a post partum brain dump!

  • I just gotta start off by saying that this pumping, formula-feeding, breast milk-in-a-bottle-feeding thing is for the birds! It consumes my life and I feel like a cow. I won’t be doing it much longer. I’m okay with that decision.
  • I feel like I am being pulled in a million directions every day. Hudson to Hayes and Hudson to Hayes and Boudreaux and Fiona. Thank goodness my mom and brother are here. I was without “help” for one day last week when my mom left town for the weekend and TC was at work and I seriously watched the clock until TC came home. I remember feeling the same overwhelming feelings when Hudson was born and I was alone with him for the first time, so I know this feeling will pass and I will become a pro. I just hope I become a pro sooner rather than later!
  • I realize I can’t be everything to everyone, but I think it’s normal to want to be the best mother I can possibly be. I want both boys to get as much of me as I can give. I want to have a lot left at the end of the day to give my husband.
  • I am only showering about three times a week. Judge away!
  • It would be really awesome if my wedding and engagement ring fit again soon. My fake/back-up ring gets the job done, but I miss my rings!
  • Do you check out new mothers’ ring fingers when you’re out? Because I do. My fake ring is missing a couple of fake stones. I hope the other people who look at ring fingers didn’t notice!
  • TC got me a really great case and wireless key board to go with my iPad. It’s a totally functional case and I love it, but I got my Cambria Cove catalog this week and I’ve got my eye on this Stephanie Johnson case. You know how much I love Stephanie Johnson.

  • Hayes is the sweetest little boy, but he has decided that sleeping more than two hours at night isn’t for him this week. I’m hoping that he’ll change his mind and go back to three or four hours at a time.
  • Hudson continues to make me laugh every day and even though he pitches lots of fits and has lots of temper tantrums, he is the sweetest little boy. I am so proud of him, but I can see him growing up a little bit more every day now that he’s a big brother. I’m going to try not to cry about that.
  • I have gotten lots of enjoyment out of the following things on TV: Justin Timberlake on SNL, the Celebrity Apprentice, The Voice, and a full DVR of Real Housewives, Pregnant in Heels, and Bethenny Ever After.
  • I hope to be a better blogger. Life is just bonkers and I wish I had more time to sit down at the computer. I have worked it out for Hayes to nap while Hudson naps, but showering, cleaning, responding to emails, and napping have been higher on my list than blogging. I don’t want to miss documenting Hayes’s early days though.
  • Both boys are happy and healthy and pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself. Let’s end this brain dump with a couple of pictures of Hudson and Hayes!

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  1. says

    The leap from one child to two takes a bit of adjusting. Things seem a tad bit easier the second time around, but they really aren’t. I think you’re pretty darn amazing for being able to not only care for your boys, but update us on how you’re doing, too! 🙂

    As for the showering thing…um…it’s all good. The plus side to showering every few days? Amazing hair…even if it is only air dried and pulled into a pony tail. Trust me, I know…and my youngest child is 7. 😉

    P.S. Hudson & Hayes are two of the cutest lil’ guys ever.

  2. says

    I was in a rush to get to the OB a couple weeks ago and forgot to put my wedding and engagement rings back on after shower. I felt SO self-conscious. I had to go into sign our financial agreement and I was so scared that the gal would thing I was an un-wed mother. I kept working “my husband” into the conversation. Silly, but I felt like everyone noticed.

  3. says

    Oh dear! You would judge me if I was out and about with my son. I always forget to wear my rings. They fit just fine, I just always forget. My husband forgets to wear his too. I guess we just aren’t jewelry people. I never thought how people might be judging me…

  4. says

    I tend to look at rings mostly because I adore jewelry although my hands are so swollen not even my back up ring works so I’ve been ring-less. I’m old-fashioned so it really bothers me I can’t wait to wear my wedding band and engagement ring again soon.

    I’m having a c-section (this week, gulp) for our first and just wondered if you had any tips/advice things you wished you’d know before?

    Congrats on your beautiful new baby – your boys are adorable!

  5. says

    Ha! My friends and I *just* had this conversation about checking rings and the verdict is that we all do it. It’s a terribly jugdy thing but we are all guilty of it, even my friends who are Moms or who are pregnant do it!

  6. angie says

    When I had my 2nd boy last April, the 1st couple of weeks were tough…as far as adjusting with 2 boys. But you will get the hang of it very quick!

  7. says

    … I’m always checking ring fingers. Isn’t that the worst? I couldn’t wear my rings until C was about 3 months old. It didn’t help that he was a summer baby and I was still hot, sweaty and puffy through late August/September! Even at almost 10 months old, I’m always taking my rings off when I give him a bath (or else I scratch the crap out of him when soaping/lotioning up!) and I’m ALWAYS forgetting to put them back on.. for days at a time. It’s the pits! And i KNOW i’m getting The Judgies! Mama, I give you serious props for the THREE showers you are able to fit in! That’s amazing, nonetheless! I wish we could hunker down and watch PIH, Bethenny and the Housewives together.. Sounds JUST like my DVR.. with The Middle and Modern Family thrown in! Have a great week!

