4 years of blogging

If you’re new to Blue-Eyed Bride, this is a pretty decent recap post to get you all filled in since the beginning.

Every September, this date rolls around. I don’t celebrate it at home, but I always make a mental note that it came… and went. On September 25, 2007, I began writing this blog for our family members and out of town friends to read to keep up with what was going on. Originally it was just called “Erin & Todd” and the URL was my maiden name and his last name. I think there were probably about 20  page views per month for the first six months. The only other blogs I read were those written by my friends that lived out of town. The thought of reading a stranger’s blog had never occurred to me.

Obviously times have changed. I won’t get into what blogging has become in my life. I want to look back at where we were four years ago and where we are today.

Not even counting the physical changes, a whole lot has changed!

On September 25, 2007, I wrote my first blog post. And the Gamecocks had just won against Georgia… in Athens. And TC and I had gone to the game.

We had gotten engaged in April of 2007 and were planning our May 2008 wedding. I was working at the University and he was at his old law firm. Things weren’t entirely carefree, but looking back, it sure seems like they were! We attended every home game and two away games that year. We were in the process of looking for a house that would be our first home together- and a few days later, we put in a contract on our current home.

In December, we closed on our house. I moved in to the house while TC lived with some very generous friends. I continued to plan our wedding– making the drive from Columbia to Greenville, SC every couple of months to work on details. We had showers in Indiana, Dallas, Ruston, Columbia and Baton Rouge and we had a fun little vacation in Chicago with my family.

I was going back and forth to Dallas for dress fittings and then finally my bachelorette party with all of my best friends.

We got married in May 2008 in the Daniel Chapel on the Furman University campus and the reception was at the Westin Poinsett Hotel.

photo by Kelly Moore Photography

Then we were off to Maui for our 10 day honeymoon at the Grand Wailea! (I really want to go back– or just live there.)

A month later, my family experienced a tragedy and we ended up adopting our beloved Fiona, who joined Boudreaux as the two most loved dogs.

The summer after our wedding, I realized that people I didn’t know were reading my blog. What in the world? How did they find me? Who are they? My sweet friend, Cyndi, was the first person that I didn’t know in real life to comment on my blog. Why do they want to read my blog? And then I started reading theirs, too, and friendships were formed. Then, because I wanted something more original, I changed the name of the blog to Blue-Eyed Bride. (I wish I had a file of all of my old blog headers!)

Then when the next football season came around- just about a year after I started blogging- I found out I was pregnant with our first child. I kept that a secret for a while and didn’t blog as often as I had been. The excitement and surprise were both overwhelming! And then I finally announced it.

Then we found out that we were having a precious boy!

One June 5, 2009, he was born. And we named him Hudson.

TC left his old firm and started a new firm with two colleagues. I left my old job and started a new job at home with my precious baby.

The past two years have been measured in Hudson’s milestones. I think about things in terms of when he sat up and started walking and talking. So many of you have read along on this fun ride as we’ve raised Hudson and learned how to be parents.

When Hudson was 15 months old, we found out that he was going to be a big brother!

And then you read that there would be another baby boy Carroll. And now sweet baby Hayes is here. What a precious, precious gift he has been.

In the past two years since Hudson was born, we haven’t gone as many places or been quite as adventurous. But life has been so great. I am so happy to just sit and watch Hudson and Hayes grow up. They make me laugh and they have given TC and me such an incredible appreciation of life.

Now, instead of attending all the games, we watch at home while drawing pictures on the Magnadoodle and playing with cars and trucks.

I’ve made so many good friends through blogging. And I mean that. Good, good friends. Friends that I talk to on the phone at least once a week and so many that are going through the same things I’m going through. Or friends who have the same interests that I have.

You have all prayed with us through two pregnancies and two sweet children. You prayed with me for my mom as she battled melanoma. I am just so thankful for this community and this outlet.

Blogging has helped me stay in touch with old friends who just come by to check in.

