happy birthday to Hayes

This morning, around 8:00 a.m., TC and I got to the hospital for our scheduled c-section. Hayes turned sideways/transverse about two weeks ago and complications from my delivery with Hudson were a second reason to have a c-section.

I was a little nervous about the unknown, but couldn’t wait to meet our sweet baby. Today was Cinco de Mayo, so our doctor wore a super fun sombrero into my pre-op room to celebrate. I just love her so much and felt so at ease that she’d be doing the procedure.

After getting plenty of fluids and prepping for surgery, it was our turn to head into the operating room for Hayes’s delivery. TC loved his scrubs and I loved my fun little hair net thing.

We went into the operating room at 10:30 a.m. and I got my spinal, they put up the drape, and then brought TC in.

At 10:46 a.m., Hayes Claxton Carroll was born. He weighs 8 lb 12 oz and is 19.5 inches long. Not quite as big as his older brother, but still a solid little guy.

It was so great to see his sweet little face and hear him cry.

They brought him into the recovery room with me so I could feed him. He is such a calm, content baby. But he was that way in the womb, too. Isn’t he cute?

At this point, I don’t think he and Hudson look too much alike. Hayes has more of my family’s features and Hudson favors his Daddy more.

We have had a great day. I am feeling great and have been able to manage the pain so it hasn’t gotten too bad. My parents and in-laws were here and my mom and dad were with Todd and me for most of the day. My dad heads home tomorrow, so it was nice to get lots of time with him today.

Hudson met Hayes this afternoon and we have some fun photos from that meeting that I’ll share later. It went well and I think Hudson is going to love having a little brother.

Thanks so much for the prayers and well-wishes via blog comments, texts, tweets, Facebook, and phone calls. We feel so blessed.

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  1. says

    He is just beautiful! And you look wonderful too. 🙂 I’m thinking a scheduled C-section is the way to go- I’m such a planner that I love the idea of knowing exactly when the baby is coming. PTL they didn’t leave him in till 40 weeks- shwooo he would have been a big(ger) boy! Can’t wait to hear what Hudson has to say about Hayes!


  2. says

    Congratulations Erin! And Hudson and TC! Hayes is so handsome. I think and James having a little brother and get so excited. And I’m nit even pregnant! You will have such joy with all the men in your life, Queen C. Congratulations!!
    P.S. I’m so glad you are doing well and wrote this blog.

  3. says

    Congratulations! What a sweet, precious little boy! So glad you felt at ease with your doctor…c-sections are scary, I was 38 weeks and a few days when I had to have mine because my sweet little girl was breech. I know it was a totally different experience for you, lol! Enjoy that sweet baby…wait, what’s the point in even saying that? Of course you will!

  4. says

    Good afternoon from Tokyo!

    Congratulations TC, Erin, and Hudson! I’m so glad to hear everything went so beautifully for you all. Blessings to you and your newly minted family of four.



  5. says

    Congratulations, Erin! I’m so impressed that you posted already!

    Hayes is absolutely beautiful. I hope you already have one of your great photographers booked to do a newborn/big brother/family of four session!

  6. Mojito Maven says

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. He is amazing, E! Absolutely amazing.

    Love love love. Congrats to you and TC. Happy family of 4!!!!!


  7. LauraJane says

    Sooo cute! Happy birthday Hayes!

    Ps. You are the prettiest momma going in for surgery! 🙂

  8. says

    Congrats! I had a feeling when you were showed your last belly picture that today would be the day! I love how you talked about how swollen you were for the last several weeks – and then you look like a fresh peach right before surgery! Hayes is a beautiful baby and you are definitely blessed:)

  9. Carmen Austin says

    Awww…he is so cute! Congratulations on such a big day! Cinco de Mayo! You make it all look so easy!

  10. says

    CONGRATULATIONS MOMMY! He is so absolutely adorable! He looks like he is a great cuddler. Enjoy your hospital “vacation” haha…and time getting to know your new baby boy. <3 Welcome Hayes!

  11. says

    Well first of all…you look beautiful!! Hayes is a cutie…love his lips. 🙂 I’m so happy for you guys and can’t wait to see pics of Hudson with his little bro. No doubt he’ll be a great big brother!

  12. says

    Just a tip…. I had an emergency csection the first time around and had an amazing nurse that gave me 3 tips that I have passed along to many and they have THANKED me over and over for them:)
    1- get the meds as often as you can. Your body will heal faster not being in pain
    2- when going to get up look up at the ceiling with your eyes (not tilting your head back), yes I know it sounds strange but it works! When you get up you tend to get up bent forward and then have to straighten your back. By getting up with looking toward the ceiling you are getting up with a straight back. Makes a world of a difference!
    3- use a pillow blanket or whatever you can find to place on the incision and gently push when you are going to cough, sneezing, laugh or cry. It helps it not be as painful.

    Enjoy your sweet baby! After my 2nd c-section I was seriously climbing over the baby gates when I got home. Did not believe that when people told me but I was.

