pick a pumpkin

We had such a wonderful weekend with the Naturally Caffeinated Family. They have become such good friends of ours over the past two years. We’ve watched each other’s families grow and we’ve welcomed new little ones. They are all wonderful people and we have so much in common with them.

They stayed at our house this weekend and while it was a full house, it was very relaxing to just hang out and talk all weekend with good friends. Hudson hasn’t had so much fun in a long time. He loved having other little boys to play with. And it made me so excited to think about how Hudson and Hayes will be able to run through the house together someday chasing each other! (D’s oldest boy taught Hudson to say, “CHARGE!” while running and chasing, so Hudson didn’t forget that for a second. I think we were all hearing the word “charge” in our sleep!)

On Saturday morning, we decided to get out of the house and take everyone to a nearby farm and pumpkin patch. We wanted all those boys to be able to run around! Hayes and their Littlest were carted around in the stroller and the Baby Bjorn, but they stayed happy.

I was surprised by how much there was to do out there, but Hudson was pretty much obsessed with all of it. He’s at that age where he doesn’t really understand that just because you stop doing one fun thing, it doesn’t mean there aren’t more fun things to do somewhere else. Just because we’re leaving the pumpkins doesn’t mean we’re not going to have fun playing with the duck races or going down the big slide.

But I got to thinking about Hudson and his little struggles and I realized that I’m not much different. I know the things that I like to do and I am conflicted on a daily basis by what I want to do and what I need to do. It would be so nice to take a nap every day or go shopping every day. But the better choice is to maintain my household and to spend time with God every day. Taking care of my husband, my children and my home are the things I need to be doing.

There is so much noise around trying to distract us and capture our attention. With all of the social media, the news, TV, gossip, responsibilities and commitments that it’s hard to walk away from everything without having a little internal battle. Fortunately, we know better than to kick and scream. But we all still have to do things we don’t want to do.

Because of the time of year and all the activities and commitments that come with it (holiday planning, Holiday Market planning, school activities, church holiday planning, etc.) there are very few free evenings on our calendar. And I’m using this as an excuse to stop doing my quiet time. I am making every other thing in my life come first and I go to bed every night saying to myself, “I’ll get to it tomorrow.” And for the past three weeks, I haven’t.

It’s so easy to fall out of the routine, but just like Hudson, I require discipline and routine. My lack of discipline and my failure to keep my time with Him in my daily routine has caused me to become stressed and overwhelmed. Isn’t that funny? If I would just take 20 minutes to do this, the whole rest of my day would fall into place. And somehow I’d feel like I have more time. Being organized will only take me so far. That peace that I can only get from one place is missing, and without it, nothing is going to feel right.

The greatest thing is, though, that I know that I’m never “too far gone.” Three weeks out of routine feels like a long time, but I know it just takes one day to get back on track.

I’m going to slow down. I’m going to be intentional about spending time in the word and getting back into my routine. And I’m going to be intentional in the way I spend time with my children.

*I have a very exciting eyeshadow review and giveaway coming up tomorrow from bareMinerals!

**Don’t miss Erin Condren on Plum District today! Get $50 to ErinCondren.com for just $25.

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  1. says

    Excellent post. I had some stress last night over this same thing because I was trying to do too many things at once. Thanks for the reminder that I need to take care of my house, husband and kids.

  2. says

    Looks like you had a great time! I’m hoping to get to a pumpkin patch with the kiddos this weekend.

    It is a busy time of year – hope that you are able to find your quiet time. You are right that it will actually feel like you have more time then 🙂

  3. says

    AWESOME pictures, and as always…awesome post. I struggle with this too. We visited with my grandparents this weekend and were talking about the same thing. After 75 years my Granny still struggles with her daily time with God. She says sometimes she feel like she is just “checking it off the list” and prays to not have that feeling about reading God’s word. At the end of the day, we are only human! And God will love us anyways 🙂 But yes, taking the time does bring a whole new outlook on the day!!

