
Today has been kind of a hard day for me. After being here with us for just over three weeks, my mom went home today. We were so unbelievably blessed to have her stay so long with us to help me.

When TC got up and headed to work every morning, he knew he could work his usual long(ish) hours without feeling guilty because he knew that the boys and I were well-cared for at home with my mom’s help.

I have very strict instructions to not lift Hudson, who is now 33 pounds. So I have really appreciated my mom being here to give Hudson what I can’t and pick him up and hold him or change his diaper.

She doesn’t live close by, so just coming over to hang out on a Saturday has never been an option. Her long visit flew by, just as Hayes’s first three weeks have flown by.

I enjoyed having someone to talk to all day while we played with Hudson and Hayes. Some days we didn’t get out of our pajamas and some days we’d sneak in naps while the boys napped. She did our laundry, helped us with meals (when our sweet Sunday school friends weren’t providing them), and helped get both babies bathed and in bed every night.

I appreciate her wisdom so much as I learned how to take care of two babies at once. I will never forget how much she encouraged me as I wondered how I could do it all or in the days when we couldn’t figure out why Hayes wasn’t gaining any weight.

My mom sacrificed so much of her time and put her own life on hold, with my Dad’s loving blessing of course, to help me, as only a mother can.

I didn’t put on makeup when I got dressed this morning because I knew the airport drop-off would be teary. And it was. I still feel like a child when I say goodbye to my mom, but this goodbye was full of more gratitude than sadness. I don’t know how I can ever thank her enough and I hope she always knows just how appreciative we are.

Though I know it will be hard, I am looking forward to figuring out my new daily routine and getting started with our fun new life as a family of four. I’m trying to stay organized and take things one day at a time. I’m only focusing on each day as it comes– and may have to take my mom up on her offer to call her in the middle of the night when I’m up feeding Hayes if I need a little encouragement!

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  1. says

    what a blessed person you are to have such a loving, caring, helpful mom! I’m the same way… but I’m even more blessed in that my mom leaves 10 mins away. You’ll have the hang of being a mommy to 2 in no time!! 🙂

  2. Megan says

    GIRL! I know what you mean….I cried like a baby on the day my mom left after being with me after I had Brantley! I still get teary eyed anytime she leaves our house or I pull out of her driveway. I will always need my momma! I don’t care how old I am!

  3. Alison says

    My mom isn’t a nurturer to put it mildly, but it has taught me so much as to what I DON’T want to be like when my children have children. You are blessed to have such a sweet family! You will have the new routine down in no time!

  4. says

    What a sweet thank you to your mom. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and relating to so many of your posts (I have two boys, 4 and 2). Cherish these early days (even though you will be dog tired if you’re anything like me:)! They are special and it’s a great blessing to have two little guys. And before you know it they will be 2 and 4 and chasing each other and screaming and fighting over trucks–ha! It’s a beautiful thing:)

  5. says

    I’m officially boo-hooing after reading this. I am so glad for the time you were able to spend with your mom (and I miss mine a ton!)

    Good luck today and this upcoming week. You can do it one minute (or perhaps second sometimes!) at a time!

  6. says

    Yep, you definitely made me cry. My parents don’t live in our town either, so I can relate. I know you will do great on your own with 2!

  7. says

    I’m moved to tears. I can literally feel for you and I’m sorry she’s left now. What a wonderful three weeks you got to spend together! My mom lives one mile away from us and it’s truly something I hope to never take for granted. All the best to you!

  8. says

    This post made me teary eyed! I have no children [yet], but I know how lucky and blessed you were to have your mom stay and help you during the last few weeks. I still cry when I leave from visiting my parents, who only live an hour away. Our relationships with our mom’s are so special and I hope my mom will be able to help guide/advise/comfort me as yours did when I become a mother! H & H will always know what a special and important bond family is!

  9. says

    This post brought tears to my eyes. Mamas are wonderful and you are a great one to little Hudson and Hayes. I have no words of wisdom, but think you’re doing a terrific job. Like all obstacles and new challenges in life (be it newborns, a new job or a new school), one day at a time is key!

