Hayes is 1 month old!

Dear Hayes,

I cannot believe how quickly your first month has flown by. For most of the first two weeks we had our struggles with you being a “lazy eater” and losing too much weight. Now that we’re strictly on formula (you are taking Similac Sensitive), you are thriving. And I have lots more time to devote to you and your wild brother.

Some days it seems like you spend all day sleeping and some days you are very very alert. You have the brightest eyes and seem to be just taking everything in.

For the most part, you’re really laid back. You manage to sleep through Hudson’s loud noise and the dogs barking. You fall asleep on your own for every nap and every bedtime. You don’t need to be rocked. I still sneak in a couple of minutes of rocking before I put you in your bed.

Right now, we feed you between 8:00-8:30 p.m. and put you to bed. We wake you up for a “dream feeding” at 11:00 and put you back to bed. You sleep until 3:00, eat a little, and go back to sleep until 6:30. You take a morning nap until around 9:00.

You’re a good baby and have fit in so perfectly with our family. We just love you so much!

Your Aunt Nina thought you needed to have your own Jelly Cats stuffed animal to pose with every month. I gave a monkey to Hudson before he was born and Aunt Nina gave you this gorilla. I’m so excited to measure you up next to the gorilla every month to see how big you are!

We love you, baby Hayes!


1 month stats:

Weight: 9 lbs 14 oz
Height: 22 inches
Eating: 3-4 ounces per bottle, 8 bottles per day
Clothes: 0-3 month and some 3 month
Diaper: Size 1

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  1. carrie says

    He’s sooo beautiful & has a pretty complexion!! He’s sooo long legged too!!
    I wish yall were closer so I could meet both of your precious babies!!

  2. Erin says

    I love that you do these monthly/yearly letters for your kiddos. What a precious gift – for you and for them!

  3. says

    Dear Hayes, your Aunt Nina loves you very much and cannot believe you are already a month old! I’m so glad you love your Jellycat Gorilla. I think he is pretty darn cute but of course, not as cute as you! It makes me sad that we have not met yet but we will just as soon as your buddy Jack arrives. We are all anxious to watch you grow but don’t grow too fast, okay?! With love, Aunnie

  4. Lyndsey says

    BEAUTIFUL Hayes!! I can’t wait to meet you! I can’t believe it’s been a month already! WOW! Love you all very much!

  5. says

    I love that you’re going to do the pictures for Hayes with a gorilla, just like Hudson did his with a monkey! It will be so fun to compare the two as he gets older!

    Hard to believe he’s a month old already, he is absolutely precious!

  6. says

    Awe, sweet Hayes! I think he looks so much like you. What a wonderful little family. I hope you are sneaking in rest here and there.

  7. says

    How is he already a month?! Gosh it goes by so fast. I had a “lazy eater” too, which I’d never heard of until then, and you’re the first person I’ve heard use the same term, so it’s nice to know other mom’s deal with it too. I love the gorilla, what a sweet gift! Hayes looks so much like you!

  8. says

    Gosh he is so thinking cute!!!!! I want to hold that sweet baby!! I want to see comparision pictures between Hudson and Hayes each month! (dang, I’m a demanding reader)

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