson was born. I mentioned our anniversary trip to Savannah, but never blogged about the actual trip or posted any pictures. I think that’s mostly because I was 36 weeks pregnant on our first anniversary and I am almost positive I didn’t want to have my picture taken.

Since Etta James died last week, I’ve been humming the song “At Last” to myself a lot. Todd has always been confused by that song. He never could figure out why they sing it as the first dance song at many weddings. When I asked him why, he said, “The words say, ‘At last, my love has come and gone.’ I mean, how depressing is that for a first dance?”

I laughed and clued him in to the actual lyrics. (“My love has come along.”)

And then we laughed and remembered the night of our first wedding anniversary.

We went to eat at the Olde Pink House in Savannah. It’s one of the more popular restaurants in Savannah and they give a really good Southern dining experience.

I guess when Todd made our reservations for that night he mentioned that it was our first anniversary, as any proud groom would do!

So we got to the restaurant and we were enjoying a wonderful, quiet meal. I was large and I was hungry.

All of a sudden, Etta James’s doppleganger walks over and says, “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll. Happy anniversary.”

We thanked her for being so kind and then, without warning, she steps back and sings,

“Aaaat Laaaaaast!”

And she proceeded to sing “At Last” in its entirety at full volume to us.

We were in a very small dining room with many other patrons, who were looking on. We were all enjoying the entertainment. But I really do not like public attention and I am very easily embarrassed. My face turns bright red and is flaming hot when I know a bunch of people are looking at us.

And here we were, really enjoying her voice, but not really sure if we were supposed to look at her. Or look at each other? Or smile or cry?

So now every time I hear that song, I get this really nervous feeling as I remember that night and the really nice lady who serenaded us, but embarrassed me to death.

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  1. says

    Your story reminds me of how it became our wedding song. My husband would not agree on anything for the song. So while brainstorming songs a commercial came on with At Last in it. He looked at me and asked “why don’t we use this?” And then he goes on to say, “I don’t know why so many people use it when it’s about a cadillac.” I look at him utterly confused. He then explained that he though the drawn out “aaat Lllaasst.” was “Cadillac”. I thought it was so funny that we finally agreed on using that as our song.

  2. Valerie says

    We have eaten at the same restaurant and heard the same lady sing the same song (not to us)! A little awkward indeed!

  3. says

    You made me really laugh out loud! I would have been so embarrassed as well! She didn’t give you a warning. Did she sing it well at least? Love that song and was so sad to see that she had passed away.

  4. says

    That is hilarious! At my surprise 20th birthday party they arranged for a mariachi band to sing for me. They ended up singing barely 12 inches away from us SO loud for almost 10 minutes. It was definitely a birthday I will never forget:) The pictures of our awkward faces are priceless!

  5. says

    Oh my gosh! SAME thing happened to us at Olde Pink House…not the same song, but I was confused as to what I was supposed to do while she sang. We were in one of the little rooms upstairs, so it was a bit awkward. That meal is one of my favorites to date…but I was a little annoyed when the singer was trying to sell her CD after.

  6. says

    Which is exactly why I forbid my husband to mention it’s my brithday when we go out for my birthday dinner. There is nothing worse than having a whole room full of people staring at you. I can totally relate to what you’re saying.

  7. Valerie says

    Savannah is my hometown. In fact, I still live here :D. The Pink House is one of my very favorite restaurants, and my husband and I got serenaded when we were there for our anniversary – I think it was our 28th anniversary, maybe? Yes, it was! Our son got married in 2009, and our 28th anniversary was in 2010. We requested Louie Armstrong’s What a Wonderful World, the song that my son and I danced to at his wedding. It made me nostalgic to have it sung to us. She did an amazing job, and I loved every minute of it! I don’t usually like the spotlight, either. Darn, now I NEED to go have the shrimp, country ham and grits cake appetizer….wonder if I can convince my hubby that we need to go eat there this weekend. Oh, and if you ever get a chance to eat downstairs, that’s lots of fun, too. Especially when there’s live music.

  8. ashley cueto says

    LOVE this story! Today is my (our) 16th wedding anniversary, so it’s very apros pos! I would have died of embarassment, too. I flush so easily and would have looked like a tomato for sure! We are celebrating at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse tonight, so I think it’s safe to say there will be no lady serenading us! 😉

  9. says

    haha too funny! My husband and I always have funny arguments about what the words to a song are.. it’s like on 27 Dresses when they argue about what the words are to “B-b-b-Benny & the jets”. Makes for great stories to tell later! Love your blog by the way 😉 I can’t wait to have kids and share my own experiences!

  10. says

    I can sympathize with TC as I get song lyrics wrong all the time. My hubby is a music junkie and he always laughs when I sing something that’s incorrect!

  11. says

    Oh goodness, a friend from school walked into this song at her wedding. Like the doors swung open, there she was and “Aaaat Laaaaassssttt” started being belted out. I was unable to attend but I have heard it was absolutely beautiful because it was so fitting of the bride and groom and their amazing love story. But I would have been extremely embarassed as well if someone was singing to me! Awkward!

  12. Allison says

    OMG…Erin, that has to be one of the greatest first anniversary stories ever!!!! I can feel your pain. What a hilarious memory, though. LOVE it!

  13. says

    Oh, I’m dying– I’ve so been there! My boyfriend and I live in Massachusetts but I’m from Texas, and every time we go home to visit my family we like to take a quick overnight trip alone to San Antonio. We both love the city (and have mercy, the food!), so it’s always a fun little trip. Well, the first time that we went and I was showing him how fun and cultural the city is (such a proud Texan), we stopped in a very well-known restaurant for dinner. There was a little mariachi band playing at the front of the restaurant, and at one point during dinner I smiled kindly at them in a “Great job, love the music from a distance!” kind of way. Not two. seconds. later. they were on the move to our table, where they proceeded to launch into a full mariachi performance directly next to us. My Yankee boyfriend might have died a little. As embarrassed as I was… I just wanted to pull out the camera.

    Love that your husband thought that it was “my love has come and gone”– leave it to the men, right? 🙂

  14. says

    I hate being put on the spot like that too. And, what are you supposed to do when someone seranades you? I’d rather have the music somewhere on the other side of the restaurant-not right in my face. So awkward. For my 21st birthday, my mom got the hair brained idea to have this guy come to our house to tell funny stories about me. She thought she was being sweet and clever. He was a fake parisian-accent, striped shirt, beret, and all. He pretended like he was just visiting and then went on and talked about all of my pet peeves like they were his pet peeves. I couldn’t figure out what the deal was. I can’t believe my mom paid him to be there. It was so awkward adn embrassing. Talk about too much unwanted attention.

  15. says

    Just reading this a little bit late :/ Such a funny story! I hate awkward moments like this because I blush for anything! So embarrassing! I thought this would change when I had kids but now I even blush when my son gets attention or compliments in public. He is cute though 😉
    This song became our wedding song accidentally (long story) but I sure love it.

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