weekly highlights!

We have had a great week around here.

1. My mom got here on Sunday night and we took Hudson to see The Lion King in 3D at the movie theater. It is his absolute favorite movie- we first let him watch him on the eve of his second birthday. Now he knows all the songs by heart! He didn’t want to wear the 3D glasses. I don’t blame him. I wore mine, but hated having them on. He started singing very loudly in the opening Circle of Life scene and we were able to quiet him down a little bit. We managed to get a couple pictures of him before we went into the theater. He had a wonderful time! If he got out of his seat, he just stood in front of his seat and danced around. I’d say the only “down side” was that he had trouble being quiet. He just loves The Lion King!

2. It has been raining like it’s monsoon season here. Every afternoon around 5:00 we get a bad thunderstorm. We’ve had flooding and lots of debris everywhere. Scratch that– we haven’t had flooding at our house, but our town has. I did get a really cool rainbow photo the other night, but in the background you can see how there is about 4 feet of standing water in the street. There was actually a double rainbow. If that’s not a beautiful reminder from God, I don’t know what is.

3. On the way home from school the other day, we passed the fire station. Hudson shouted that he saw the fire truck, so we turned around and went back so he could get a closer look. We ended up pulling into the driveway/parking lot at the fire station and there was a very kind fireman there. He had his little boy with him and he invited us to get out of the car so Hudson could get a close look at the fire truck. He let him climb up in it and then he even let Hudson hold the little hose! Hudson was so stinkin’ excited! I couldn’t get over how unbelievably kind the fireman was. Not that I didn’t expect him to be kind, but he totally understood that little boys love fire trucks. He invited us to come back any time. I’m sure we will!

4. Like I said, my mom was here this week. They live in Indiana now. I used to get to visit them once a month or once every couple of months. It’s not so bad flying alone with one baby. But I’ve been too nervous to fly alone with two babies. So I just haven’t been able to get up there to see her. So she came here for four days and it was just wonderful. She is so helpful and loves to take care of all of us. We cooked and talked and took naps when the boys took naps. She kept the boys while I went to get a shellac manicure– something I desperately needed. I hate it when she leaves, but fortunately she’ll be back in a few weeks.

I wanted to get a picture of her with the boys. Hudson does not like to have his picture taken these days, as you can see.

But Hayes will always smile for the camera. Poor Hayes is constantly wearing a bib these days because the drool is out of control.

5. Did y’all see Glee this week? I do wish they’d start singing more songs during the episodes. More singing, Glee!

I’ve mentioned before that I was Maria in West Side Story in high school, so I was super excited that this was a West Side Story episode complete with “Somewhere” (one of the most beautiful songs ever written) with Lea Michele and Idina Menzel and “Something’s Coming.”  Did y’all watch? Watch the video of “Somewhere” here.

image via here

6. My blog and twitter friend, Hopsy, from Monograms and Manicures posted these adorable Bible verse printables. They are the cutest design and you can carry them around in your purse or diaper bag to memorize while you’re on the go. Or hand to a friend in passing. Or you could tape it to your bathroom mirror to read while you’re getting ready every day. Aren’t they cute? Visit her blog for information on how to print them– and you may want to “pin” them from her blog, too.

I’m going to share some fun finds with you all tomorrow.

Toodles, poodles!

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  1. says

    I’m so glad you got some quality time with your Mother! Yay for Grandmothers. 🙂

    We have a firehouse about 1/4 mile from our house. We always stop in monthly to say hi and because they let my boys climb all over the truck. Most of them have little “Honorary Chief” hats as well, so maybe ask them next time. I agree about those fireman…always so gracious!

    On another note: you can fly with both boys alone! I’ve done it several times, as I also have family in the Midwest. It was definitely nerve-wracking at first, but if you plan it around the little one’s naptime, you will have great luck. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that you CAN do it – with a dvd player/ipad and lots of snacks. 🙂

  2. says

    Those are really cute verse cards! I am nervous about my flight too but Evie is a little older than Hudson. Henry will hopefully sleep. 7 weeks and I am already nervous. Hudson looks so cute at the movie!

  3. says

    Our playgroup does fire station tours all the time…they are always so nice and friendly! I can’t wait until Grayson gets older so he can really enjoy it!