  8. says

    I feel you on the nursing/pumping. I lasted 3 months pumping and bottle feeding with my first and 6 weeks with my second. My hats off to those who can do it longer, but it just wasn’t for me. You are not alone!
    I know you are enjoying your boys so much…I love reading your blog since our boys are similar in age!

  9. Alison says

    They are cuties!

    I look for rings, which is what made me so self conscious during each of my pregnancy (and post pregnancy days!) when I couldn’t squeeze my sausages into mine anymore. But after getting my finger completely stuck and starting to lose circulation in my ring finger during my first pregnancy, I tried not to let it get to me too much.

  10. Chelsi says

    Napping is WAY more important than blogging right now!!! Maybe just take a minute when you’re feeding Hayes to write down some things you want to remember? Then you could blog about them at a later time but not feel badly about forgetting them. Maybe you’re already doing this! Anyway, try to have reasonable expectations for yourself, things will get better soon while you learn the ropes of two little boys! 🙂

    It is funny for me to read blogs from different regions in our country. While I may catch myself looking at someone’s ring finger, it isn’t to check whether they’re married or not… I’m probably looking for a pretty ring! I know of several people who are married & don’t wear rings for lots of different reasons. My husband and I recently met a couple at church who just moved here (WA) from Texas and when they found out I kept my maiden name, they about died! Cracked me up! Here, you will find people singing praise & worship songs in jeans, women with their maiden names and people drinking one (maybe 2!) glasses of wine or beer with dinner and not think anything of it!!! But we’re still God fearing, loving, kind & good people!!! Oh, and we recycle! Hahaha! ;o)

  11. says

    Yep, I check out the rings too, mainly because I love jewelry and looking at other people’s rings, more so than to check out if they’re married! With my first child, I was nursing and having to supplement with formula, and I just couldn’t manage it all. As a first time mom, I was nervous about everything and I just couldn’t manage to do both, so I stopped nursing after about 4 weeks and just did the formula. My little guy is 9 now, and he turned out fine, and hasn’t had very many ear infections at all (b/c you know that they say that’s one of the benefits of breastfeeding.) Keep hanging in there! Your boys are just adorable!

  12. says

    I can’t imagine how exhausting your life must be right now, but it’s great to hear from you and see some pics of those sweet boys of yours.
    I’ve been eyeing that exact same iPad case! Nick and I are technically sharing ours though, so I doubt he’ll approve!

  13. says

    One day it will all just suddenly be easy. I swear it’s literally one day life just seems crazy with two and the next…. you’re saying, “I’ve so got this. It’s easy.” And as far as rings…. I look just b/c I like to see others’. That’s two handsome boys you have there. 🙂

    I’ll be honest though…. when I said it gets easier it does. But for example, I cried “UNCLE” today and totally called my husband. I’d been home with the boys for 1 hr and trying to get dinner going. They both decided to throw temper tantrums and the dog started howling bc of all their racket. I called my husband and said “PLEASE! If you want me sane, come home. Come home now please.” He died laughing b/c he knew I was serious but I was being way dramatic about it…. intentionally.

  14. Jenn says

    I think the ring issue is a bit silly. I always forget to wear my rings. Does it make the woman a bad mother if she isn’t married? Absolutely not!!!

    I think it has a lot to do with where you live. I am sure in the South people are more traditional than in the NW.

    Your boys are very cute. Juggling two gets easier. When I always feel like I am not giving all of myself to each child, I realize I have given them one of the greatest gifts-a sibling. It helps ease the guilt a little. 😉

  15. says

    I always look straight at women’s ring fingers, but I have to admit that I’ve forgotten to wear my rings a couple of times. I’m not a big jewelry girl, and my rings are sometimes loose so I don’t wear them around the house. Then I’ll go to run an errand and realize that I left them at home. I spend the whole time trying to hide my hand. Especially if my three year old is tagging along. I’m with you on the whole pumping, nursing, supplementing thing. It. Is. Exhausting. You need to do what is best for you, because a healthy mama is very important to those babies. Who, btw, are both extremely adorable. 🙂

  16. says

    I’ll admit.. I was one of those freaks who wore her wedding rings up til delivery, took them off for delivery, and then put them right back on, so sometimes I forget that most people take them off and get super judgmental. Oops.

    I hope you’re doing okay lady.. You know you just need to say the word and I’ll come hang out with those boys all day and let you rest!!!!

  17. Becky says

    Just have to ask if you have real push pins in that bulletin board above Hudson’s bed. If so, aren’t you afraid he’ll get a hold of them? My kids would be ALL OVER that and probably either stick one in their own eye or promptly swallow it.

    I have a friend that kept up the pumping-bottle feeding for 7 months. YIKES! What a hassle! If it’s not straight from the tap, there is absolutely NO convenience to breastfeeding. (It’ll help you drop the lbs, though!)

  18. says

    I never wear my rings sadly! I have a metal allergy which makes my skin have problems where the metal touches it. I never thought anything of it until my little sister a few weeks ago said “people probably wonder about you. You have a baby, obviously stay at home. They probably wonder if your married or what happened.” It doesn’t bug me though…I’m too consumed with my hard to deal with 6 month old.

