are you ready?

I’ve been asked that question a lot in the past couple of weeks. I’m not really sure what the answer is.

I think I’m ready. For the most part, the nursery is ready. We still have to put the swing in the living room and adjust the pack ‘n play to the bassinet setting and set up the video monitor. But those things won’t take much time at all.

I think the question, “are you ready?” is referring more to my mental and emotional state. I know I’m ready to have Hayes in my arms instead of in my belly. And I’m ready to see his sweet face.

Am I ready for the sleepless nights? Not really, but they’re coming.

The truth is, I feel like I can only be so prepared. I know from experience with Hudson that the first couple of nights are the scariest and loneliest. I have my chart and my clock and my swaddle blankets all ready to go. I have my bottles ready to go just in case I need them.

But I don’t know what kind of baby he’ll be. He may have his days and nights confused. I may not sleep again for months. Hudson may decide he’s totally mad at me for disrupting his life and completely ignore me for a month. Or he may take to streaking and making huge messes all over the house.

I really just have no idea. Just like it was before I had my first child, I just have no idea what to really expect. And not even Rosie Pope can prepare me for what to expect. Every toddler is different and every baby is different. I’ve refreshed myself on Baby Wise, The Baby Whisperer, and the Happiest Baby on the Block soothing methods. But those books can only tell me so much about my child.

I am, however, prepared. I have help in the form of my giving and wonderful mother who is dropping everything to live with us for a few weeks while we get settled and adjusted. Hopefully we’ve gotten Hudson well-adjusted to his new room so that he’s not going to freak out when a new baby is sleeping in his old room. I just don’t know.

So when I’m asked the “are you ready?” question, I just smile and say that I think so. Because I honestly have no idea. I’ve heard all about how going from one child to two children is really hard, but going from two to three is a piece of cake. So maybe I’m expecting things to be really challenging and preparing myself in that way.

I’m prepared for challenges, tears (happy and sad), laughs, and lots of cooing and cuddling while balancing and managing the expectations of my super sweet toddler who has come to be the best part of my day. And now I’ll have two little guys to look at and wonder how on earth they could both be mine? Oh yeah, there will be lots of crying. Because, really, that overwhelming love is all I need to be ready. The second he is placed in my arms, I won’t have any doubt in my mind about whether or not I’m ready.

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  1. says

    What a touching post, Erin! I’m sure you’ll do great with two little boys and look back on these days and wonder what you worried about. That picture of you with Hudson as a newborn is adorable!

  2. says

    It seems as though you’re ready for whatever will come your way next week! So glad your mom is coming; I think that the time I spent with my mom after G was born was maybe the most special time we’ve ever had together. I’m continuing to keep you and Hayes in my prayers– can’t wait to see his sweet little face!

  3. says

    I know your last post questioned the topics that you write about but I think this post makes it very clear that you write about something you know intimately and you expressed it so beautifully. You are doing a great job making a beautiful little family! Thoughts and prayers with you!

  4. says

    You are such an amazing mother and I have no doubt you will be able to handle two adorable boys. Husdon and Hayes are so lucky to have you as their mother. Best wishes for a safe and happy delivery of your baby boy!

  5. says

    So excited for you! The day is near. Fun fun! Hudson will be an amazing big brother, TC will be an amazing daddy for the second time, and your heart will love to new levels never dreamed of when you hold your sweet Hayes. Can’t wait to see his precious face!

  6. says

    Just like you said.. all of these emotions, these anxieties, these “what if’s”, that you have- they’re completely natural and normal to have on the brink of bringing another sweet, handsome cuddly babe into the world. I know when I’m in your shoes, I’m sure I’ll be writing an eerily similar post and maybe even emailing you for advice!

    But also like you said, the minute that sweet Hayes is in your arms.. being a mom to a “newbie?” it’s all going to come flooding back. there’s only so much you can read in books.. and after that dreaded first week? that week where you’re both learning about each other? your quirks? you’ll fall into your groove. and Hudson will come around. Heck, he’ll probably be so excited that your Momma is coming to stay for a bit… that he won’t know what to do!

