Pinnable Me Friday: Home Organization

Note: I’ve gotten a few emails asking about Hayes’s sleep training. I did a post last week about Moms on Call. It is truly wonderful! While I am a huge advocate for it now and am one hundred percent a believer in their method, I can’t post their program on my blog. I didn’t write it and that would be plagiarism. So go to to see what we’re doing with Hayes and watch the seminar for the full effect. It really does work! I promise!

I’m linking up with Stefanie from Paw Prints and Pastry Bags again this week! You should, too!

Yesterday’s goals were mostly about being organized and planning meals and schedules. So most of my pins from this week are about the same thing!

The embed feature on Pinterest is a serious pain in the you know what, so I had to sort of improvise this week. I’m sorry that I can’t link to every original source.

Home Organization Notebook cover from Honey We’re Home

The adorable family on Honey We’re Home has a home organization notebook that has a printable daily calendar and monthly calendar. There are slots for loose papers like mail and bills and invitations that need to be RSVPed to. I could also put my meal planning notebook as part of this! MomAgenda has printable calendars and I may just do something like that instead this year so I can keep everything in one place.

Menu Planning Binder inside from Our Life Accounts

So their menu planning system is exactly what I’ve been thinking I need to do. The other pictures on her blog show the printed out recipes, the grocery list, and an extras tab. This is truly what I want my system to be. I’m so excited I saw her tweet the other day linking to this post!

Snack Station in the refrigerator from Oh Dee Doh

I love this little ready-to-go snack station. This has perfectly portioned snacks for Hudson and for me. He can reach in and grab what he needs and I already have my snacks measured out according to what I should be eating that day. I just love this! It definitely takes planning, but I need to be more organized.

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  1. Brittney conroy says

    I LOVE your blog! You seem to be doing GREAT with your two little men. I hope I can do half as good as you are with just one come November. I have been reading/stalking your blog since bf Hudson was born. I know..crazy right? I live in Charleston, SC and found your blog before we moved here from Kelly’s Korner and just got addicted to you. You seem alot like me and I LOVE your style. I just recently started my own blog so I can now stop secretlly checking yours all the time. I am using alot of your mommy tips for our little bundle of joy and hope they work. You seem very type A like myself so I think whatever is working for you should be my route. God Bless your little family and keep your head up…you LOOK great, your boys look happy and healthy, and you are doing everything RIGHT….there is NO right answer and what works for your family is exactly what you should be doing. Keep your head up pretty momma!

  2. says

    I had a binder like that when I was pregnant with Brody and when he was a new baby. It was great! I also broke down a daily cleaning schedule inside. It made cleaning/laundry so much simpler and less overwhelming. I think I need to pull the notebook back out and use it again!

  3. says

    I NEED that snack “station” in our fridge! So simple, but brilliant! Think i’ll be printing that pic for my next Publix trip!

  4. Jennifer Allen says

    I just wanted to pass along a website that has made meal planning a breeze! You may have already heard of this…I know that Dave Ramsey is a big advocate:) The website is They meal plan a weeks worth of meals at the store of your choice. They even give you an easy to follow grocery list. It has been the best $15 I have EVER spent!!! Check it out:)

  5. says

    Ah, I thought that might be the case with the Moms on Call program. That being said, I’ve ordered the book & DVD, so I’m hoping we can make a few changes with my little boy’s sleeping schedule! I will let you know how it goes 🙂

  6. Pam L. says

    Moms on Call needs a section on Teenager’s for mom’s with older kids – lol! I wish I would’ve known about them/or they had been around 15 years ago, it was a hard adjustment with my oldest when she was an infant/baby. Now, of course she likes to stay up late (chatting with friends on-line) and sleep in late, but it’s summer and no school, so sleeping in is good! 🙂 They grow up fast, enjoy this time!

  7. Cory says

    I just got onto Pinterest. Is it possible to follow you over there? Are you under blue-eyed-bride? Love your blog.

  8. says

    I have four vegetable/crisper drawers in my fridge, so one is set up like that snack station. It is SUPER easy to just grab what you want. It’s full of yogurts, string cheese, PB crackers, fruit, cut veggies in individual portions and other (non-refrigerated) snacks in ziplocks in individual size portions. SO easy!

  9. Ashley says

    Loved all your Pinterest Picks! I’m dieing to be a member, is there any chance you have an invite left?

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