What a fun outlet! What a great way to record memories and to be able to look back and see such wonderful times chronicled through your words and photos. It hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows and there have definitely been some storms. But those things are much harder to remember when I think about the last four years. They’ve definitely been the best years of my life. And I’m so happy to have a record of them.

photos by Angela Shea Photography in Charlotte, NC

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  1. says

    Happy Four years 😀 Isn’t it awesome to be able to go back and see all the great memories!!! And girl, how do you have two babes and look soooo awesome?? come on share ur secret PLEASE!!!!!

  2. says

    Congrats on 4 years! I’ve been reading since you found out you were pregnant with Hudson and I enjoy coming back everyday to read. Thank you for continuing to write!

  3. says

    Happy Bloggerversary!!! I love reminiscing with you! I’ve been a reader almost since the beginning and it’s crazy how fast time goes! Feels like just yesterday you were sharing the news of Hudsons arrival!

  4. says

    Thanks for sharing this. It’s exactly why I started blogging myself — so that I could look back in the next 2, 5, 10 years and see what was going on at this stage in my life! Thanks for the motivation 🙂

    Oh, and if you want another random blog to read, you can check mine out! It’s http://www.colormekati.blogspot.com. I’d love for you to stop by anytime!

  5. says

    I was the first?! Ahh…I feel so special 🙂 You were the first person I truly connected with via blogging and because of you, I know that blog friends are real friends…no matter what other non-blogging people say! It’s been so sweet reading your blog and watching your babies grow. I knew it from the moment I learned you were pregnant with Hudson, those babies are super lucky & blessed to have you as their mama!! Love you my sweet friend!

  6. says

    I’ve been reading your blog for so long, it slipped my mind that you were married the same time I was. It’s amazing and fascinating what different paths everyone winds up on — we’re the same age (I think), been married the same amount of time, and I cannot fathom having one child, let alone two!

  7. jcristg says

    aside from the fact we won, the only other thing that vividly stands out about athens 2007 is HOW DANG HOT IT WAS OMG. (been reading you since the beginning, yadda yadda yadda. XOXO)

  8. Megan says

    Congrats! You have a beautiful family and this is such a great way to share your memories. Wondering what it will be like when it’s your 10th or 20th blogging anniversary? Now that will be an interesting trip down memory lane!

  9. Paige says

    You certainly have packed a lot of life changes into four years! Congratulations on four years of blogging and hopefully you will continue to blog for at least a few more. 🙂

  10. says

    Happy 4 years of blogging! I’ve been a reader of yours for almost a year now. It’s funny that you did this recap post, because just a couple of weeks ago, I decided I wanted to read your blog story from the beginning. So I’ve been reading through each of these events that you are describing! 🙂 Hope you have an amazing day!

  11. says

    Happy 4 years! Even though I haven’t been with you the whole time, or even most of the time, I’m certainly glad I’ve found you now. Having 2 boys about the same ages of H&H, I can commiserate on so many levels with you.

    Your house is adorable, you and your mom look so much alike, and you have a precious family. I’ll be here to follow along for the next 4 years (:

  12. says

    I have absolutely loved following you on this journey and cannot wait to see what God has in store for you and your family. Thank you for sharing with us, so glad I found your blog!

  13. says

    This is the best. I have been reading your blog for about a year and a half, and yours is the blog that got me started on reading “strangers” blogs! What a wonderful outlet. I love this post, because I didn’t know all the details before Hudson was born, so now I feel like I know you ever better! I truly look forward to reading your posts everyday and catching up with your family. Thanks Erin! Happy 4 years of blogging!

  14. says

    What a great recap! I’ve been reading for probably a year now and even though I went back to the beginning when I started reading it was nice to read your short recap. Love all the pictures!! Happy 4 years!!

  15. says

    Love the recap!! Congrats on 4 years of recording some great memories!! Have you had your blog printed in a book for a keepsake? You should! It’s like a giant baby book for the kids! Love following you Erin! Keep up the great posts!