    I have no doubt that I’ll be crying too when Hayes arrives! Prayers for you, Mama, as you begin this new journey to a sweet Mama of TWO! XO!

  7. says

    And *of course* this is the question I had to ask you this morning… whoops! 🙂 I don’t know anyone more organized and proactive than you, so I’m sure that on all fronts you’re going to do so well! These little boys are so lucky to have you as their mother! Cannot wait to meet Mr. Hayes soon! xo

  8. says

    I’m due in just over 10 days, and I have the exact same feelings as you. Although this is my first child, I just don’t know how to answer the “are you ready?” question. The nursery is ready for a little guy or girl, and I’m ready to not be pregnant and find out who my baby is, but ready for all the craziness? I just don’t know. I don’t know what life will be like and I don’t know when things will settle down.

    Best of luck with Hayes and Hudson!!

  9. says

    Very exciting! Good luck. I hope all the new transitions go smoothly for you. Babywise is the best isn’t it? I need to purchase the Happiest Baby on the Block…I’ve heard good things. You are right though….no book can really prepare you. You’ll do great!

  10. says

    I hope (some day) I’m half as prepared as it seems you are. I think it’s good you are realistic with your expectations but have prepared yourself as much as you can. Such a healthy outlook to have. Inspiring, really. Even though I’m only a mother to McGruff (the furbaby) I still love reading about your motherhood and mommy experiences and life. I guess this is because I plan to be a mommy one day myself.

    Also, that picture of you and Hudson melts my heart. I love it. I can’t believe how much and how fast he’s grown up…I still remember reading about your wedding. Time flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it?

    Oh…and in case I don’t get a chance to tell you before Hayes is born, I’m praying for you and your family, for a peacful, happy and easy delivery, and then a peacfu, happyl and easy transition at home. Congrats to you all! Such a blessing! 🙂


  11. says

    When people ask me if I was ready for our first (now 13 months) I said “I don’t really have a choice, do I?” and now when they start asking if I’m ready for our second (due in three months) I’ll say the same.

    Regardless if we moms are “ready” for anything doesn’t really matter. It’s happening.

  12. says

    i had my second baby three months ago..the first two weeks were hard..but now a piece of cake. My 2 year old toddler had some attention issues too at that time..and we gave our full attention to him..and now he has become the best brother my baby girl could ever have. I am sure everything will work out fine..just as God had planned for you. Cheers !!

  13. says

    I agree! It’s so hard to know what to expect. I’m right behind you at 33 weeks pregnant with my second. I’m thrilled to bring this new baby into our family but soooo nervous about how dramatically our lives might change going from a family of three to a family of four.

  14. says

    I think just the fact that you admit that you’re not really sure what it’s going to be like, shows you are somewhat prepared. I think it’s when people go into things with fairy tale notions of how things are going to be that they are not prepared. By the way, wonderful picture.

  15. celeste says

    I thought going from 1 to 2 was a piece of cake. 2-3 – not so much. No one is every truly prepared, but we all get through it and you will too. There is nothing quite like having a newborn in the house. Relish every single moment you can.

  16. ACH says

    One week from today, so exciting! Thinking about all of you and if there’s anything that you need, you know where to find me. Can’t wait to meet sweet baby Hayes!! Much love xoxo

  17. says

    Having recently given birth to my 2nd child (1 month old) I will say that the adjustment to having two is NOT as hard as the adjustment to having just one. I say that because you sorta know what to expect as far as your life being changed for a little while. However, my 2nd baby is very different from my 1st so that has been challenging. And the sleepless nights are the hardest. No matter how much you “rest” during the day,there is nothing like a good nights sleep. But I always remind myself that “this too shall pass” and I try to cherish those moments (even sleepless nights) because he will grow up WAY TOO FAST!

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