it's only Wednesday?

Hey, friends! Β Some of you may have seen a post in your Google reader from me about an eyeshadow giveaway and then were surprised to see that it wasn’t actually on my blog. It’s coming. I accidentally posted it instead of saving it. So stay tuned!

I’ve got a few little confessions on my mind this morning.

1. Apparently I sigh a lot. My mother and my husband have brought this to my attention. It’s obviously not intentional because I had no idea I did this often enough for them to comment on it. But I sigh when I’m tired. Or I sigh when I’m exasperated. Or I sigh when I want to say something but can’t think of what to say. I’m a sigher. I think it helps me to release stress and frustration. Big breath in, big sigh out.

2. I was reading in a parenting book early this morning that we shouldn’t talk or show emotion when disciplining. Both of these things are hard. I’m emotional because it’s my child. I want the best for him. I talk because I want him to know what he did wrong and why he’s being punished. This is something I definitely need to work on. (By the way, the book was 1-2-3- Magic for Christian Parents.)

3. Also… I know I should follow my gut when it comes to parenting. But so far, my gut isn’t working. But I have a few different parenting books and they all give conflicting messages. This is why I’m reading them all and deciding which fits us the best. Oh, the responsibility is so great, but so rewarding!

4. I love cookies. That’s all.

5. I was thinking about this past weekend. Hudson and Hayes had all four of their grandparents here. I was watching Hudson and he was absolutely over-the-moon to have all of his grandparents there. And you know what? He shows no preference or favoritism to any of them. He just makes the rounds and loves on them all. And I love that! I love that he has a great relationship with all of them and I know how unbelievably blessed we are to have such loving grandparents for our children.

6. My birthday is coming up. It’s 11.11.11. Isn’t that great? I’ve been looking forward to this birthday my whole life. It only happens once every 100 years that all six digits in the date are the same! My lifetime of anticipating this birthday has intimidated my husband, though. Oh. I’ll be 29. And I actually have no issues with being one year closer to 30.

7. I am beyond tempted to see the remake of Footloose. I really like Julianne Hough. But I have principles, people, when it comes to unnecessary movie remakes. But I am so tempted! My mom rented Footloose for me from National Video in Ruston, Louisiana when I was in the fifth grade. I resisted because it was an “old movie.” But she promised I would like it. And I loved it! And Lori Singer was just the prettiest thing I’d ever seen. And the soundtrack! A favorite!

8. Halloween party plans are coming along and we have some fun weekend plans with a fellow blogger and her family. I absolutely can’t wait!

What are y’all up to?

P.S. I’m putting together a lengthy post about baby products and my registry tips, but writing the post actually overwhelms me. But I know some of you have asked for it and I promise to get it done!

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  1. says

    YES a registry list would be awesome. I have one baby already but we’re thinking about trying for #2 soon. SO, if you don’t mind … can you add on there things that you realized were nice to have when handling two kiddos?? THANKS! : ) CAN’T WAIT to read that post!

  2. Ashley says

    Erin, I sigh too without it even being intentional. It drives my husband crazy! Dont feel bad you are not the only one. πŸ™‚

    I really want to see footloose too. I would be happy to be your date! Love reading the blog. I miss seeing you!

  3. says

    Thank you again Erin for your awesome writing! Loved reading your “confessions” although none of them are anything I’d worry too much about! πŸ™‚

    I’m reading “Positive Discipline” and really loving it. My good friend swears by “Love and logic”

    Best Wishes in your parenting adventure Erin. It seems to me that you’re a wonderful parent. Hudson and Hayes are lucky to have you.

    Erin J

  4. says

    #6: So jealous of you’re awesome birthday. If you were born at 11:11 too, that’d be EPIC. I think something major would have to happen in your life or something haha.
    #7: I want to see “Footloose” too! I’m a sucker for any movie about dancing – “Step Up” anyone?

  5. says

    11/11/11 is such a cool birthday! I can’t wait to see the registry list/baby products list! That will be so helpful to so many expecting moms out there.

  6. says

    Erin, I sigh all the time! And I have noticed it more and more lately! But like you said, I need to have that big breath in and out! LOL
    I am funny about going to watch remakes….but Footloose is looking pretty tempting! πŸ™‚
    And I love cookies too! I actually had them for breakfast…healthy right? I was in a hurry, give me a break! LOL!!

  7. says

    What other parenting books are you reading? I definitely want to read some Christian-based ones, but my bookstore is pretty lacking in that department. Did you go to a Christian bookstore to find them? And HOW in the world are you supposed to discipline without talking? I think you may just need to follow your gut on that one. πŸ™‚

  8. says

    A colleague and I actually had to talk to another colleague about her sighing. She had no idea she did it so much! She’s trying to stop (she does it when she’s frustrated/exasperated) but it’s difficult because it has become second nature.

    I read a review of the new Footloose and the reviewer actually liked it better than the first! I think I’ll give it a go…

  9. says

    I talk when I discipline, but I try not to show emotion. I’m a teacher, and at school, with the kids here I try really hard to talk less as I discipline. The nonverbal cues don’t work well with children under five because they are still developing a sense of right and wrong. I have to say that I read almost no parenting books. I go to my mom for advice 9 times out of 10, and I do what I think works best for my child. There is lots of great advice our there, but ultimately you are the mother and you know what’s best. Don’t get too worried that you’re doing something wrong. Hudson is loved, you do discipline him, and he will grow up fine. You are a great mom, and it shows.