    Love the ipad case. I want the burberry cover but the ipad is technically my husbands so he won’t let me get it either like the commenter above!

    I love seeing pictures of your boys! I want a 2nd boy so much so that they can be brothers. If you ever want to sell any of their clothes and aren’t having a 3rd, email me. We dress ours in the same brands and I spent a fortune in Hip Hip Hooray, ha.

  19. says

    I always check out ring fingers… Terrible I know! Just this past Sunday at church nonetheless I noticed an attractive lady sitting next to me without her girls for the first time.. When I whispered to my hubby it must the man’s weekend he was perplexed… I shamelessly looked at her hand and judged. In my defense I only looked because she seems so sweet and I have some single male friends! I always felt like a cow with the whole pumping thing-there’s just not a lot fulfilling about it. I applaud you for breastfeeding!! I remember a post where you said you broke down and cried at the hospital and I just wanted to give you a hug because trust me I’ve been there and needed one. At several of Carsyn’s checkups the dr would tell me she needed to weigh more and I would just break down. I think he feels sorry for me now.
    Your boys are so adorable! Keep up the good work momma!

  20. Cate says

    You’ve probably tried this, but have you tried to nurse Hayes anymore? A good friend pumped for the first five weeks, then all the sudden her little girl decided to nurse after refusing for those first 5 weeks. I nursed mine for a year and rarely pumped because I hated it, so I can totally understand if you don’t continue to do it. On the other hand, I have another friend that pumped for a year like clock work and never gave up (which I know a lot of people do but I cant imagine keeping it up). In my opinion, any breastmilk is good for him so you’ve already succeeded in that!

  21. says

    My wedding band still doesn’t fit so I wear different rings that Alex has bought me on my ring finger. We keep talking about getting a new band and designing a new set for my diamond…but for now – random rings! LOL

    The pumping all of the time does wear you out. I only made it 3 months and then it was all formula.

    You’re a wonderful Mama. The thought of two overwhelms me…not going to lie. When my time comes – feel free to give me lots of pointers.

    Love the pics of the boys…keep ’em coming. As you have time of course. Sleep is more important!! 🙂

  22. says

    I have been reading your blog for a little while, but haven’t commented much. But this resonated with me – I had my little one a year ago and I needed to take a little blog break too. But that guilt of wanting to document your little one’s first days is definitely there. Maybe just document little small bits, rather than pressure to do full posts. Your boys are SO gorgeous!! And your “brain dumping” in these early days have actually been very helpful to me as we think about preparing for our second! Thank you for sharing all that you do!

  23. says

    Look at Hayes on that playmat! ahh! Erin, Just wanted to let you know how much i admire you. I get overwhelmed very easily with only 1 baby…and I look to you as such a role model. So proud of you Mama, it isn’t easy, but God never gives you more than you can handle. This too shall pass–so soak it in and do what you CAN not what you think you can…you are only one person! Lots of love and hugs from Pittsburgh, PA. 🙂

  24. Julie says

    Going from 1 to 2 is the hardest! Even harder than going from 2 to 3. By the time you do more than 2, you’re so good at juggling that it’s no biggie. It sounds like you’re doing great, and the boys are adorable!

  25. CMC says

    Hi Erin – I did the same combo of breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, pumping, supplementing with formula – it was so hard and unless you’ve gone through it, no one else understands! It’s way harder than just breastfeeding and it starts to wear you down and make you a little crazy… I only lasted 3 1/2 weeks like that, and felt a little bad when I quit cold turkey, but my baby thrived on formula and started gaining weight and it made me a better mama, because I wasn’t worried about pumping all the time, he also started sleeping through the night once we transitioned to formula – so don’t let anyone make you feel bad – he’s gotten all the good stuff! Quit that nonsense and don’t look back! Ha!

  26. September says

    Okay, the ring thing is making me laugh. I almost never wear mine–I’m an endurance runner and when I get sweat under them it irritates my skin. Also going on a ten mile run with five carats swinging around my ring finger is uncomfortable as well. Hubby jokes that if anyone ever breaks in and wants the good jewelry they should head for the shelf on the treadmill! It has never ONCE occurred to me that someone might make any sort of moral judgement because of it (and, quite frankly, if someone was that narrow minded to *make* those assumptions it would make me care less what they thought).

  27. says

    My two were back-to-back. Miss Julia was not planned. She is a COMPLETE and UTTER BLESSING, but when she was born, I was totally overwhelmed. I felt guilty almost because I thought Mason was getting so much less of me; and I felt as if I could not give enough to her either.

    I also found that we had less “help” the second time around. People assumed us to have it all together with the second child I guess. Trust me, we did not!

    Get plenty of rest and it will all get easier. Give yourself time and get out of the house, even if for just a few minutes at a time.

  28. says

    I did the nursing, supplement, get the baby taken care of, pump routine too- and everyone’s life was much better after I quit! I could be a much better mother when our lives were simplified. I enjoy reading your blog!

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