  13. says

    Erin, he is so handsome! I am also incredibly jealous that you got to have a picture taken in the operating room of the three of you! We weren’t allowed to have our camera out during the surgery. Congratulations to all four of you!

  14. says

    Congratulations, Erin & Todd (and Hudson, too)! I’m glad everything went well and Hayes is safely here- what a blessing. And you looked beautiful before and after!

  15. Sarah-Emily Peterson says

    Congrats Erin!!!!! He is BEAUTIFUL and I am so happy to hear everything went so well. Hope things continue to go smoothly and as always, thanks for letting us share your life. Hayes is PRESH!!!

  16. Courtney S. says

    Awww, Hayes is gorgeous! Congratulations to you and your families on such a wonderful addition. Can’t wait to see and hear more about your new family 🙂

  17. says

    Congratulations! I had a friend in “real-life” that had her little baby boy yesterday (5/5/11) and he was born at 10:46 pm. How funny that it was both the same time, just one in a.m. and the other p.m.

  18. Kelly Barnett Talbott says

    Congratulations! Thank you for allowing us to not only be a part of your pregnancy but your delivery, too! You are prompt! This brought a smile to my face 🙂 Blessings to you and your family!

  19. says

    Congratulations! He’s a cutie. And his May 5 birthday is going to be lots of fun for him during those college years!

    There’s a huge chance I’ll be having a c-section (I’ll know more next week) so I am interested in hearing any tips and recovery tips that work for you, if you are comfortable sharing. I trust my doctor, but I’m terrified of surgery!

  20. says

    Hooray for Hayes! You look so beautiful and happy in these photos, that makes me smile!!! I’m so thrilled that things went so smoothly for you this time around, and that you’re having sucha nice, quiet, relaxing time at the hospital. And I’m not surprised that Sweet Baby Olof would be even sweeter and more content outside the womb! 🙂 Big xoxo from AZ!

  21. says

    that is one handsome little boy!! Am so glad that things are off to a great start for y’all! I can’t wait to hear about the Big Brother, Little Brother encounter… my oldest just kept saying “hey baby… hey baby…hey baby” when she met her little sister!

  22. Melissa says

    Congratulations to all four of you! Hayes is one of the most beautiful babies I’ve ever seen!! Thanks for sharing your story with us all!

  23. Christy says

    Congratulations! Hoping for a speedy recovery!

    Hayes is adorable and is so loved already. Can’t wait to see the “little brother” pics!

  24. Caroline says

    He’s FINALLY here!!!! What a cutie! I can’t wait to see the handsome young boy that he is going to be! I’m so glad that you are doing well! I can’t wait for additional pictures!! CONGRATULATIONS!!

  25. says

    Congratulations, he is just beautiful! I hope you are all doing well and that your recovery is quick and as pain free as possible. 🙂

  26. crewlade drinka says

    Yay! Congratulations on a safe delivery and healthy beautiful baby! thanks for sharing such a private moment with us! I wish you a speedy recovery too!

  27. Lesley says

    So exciting!! He is beautiful and I’m glad everything went so smoothly. I’m from Columbia…not sure where you delivered at but if you happen to be at RMH my friend Jennifer is a fantastic lactation specialist (she does other stuff too) there. Anyways, just thought I’d mention that. All the hospitals in our area are great for L&D though. Congrats.

  28. Bethany says

    Congratulations, Erin & family! Hayes is simply precious. You are so blessed. Also – I hope someday I look as fabulous in the delivery room as you did! Gorgeous! All my best!

  29. Tara says

    Hudson’s playmate arrives! Way to go, Erin. I found the second c-section to be much more tolerable as well. You look great in your pictures, really! I first saw Hayes on fb…your proud Dad posted. 🙂 Take it all in!!! Congratulations!

  30. says

    A huge congratulations to you! I just met another friend’s newborn today and I already want another – AMAZING how much they change in 3 months. Enjoy this precious time with your sweet family. Hayes is adorable!

  31. Krissy says

    Oh, Erin! I am so excited and happy for you and your sweet family! :)) I love his name! Hayes is one lucky little baby boy…can’t wait to see pictures of Hudson meeting his baby brother for the first time!:) Hope you’re feeling well and getting lots of rest. 🙂

  32. lissa says

    Congratulations to you all!! What a joyous event…it never gets old 🙂 The baby is gorgeous and you look fantastic too. Happy Mother’s day.

  33. says

    Congratulations!!! He’s precious 🙂 So glad that it was a safe delivery, Hayes is healthy, and that you’re both doing well! Hope that you had a wonderful Mother’s Day yesterday with your two sweet sons 🙂

  34. says

    Congrats on your new addition!!! So glad everything went well. Hope you guys are getting settled in and enjoying your new family of 4!

  35. says

    Hey! Just wondering how your recovery went this time around as opposed to last time? Also, I was wondering what complications you had with delivery with Hudson? I ended up with a csection with my first, and am now scheduling a csection for #2 (due in September). Just curious! Hope you’re doing well!

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