Hayes is 7 months old!

Dear Hayes,

You turned 7 months old on December 5. I can’t believe how quickly the time is flying! Do I say that every month?

This month, you got your first tooth. It was pretty rough for you. You were up all throughout the nights for about a week and you got a bad case of diaper rash. But you pushed through and now you have a little bitty tooth. You are kind of obsessed with it. You’re always doing funny things with your mouth to feel that tooth. It’s the one of the bottom right. Your little grin is so funny now.

You also started eating more consistently. You seem to be doing better about getting the hang of it and opening your mouth when you see the spoon. You still don’t love anything, but we’re working on it. It’s so different from your brother’s reaction to food, but I love that you are both so different.

You still take three naps a day. Your first nap is around 9:30, your second nap is around 12:30 and then your last nap starts around 3:30. You’re a very consistent sleeper. You love to just be put down in your crib. You watch your little Tiny Love mobile until you drift off to sleep. You have to have your lovie with you, though.

It’s so funny because you are definitely a thumb-sucker, just like Hudson. When you’re fussy you just find your thumb and everything is better.

I had hoped you might start sleeping on your stomach, but you do not like to try to sleep on your stomach at all. You sleep flat on your back all night long.

You’re still a rolling machine and you can sit up really well now, too. You get tired after a little bit, but you love sitting up. You have been trying really hard to get your knees under you so you can get on all fours. I think by the time you’re 8 months you’ll be crawling. I’m not in any hurry for that to happen!

You smile all the time. You love your brother, your dogs and your parents. You light up whenever anyone talks to you. We haven’t experienced any separation anxiety yet with you, but I’m sure it’s coming.

Your favorite toys are the Baby Einstein music box and Sophie the Giraffe. You also love being in your exersaucer.

We are just loving every little bit of you! You laugh all the time. Someone can just look at you and you’ll laugh. I hope that you are always this easy-going and that your little free spirit always shines through.

I’m so thankful to be your mommy and I’m so excited about sharing our first Christmas with you!



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  1. Beth says

    I love your blog!! My first grandchild was born just 3 weeks after Hayes and I have passed your advice along to my daughter on many occasions, with GREAT results!!! Momsoncall.com was a lifesaver for her and worked perfectly!! Several of your toy recommendations have also been a great hit for our Jack…I love the clothes you dress your boys in (the longalls and shortalls) and am having trouble finding these styles. I don’t live far from Columbia…can you recommend any good children’s clothing shops there? It does seem to be so much more difficult to find cute “boy” things….thanks so much!

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