  10. says

    I’m obsessed with cookies. My husband keeps asking me to make him chocolate chip cookies, but then I wind up eating them all!

    11/11/11 is a cool birthday! I read that a lot of pregnant women want to induce or have c-sections that day so their children have an awesome b-day!

  11. says

    I saw the new Footloose on Saturday, and being a diehard “original” lover, loved the remake too!
    I was in college when the first came out and was in love with Kevin Bacon!
    But, I could be a little prejudiced re: the remake: my sister’s niece arranged and performs the “new” “Holding Out For a Hero” in the movie! I bought the sound track and am loving me some Ella Mae Bowen! She recently signed with a record label and is working on her first album!
    Let me know what you think if you go see it!

  12. says

    I have a book that I bought the other day, as a gift, but I’m going to read it too. It’s called, Dazzling them with grace. I heard both authors teach on it and walked away blessed and challenged. And I need to start reading it…now!

  13. says

    The new Footloose is so good! I loved the old one…so I watched the old one the night before going to see the new one. They are 98% the same! Same lines, same story… Same music too! It was great and just modernized the story a bit. Very very good.

  14. says

    Love what you said about the balance between educating yourself as a parent and trusting your gut. I have found that to be true for me from early decisions about feeding and sleeping to my current stage of toddler discipline. Everyone talks about trusting your mommy intuition/gut, but at the end of the day, we’ve never done this before! It is so helpful to arm yourself with tools and knowledge, and THEN trust your gut when choosing between the many options for your family.

  15. says

    Ok that cracks me up that you thought of Footloose of an old movie!! I remember it being in the theaters. Mom wouldn’t let me see it. I don’t remember what grade I was in.

    My sisters (twins) have the same birthday as you.

    I sigh too. I think it just feels good!!

  16. says

    I am a big sigh-er, too. I’m most self-conscious about it at work (I’m in a cube), but it’s one of the lowest-effort ways to force myself to relax when the 2:00 malaise hits!

  17. says

    I would love to see a post about different parenting books you’ve been reading/have read. Now that C is developing a mind of her own, I’m really struggling with how to dicipline and what is appropriate at this age. I know there are a LOT of books out there, so I’m overwhelmed. Or, if you could email me any recs I would LOVE it. I know discipline is a touchy subject, which is why I won’t do a post on it myself πŸ˜‰ xo!

  18. says

    People tell me I sigh often too, and my explanation is that it just feels good! lol. When I’m overwhelmed or deep in thought I tend to just take a deep breath and let it all go, and it’s like a stress release!

    I love the original Footloose movie and I was in the musical in high school, and I can honestly say that I loved the remake! They did a great job bringing the story to this generation and still incorporated the same music. Loved it!

  19. says

    As a teacher, I struggle so much with discipline and behavior managment without showing my emotions. They’re not even my own children, but I often let myself feel emotional. It’s not easy. I can only imagine how much harder it is with your own kids!

  20. HeatherM says

    I think one of the biggest challenges with discipline is that most discipline techniques don’t work the first couple times that you try them. The only thing that does work is consistency of whatever approach you choose. I think a swift response is also helpful, because it helps the child associate the behavior with the consequence.
    As far as showing emotion and talking during discipline, I definitely agree with the book you are reading. I’ve done it many a time, and it is most definitely possible. And honestly, the sooner you develop that thick parenting skin that let’s you hold your tongue & emotions, the better off you will be in those many many battles of wills that will happen with your boys as they age. The problem with both talking and showing emotion while disciplining is that both take the attention of the moment away from the child’s inappropriate behavior, and put it on to you and your emotions instead. But the reality is that when you are disciplining, it’s really about communicating to the child that that behavior is unacceptable (done via a consequence, & a brief discussion afterwards), and nothing else. To put it another way, when you show emotion, you are showing him he shouldn’t do something that will make someone mad. But when you stay quiet and focus on the bad behavior, you are teaching the difference between right and wrong.
    Discipline is heart work. But discipline is also a gift to the child- because after a few consistent rounds, they usually come out of the discipline bout with a smidgen bit more of moral fortitude every single time you do it.

  21. says

    My birthday is 11/1 and I too have been anticipating this birthday for YEARS! I’m SO excited for next month! Can’t wait to hear how you are celebrating! Happy Birthday!

  22. says

    I don’t understand the discipline without talking thing? Without emotion yes, I have to do that with the kids I teach (and sometimes it’s ridiculously hard!), but without talking? *confused*
    We were considering having our wedding on 11/11- but it’s rememberance day over here, so thought it might have been odd. πŸ™‚

  23. says

    MrsS- hey! I think their logic in the “no talking” isn’t about not talking to the child about what they did wrong, but it’s about not talking the issue to death. Rather just get straight to the discipline and not beat around the bush about it. If that makes sense? Ha. I just read it for the first time this morning. It’s about “don’t do this because I said not to. Period.”

  24. says

    11-11-11, how cool! My son was almost born on 1-11-11…but we decided on 1-7 instead. My discomfort was more important than that date at the time. πŸ˜‰ (I had a scheduled c-section.)

  25. says

    I am so tempted to see Footloose, too! And I hate remakes, so I’m torn! I feel like I need to make a statement, I guess? But who am I making a statement to? Haha! I asked you the other night on Twitter about using MOC for toddler discipline, and I thought when you said 1-2-3 Magic, you meant you wanted something that worked like magic! Haha, I’ll have to check that book out! These toddler years are amazing to watch them learn SO much, but the discipline part is really tough.

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