  16. Allyce says

    So glad you have continued blogging through all of these happy times in your life. Your blog is so fun to read and, I think, very easy for moms, new moms, and moms-to-be to relate to. Thank you for sharing!

  17. says

    I seriously love your blog. It just makes me smile 🙂 Keep up the GREAT work. Oh, and if you don’t mind…can you share some ideas you’ve been throwing together for the kids b-day parties? I need some inspiration for my little guy’s first in March…

  18. says

    Congratulations on 4 years of blogging! I’m a new reader to your blog, but have enjoyed getting to know you through your fabulous writing. In fact, you’ve inspired me to start my own blog so I can capture and share what’s happening in our lives with our now 13-month-old daughter some day. Thank you for sharing this piece of your life with all of us!

  19. says

    Hi Erin,

    I’m so glad you did a recap – I’ve only been reading for a few weeks, and this was a great way to get to know your story! I’m enjoying your blog and feel inspired by all of the things you’ve shared. Congrats on 4 years!

  20. says

    Happy four years! I didn’t even realize how long I’ve been reading until I remembered some of your landmark posts. Happy to “e-know” you and your beautiful fam!

  21. says

    Happy 4 years. I can’t even remember when I started reading your blog, but I love what you write about. You’ve given me quite a few good ideas from your idea boards and such!

  22. Lauren says

    Congratulations on four years! I found your blog by accident when Hudson was still pretty little, fell in blog love, then spent a rainy weekend reading from the beginning (I swear I’m not a stalker!) I’ve been enjoying your posts about life, your sweet family, fashion and fun ever since. Thank you for sharing and here’s to four more years!

  23. landlocked mermaid says

    Goood job momma!! I just had a baby too, Lucia is five months. I can’t even believe it. Nina and I are great friends and it is so good to see how you ladies are doing with your babies as I navigate Mommyhood too. We need you to write a post about losing the baby weight! You look great and have made progress in just weeks. I am trudging along and get up a five am for a boot camp to keep the cuckoo in the clock and the weight off my hips.. would love to hear what you are doing! hugs xo

  24. says

    Happy 4 years and thank you for sharing your life story with us. I’ve been reading since right before you announced your pregnancy with Hudson and I’ve loved every minute of it! 🙂

  25. says

    I loved this post! I agree…blogging is such a fun way to record all of your memories. I loved your recap! I started reading your blog when Hudson was a baby and it really is amazing how things change! Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your life:)

  26. Laura says

    I found your blog (I think) through TheKnot.com over 3 years ago when I was planning my wedding and I’ve been a devoted reader ever since. I’m glad we have gotten to chat via Twitter and hopefully, we’ll get to meet in person one of these days.

  27. says

    I’ve been reading for a little while, but loved the recap. That’s why I love blogging, I can always look back and see what I was up to a year ago, 2 months ago … yesterday. Whenever!

    Have you ever made a blog book from your posts?

  28. says

    I have only been reading for a few months so I loved the recap! Your blog has become one of my daily reads and Hudson and Hayes are absolutely precious!! Thanks for sharing! You are blessed!!

  29. crewlade drinka says

    I already commented about this post but I just have to also say- those new photos are so gorgeous! all of your prof ones are! Do you pick the locations and tell the photog exactly what you want or just go with the flow? how do you find these photogs? (sorry for the 20 questions)
    (I am currently on the hunt for a photog but don’t want to spend a ton (aka $2k) everytime I get photos done.)

  30. says

    I love this post and am a new follower! I have been blogging for a while and love the friendships I have made and the lessons I have learned along the way. Thanks for sharing you life with us!

  31. Leah French says

    Congrats on four years! I am a fellow SC girl and I was wondering where you get your boys adorable clothes! I just had a little boy and his clothes are much harder to find!! Thanks

  32. says

    Happy 4 years to you and your blog! Every word you just said reiterates why we all take the little time we have in the day and put it towards our blogs. I know looking back, to have our life recorded will be such a blessing!


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