Hayes is 8 months old!

Dear Hayes,

My sweet little baby. You are growing up so quickly. I just can’t believe how quickly the time flies.

You still like to sit in your exersaucer occasionally. Now you’re loving your Jump ‘n Go door hanger, too. You love playing with your little Baby Einstein music box and your Melissa and Doug soft stacking rings. Sometimes Hudson even lets your play with some of his toys. But you mostly just chew on them.

the most yellow picture on the planet. i’m no photographer.

You’ve had quite a few ear infections in the last month, but we think you’re on the mend. We’re also prepared to hear the news that you need to have tubes- and that’s okay as long as it makes you feel lots better. Hudson had them and I had them as a baby, and we know they work. Hopefully you won’t need them.

You’ve been doing a much better job with eating. You like the things that I make for you as long as I make them chunkier. You love squash, sweet potatoes, peaches, bananas and green beans. I’ve also given you pieces of pancakes, tiny bites of steamed broccoli, cauliflower and banana. You love the freedom to feed yourself. Peas are your favorite. I’m so happy you’re doing so much better because this has been a big source of worry for me.

Hayes, you’re such a content little guy. I say it every month, but it’s true. You are happy to just sit and watch. You’re never super eager to go anywhere or do anything. You definitely got your daddy’s laid back personality.

You’re still not crawling, but you’re trying so hard. You can move from a seated position to all fours. Then you rock back and forth on all fours or crawl backwards. Then you can move from all fours to a seated position. I think you’ll be so much less frustrated once you start crawling.

You love to hug. When I go to pick you up, you reach up for me and then put your arms around my neck when I hold you. Please don’t ever grow up.

You love for us to read to you. You like to sit in our laps and just look at the pictures. Sometimes you’ll turn around and look back at me and smile, which always makes me laugh, but you do love to read.

You also love music. If there’s music playing then you’re smiling. And you love for us to sing to you.

You’re waking up around 7:30 a.m. and eating breakfast and getting a bottle. We put you back down for a nap around 9:30 and you sleep for an hour. (We have to wait to get home from taking Hudson to school before you can take this morning nap.)

We feed you again a bottle at 10:30 and then you go back down for a nap around noon. (You actually fall asleep in the car when we go to pick up Hudson.)

You get another bottle at 1:30 and go back down at 2:30 for your long nap. You’re up at 4:30 for your supper. We get you good and full so you can go until 7:00-ish before your bed time bottle. You’re in bed, asleep by 7:30 p.m.

We love you, little Hayes. You’ve blessed our lives in so many ways we can’t even count.


Mommy and Daddy


Weight: 23 lb 12 oz

Height: Unknown

Diaper: Size 4 during the day and size 5 at night

Clothes: 12 month

a rare picture of Hudson and Hayes. Hudson actually asked to sit next to Hayes to take a picture.

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  1. says

    Could they be any cuter? They are both so adorable.

    My son has had three sets of tubes. They are so much better than constant ear infections. (I had one set of tubes my sister had two . . . the doctor says it has to do with our extremely round faces . . . haha!)

  2. says

    He’s adorable! Logan is already nine months old, and she went through the not eating too. But, like you, when we started giving her actual food (and not baby food) that was chunky and that she could pick up and feed herself, she now loves to eat! Have a wonderful weekend! πŸ™‚

  3. says

    I know this is completely off topic but I just came across your blog & noticed you have a Brussels Griffon and a Golden which is amazing because my mister & I have a Brussels named Walter, and are looking to adopt a Golden as well! Great minds πŸ˜‰

  4. says

    Georgia is 8 months today, I can’t believe it! They were just teeny tiny YESTERDAY.
    How did you get him to start eating? She will only eat about two tablespoons of food a day…

  5. Emily King says

    You know what, it’s only been a year, but I vaguely remember this with my daughter. She goes to daycare three days a week and would eat there, but not for me. Then I went to get her early one day and they were feeding her–they really thickened up her food with that ground up baby oatmeal and she was happily eating it, so I started doing the same. At 8 months the ped said she had the developmental skills to clear her soft palette, so I started giving her table food and we were pretty much done with baby food after that.

  6. says

    As I sit in the hospital on bed rest, waiting to be induced Monday, this hit the spot. I miss my older babies at home so badly….but I get to experience all of this all over again. Thanks for the sweet reminder. That is one adorable little boY!

  7. Maureen says

    Erin, I am going to go ahead and let you know that I’ll be doing this for Beckett from here on out. Thank you for the wonderful idea!! And this brought tears to my eyes: “You love to hug. When I go to pick you up, you reach up for me and then put your arms around my neck when I hold you. Please don’t ever grow up.”
    How quickly they grow up and how sweet they are. Love.

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