Hayes is 4 months old!

Sweet little Hayes,

My Hazer. You are just the sweetest little guy. You’re so pleasant and easy. You just light up whenever someone looks at you. You still only cry when you’re tired or hungry.

You still love to go to sleep on your own and have just been such a dream baby. Just last night you were lying on the floor at your grandparents’ house while the rest of us were visiting and all of a sudden you were just dozing off.

You’re still very lazy. Ha! We think it’s so funny. You lie on your tummy and you still don’t try very hard to roll over or lift your head. But you’re doing it more and more.

What you’re up to:
The first week of your third month, we found you rolled over on your tummy in your crib. You rolled over again on your mat once, but so far you’ve only done it those two times.

You are getting better about holding your head up high and resting on your elbows when you’re on your tummy.

You have been grabbing your toes and just staring at them and talking to them. It’s so cute! I love this little stage of toe-grabbing!

You’re also grabbing the rings on your little mat and just cooing up a storm as you try to talk to all of us.

You’re sleeping from 7:30 p.m.-7:30 a.m. and still eating every three hours. I have a feeling after your appointment with the pediatrician, you’ll be eating rice cereal this month.

I can’t believe how big you’re getting! I know I’ll probably say this your whole life and every time I do, you’ll roll your eyes and say, “Moooommm!” But really. Please don’t grow up!

You watched your first Gamecock football game on TV this past weekend. Big time!

Your 4 month gorilla picture! Look how much you’ve grown!

Clothes: size 3-6 and 6 months. You’ve outgrown all 3 month stuff
Diaper: size 2- Pampers Swaddlers
Height: 27 inches (above the 97th%– off the charts)
Weight: 16 lbs (79th%)

(you’re a little taller than Hudson was and two pounds lighter than Hudson was)

Food: Similac Sensitive for Spit Up – 8 oz bottles, every 3 hours

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  1. says

    I can’t believe how much Hayes has changed over the last month in particular! I love seeing the comparison photos! 🙂 I think he is also starting to look a lot like Hudson!!

  2. says

    Love hearing about Hayes! My little ones were four months old on sunday! Such a fun age and I love hearing what other four mnth olds are doing! Sweet Hayes! Love the gorilla pics!

  3. carrie says

    He’s getting so big so fast! I love the pic of him smiling/laughing with foot up in the air. Too cute!! Lainie found her toes last night…hilarious!! 🙂

  4. Emery Wilkerson says

    Okay, in the very first picture you posted in this post, Hayes looks so much like Hudson!!! First time it’s really jumped out at me!! Two super cute boys!

  5. says

    Erin, he’s adorable!!!!!!! Looking more like Hudson every day too! I can’t believe he’s eating 8 oz at a time. My little guy (who wasn’t very little- about the same size as Hayes!) rarely took more than 5 at a time. Isn’t it funny how different babies are? I’m so glad he is still being such a “chill” baby for you. Work it as long as you can!!!

  6. Beth says

    Oh my gosh! Growing so fast- the difference from 3-4 months is amazing! He is absolutely adorable and looks like the happiest baby in the world!

  7. says

    He has changed so much in just a month. I think he looks like Hudson in the pics where he’s smiling. I love laid back babies. 🙂 He is a doll.

  8. says

    New follower! I love the idea of what your are doing to keep track of everything! That will be so fun to look back on one day! Congrats on your precious bundle!

  9. says

    So so cute!!! Happy 4 months birthday Hayes:)

    P.S. Can you please tell me where you get the monthly outfits? I live in South Africa so would need to order online – any suggestions?

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