  4. says

    Such a fun week! You know when you are looking at pictures and you glance and think you see someone else? I totally caught a glimpse of you when looking at the photo of your mom and the boys. You two are practically twins! My mom and I are too and I see myself in her now all the time, especially now that I’m older. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. says

    It is adorable how excited Hudson was at The Lion King movie! I don’t blame him for belting out ‘Circle of Life’– I feel the need to myself sometimes 🙂 As for the fire trucks, they can just make some little boys’ days! The first summer that I nannied, the youngest child was 2– a little boy. We would eat breakfast, load up the diaper bag, get strapped into the stroller and head out for the entire morning on fun little walks. Different parks and playgrounds were always on our route, but NOTHING made the day as much as stopping at the fire station! The firemen were always so great here as well– they took the time to show him the equipment, let him sit in the truck… it was so great. Little boys are so fun!

  6. says

    You are such an awesome boy mom! I can’t believe that you turned around and pulled in to the fire station just because your little boy wanted to see a fire truck. I can totally see many moms (sadly, probably myself included but I guess we won’t find out for a little while) thinking that their day is too busy, they need to get to point B, they have piles of laundry, they’re just not in the mood instead of just pulling in to the fire station for a few minutes and making their kid’s day. Go you. Oh, and Happy Friday 🙂

  7. says

    What a great week! When my parents lived in Florida my heart hurt for them. So I totally get the missing mom part! And yall look just alike! I love it!

    Hope yall have a great weekend! And make sure those Gamecocks beat Auburn, ok?! 🙂

  8. says

    I love that Hudson got to see the fire truck up close and even got to hold the hose. That is just so cool. I can imagine it’s hard to be so far from your parents. Mine live 30 minutes away, and I feel like we don’t see them enough. Glad you enjoyed your time with your Mom.

  9. says

    LOL You should see the things I have to do to get a smile out of my kids for pictures, it usually involves someone else taking the picture while I dance around insanely OR my “saying” something as I’m taking the picture that makes them laugh. That generally needs to be something gross that I wouldn’t want them saying like “boogers” or “poopie”…I don’t recommend that route if you can avoid it but it sure does catch them off guard and cause true giggle smiles!

  10. says

    Erin, what a fabulous mother you are to give Hudson such a fun fire truck experience! That is just too cute. I bet he felt like his dreams were coming true.

    The hardest part of moving from Columbia back here to Charlotte was knowing that I was giving up having my mom just 20 minutes away. Moms can be such a great help with children, I’m sure. You are lucky that yours was able to come in and spend some great time with ya’ll this week.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  11. says

    oh my goodness…i LOVE glee! I don’t know what I will do next year when Rachael is gone! 🙂

    Also, I loved your last post on photo keepsakes. I am going to look into the memory boxes for sure. I have so much art work and I have been needing an storage answer. Thanks so much!!

  12. says

    What a beautiful momma you have:) I LOVE spending time with my mom, and Britton is just as crazy about his grammy as I am!!! I can’t wait till my little one is old enoughto take to the movies. I love the Lion King, too. Well, I love all the Disney movies in general and can practically sing the entire soundtrack from most of them. The hubby and Britton have patiently played audience to quite a few of my solo performances. Luckily, my baby just loves the music and dancing around and hasn’t quite figured out that I can’t carry a tune worth a flip.

  13. says

    That’s so nice of you to pull over and let Hudson explore the fire truck! Way to go, mom!

    Also, I watched Glee and thought it was amazing! How about Quinn trying to get custody back of her baby? Crazy! I think there should be more singing too though!

  14. carrie says

    I’m glad he enjoyed The Lion King. I took Aidan to see it too! He can’t wait dor it to come out on dvd. 🙂
    Loved the fireman pics~soooo cute!!
    Your mom looks really good in those pics! 🙂

  15. says

    Looks like y’all had a great week!! I’m not a huge fan of 3D glasses either, but at least Hudson enjoyed it! Did your parents just now move back to Indiana?

  16. says

    Since B is a firefighter, he loves telling me stories of little guys who stop by! The other day two little boys asked him for his autograph. It was the cutest story ever and I know that you are always welcome there. They love treats too, so if you bring them those, Hudson will be their favorite! 🙂 They love visitors all the time! I’m glad Hudson enjoyed it. When I first visited B’s station when we first started dating, I felt the same way a little boy does I’m sure. I couldn’t believe all the stuff you saw in movies and stuff was real! 🙂

  17. says

    Glee is my absolute favorite show, and I’ve been a little underwhelmed this season. I am a Finchel fan and Finn is my favorite character – and he hasn’t sung ONE song this season. WHAT? Although I could listen to Rachel sing all the time!!

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