  10. says

    Oh Erin! I got tears in my eyes when I read this. How lucky you are to have such a sweet, caring mom! I’ll keep you in my prayers, as I am also a SAHM (of just one baby!) and it is a wonderful, but trying job. Right now, I’m kind of feeling that Babe is going to be our only one b/c life is getting so expensive and I don’t know how I could take care of two babies. Stay positive! 🙂

  11. Pam L. says

    Ahhh! I bet it was equally as hard (if not more so) for your mom to say goodbye to you and the boys – for she had to give kisses and leave 3 people (and her son-in-law, too) behind that she loves will all her heart – she’s gonna have a big empty spot in her heart and arms, until your next visit. 🙁

    I have a tween and teen girls and I remember those early baby/toddler days so vividly – they really do grow so fast. And don’t stress too much if you fall behind on say laundry or cleaning – there’s so much truth to that poem about “Babies grow up, much to our sorrow…” The dishes and laundry will always be there, but the window of time when you can rock your baby, it’s gone in the blink of an eye! So literally, tell those cobwebs to quiet down and the dust to go to sleep, cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow (or until your husband can help!) Enjoy those babies of yours!

  12. says

    What a blessing for your mom to be able to do this!! I’m sure that she is just as grateful that she got to spend so much time with you and your boys during this precious time!

  13. says

    I just want to hug you after reading this! I cry big crocodile tears every time we tell our parents goodbye in Texas or they leave after a visit to Georgia. I know it will only be so much harder once our little one is here and I want my mom’s help. I hope the transition is smooth and easy for you!

  14. says

    I welled up reading your post, Erin. That was the hardest day for me, too. I get teary just thinking about it. It’s tough not having your parents close by. I’m in the same boat. Hang in there! I bet she’ll be back to visit soon. 🙂

  15. carrie says

    You are one lucky girl!! I can ONLY hope my mother will be able to stay a week, let alone 3 weeks!! Maybe I could borrow your mother!! LOL
    I thought about you today, I wasn’t sure what time she left but I can’t imagine having to do alone!! I know you will do fine!!
    Love ya!! 🙂

  16. says

    What a sweet Mommy you have! My mom is a teacher, and for the first month and a half after Greyson was born, she was just a phone call away and visited daily. She had to return to school and I just wasn’t sure how I was going to do it. The hubs worked 12+ hours and I just felt so scared. That feeling is so uncomfortable, but I’m sure that you will be just fine! I think we all have our trying days as mothers, whether it is one child or five. But somehow, we adapt! You’re sweet boys have a great mommy!

  17. says

    I know you are so blessed by your mom and your relationship! My mom can’t travel and doesn’t live nearby. She called to wish me a happy Mother’s Day, saying that you’re still a mother when you have one child, but when you have two you really realize how it is the most amazing and rewarding job and sacrifice (she had three daughters, she would know!) That’s seriously the most memorable thing she’s ever said to me! Moms are so special!

  18. Allyce says

    This is so amazing that you have such a wonderful relationship with your mother and how willing she is/was to help you and your new family of four. Moms are amazing and it is sometimes strange to think that we are/becoming mothers and will/are the same to our children as they are to us. It’s a pretty amazing cycle. You will do wonderfully on your own and I think it’s a great approach to take one day at a time and realize you can’t do it all! 🙂 Great post!

  19. says

    I can’t imagine what a huge help your sweet mom must have been to you all over the last 3 weeks! Although I’m sure it was really hard to see her go, I bet you’ll get the hang of a new routine very soon.

  20. says

    I love your mama because she reminds me so much of mine! They’ll do anything for us & they know how much we love them…even if we feel we can’t say it enough.

    Hugs, sweet friend, I know it’s hard.

  21. says

    There’s nothing better than a mother’s touch when you are in need. I absolutely loved the help and advice my mom gave me when I had S. I’m so happy for you that you were able to spend this time together.

  22. Kk in Dallas says

    It was just as hard on your mom to leave. Then, your brother is sobbing all over the luggage drop in the airport! I’m blessed that my children love me and want to be with me (even TC)! Now, KK in Dallas has to become KK in Muncie and get some boxes unpacked so you can visit here! Feel my hugs today.

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