Hayes is 6 months old!

Dear Hayes,

You are now 6 months old! A half of a year old. Where did the time go? I still think of you as my bitty baby and not as the big, rolly polly baby you have become.

You are still the most chilled out little guy I know. Nothing really seems to phase you.

You absolutely love watching Hudson play and love getting his attention so he’ll smile at you. And he has been interacting with you even more in the last few weeks.

You love playing with your Sophie the Giraffe. Hudson loved his, too, and you just love having Sophie nearby to chew on. You are drooling so much, but you have been for a few months now so it’s hard to know if you’re actually teething.

You still adore your lovie, the monkey. It doesn’t have a name. We just call it “lovie” and know you’ll name it someday on your own.

Peek-a-boo, “where’s mommy?”, and patty cake are your favorite games to play. You absolutely love to laugh and you get tickled so easily. You love to smile at people that look at you. You’re just the most patient little thing. You just love to be held, but you don’t fuss until someone holds you. But you do light up when they come to get you.

You started sitting up on the day you turned 6 months old. You can sit unassisted for about 10 minutes and then you start to slump and we lie you back down to rest. You still roll all over the place.

We had your six month appointment yesterday and you got some shots, but you toughed it out and hardly cried. We just scooped you up and you were all better. But you are a big guy!

You still spit up quite a bit, but your doctor tells us not to worry and that it’s not reflux. We are going to start giving you fruits and veggies now. We’ve tried a few times before, but you weren’t interested at all, but this time we’re going to keep at it. Yesterday you had sweet potatoes. Hudson was begging for some! Hopefully you’ll like it, too!

6 months old

Weight: 20 lbs (85th percentile)

Height: 27.5 inches (above the 97th percentile)

Clothes: 9 month, 6-12 month, 9-12 month

Diaper: size 3 Huggies

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  1. says

    Sweet Hayes. His pictures always make me smile! I’m thinking if he’s not already taken – an arranged marriage between he and Sydney would be best. 😉

  2. Meme says

    Aww! I can’t believe he is already 6 months! It goes even faster than people say it will, I can’t even imagine how fast itmust go with two. My sweet SG was almost this exact height and weight at her 9m appointment last week.

  3. crewlade drinka says

    he is just TOO cute! and boy does he look just like you! so precious !! the time is just flying by with my second baby, too. don’t you just love when the baby’s face lights up at the slightest attention from big brother? melts my heart everytime.

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