  4. says

    Oh Erin! Such truer words have not been spoken! I so need discipline & routine in my daily life or I get nothing done. I’m still struggling to get into a new routine since moving and I just feel like I’m floundering. It also isn’t helping that we’ve yet to find a new church 🙁 What do you do during your “quiet time?” I need some ideas on how to get God back into my daily life…

  5. says

    Ummm . . . obviously, you were reading my mind when you wrote this post. This morning I was looking at our calendar, and I told my husband between work and other stuff, it doesn’t look like we have a break until the end of November. And then of course it’s Christmas time, and there will parties and shopping, etc. Unfortunately, I’ve used it as an excuse to be lazy about my quiet time also, and you know, it really shows. In my actions, my thoughts, my mood, and my attitude, I’ve been less than I should be. Thank you for sharing. I’m glad I’m not alone in this struggle.

    P.S. The Pumpkin Patch looks awesome, and the kids are so cute.

  6. says

    I’m stressed about the holidays coming up too. And, I just started a new job where I’ll be traveling and this is all new to me. I’m just trying to remember to take it one day at a time and that God won’t give me anything I can’t handle. PS- love your red sweater!

  7. stephanie says

    I had the same exact realization last night/this morning. And even though I am beyond stressed about several projects and my time management (and I went to bed super late last night), I made myself get up this morning and have my quiet time. My morning was much calmer and peaceful already. Now if I could just make myself remember that, and let other things go instead of that time … we’re so human!

  8. Stephanie says

    I stumbled upon your blog about a year ago (and LOVE it!) but I’ve never commented. This post really hit home and you are so right that it’s easy to choose sleep or the things we want over the things we need…

    BTW, I love your sweater in the first picture!! Where did you find it?!

  9. says

    Loved this post! I have so many balls in the air, I forget to take time to be with Him constantly… I really need to work on that! PS you ladies both look GORGEOUS, what a fab picture! xoxo

  10. Elizabeth says

    Great post…I could use being a little more intentional as well.
    I see others have asked, but where did you get that sweater? So cute.

  11. says

    Who says I am not kicking & screaming like a two year old? 🙂

    I, too, have neglected my quiet time in favor of sleeping in or doing more housework. It’s really starting to show, too, because I’ve had a less content demeanor lately. Thanks for the reminder to get back to it first thing when I wake up in the mornings. I, too, miss the peace it gives me.

  12. says

    What sweet pictures and what a beautiful place you have here. I’m glad you stopped by MyCup2Yours (thanks for sharing my post, BTW), so I could find your blog. You sound like a wonderful mama. I know how hard it is to slow down; I struggle with that too. But I find that the mornings I do start out with reading my Bible and praying always turn into the days that are most filled with peace. It’s funny how our time seems to expand when we start out the day like that. Now if I could only make sure to do that every day! 🙂

  13. says

    Xoxox! 🙂 You are so right, we are never too far gone. I have been saying the same thing to myself about how I *know* my day would run so much more smoothly/less stressed etc., and my patience level some days would be so much higher, when I spend my time with Him and in His word, but need to get back on track. I was just telling myself this again this past week. I have a post about balance coming up too when I balance enough to finish it 😉 Great reminders! 🙂

  14. says

    Those pictures are just adorable!! I can’t wait to get pictures of my girl at the pumpkin patch! We’re hoping for sometime this week or weekend. Have a good week!

  15. says

    Oh how I can relate to everything you just wrote. I let myself get so caught up in the everyday stuff that I forget to slow down and focus on what is important. I have to get back into a habit of starting my day off in the word, and I am sure it would make the rest of my day much better!

  16. says

    I can relate. I have a devotional that I’ve been wanting to start but I just can’t seem to get started on it. I also have trouble just getting the everyday stuff done (even with my new home organization notebook…thanks for the inspiration on that btw) all because I get distracted by two sweet little baby girls but I guess that’s a good reason, huh? 🙂

  17. says

    Thanks for writing this post, it definitely hit home with me. I find myself SO wrapped up in my day-to-day, staying organized, staying current it can be overwhelming. I need that 20 minutes per day to get back on track, and need to focus back on what matters most.

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