stumped, but not censored

Lately, I’ve been feeling like I’m in a blogging rut. I have posted quite a few times this month and I will continue to post because I feel like in order to get out of my ruts, I just have to write through them.

But why the rut? I don’t really know. Some days I feel like I write too much about pregnancy. Some days I feel like I write too much about motherhood. Some days I feel like I write too honestly and candidly about each of those things and sound ungrateful. Other days I worry that I sound like I think my life is perfect, when I know it isn’t. (And all of you should know it isn’t.)

I try with every post to be honest and to write what I want to write. It is my blog, after all. This is for me to look back on and to keep a record of what is on my heart and in my mind on that particular day. But with every little piece of criticism and every passive aggressive comment, I stop and question myself.

I don’t like for this blog to play a role in my real life in any way other than bringing me closer to the friends that I’ve found as a result. I don’t want to sit around and dwell on what someone said that hurt me.

Why shouldn’t I talk about pregnancy? I’m pregnant. Why shouldn’t I talk about motherhood? I’m a mother. That is my life right now. It may be “boring” and my day may be filled with running errands, changing diapers, and maintaining a home. And I’m sure to some that sounds super boring. But it is my life and that’s what my blog will be about.

So on a day like today when I couldn’t think of what could be a decent blog post, I just need to try to remind myself that it doesn’t matter. Some days are boring and some days are far from boring. And most days are completely centered around Hudson. But that’s just my reality.

I still have lots of other interests, hobbies, and things that get me really excited and inspire me. I still love cooking, organizing, home decor magazines, movies, and television. But most days are just going to be about my kids. Because that’s the stage of life that I’m in.

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  1. Kimberly says

    it’s *your* blog!!! if people don’t like your topic choice they don’t have to read every entry. and I know lots of us love the kid focus!

  2. Kayla H. says

    Good for you! it is YOUR blog and only you can fully understand your feelings/emotions right now, and no one can tell you you’re wrong for feeling the way you do! Though I am not pregnant, and I am not a mother, I enjoy your blog and check it daily! If i didn’t like it, it’s my perogative to move on – but that’s not a judgement against you, its simply what you choose to write about that particular day!

    You’ve got my support, and I intend on continuing to check in and see what you write about daily – blog rut or not!

  3. Mandy says

    I COMPLETELY agree with Kimberly!!!! People who do not care for your entries need to find another blog to follow! I happen to be a mother of 2 boys…I enjoy your blog immensely!!! Do not change it for the world! Do not let others’ negative comments hurt you! Keep it up:)

  4. Laura says

    One of the best things about your blog is that your posts always come from the heart, they never feel forced or rushed.

  5. Nancy says

    Never left a comment before, but I love your blog! I’m a Mom as well and with another a boy on the way I can totally relate to everything you’re feeling. Keep on posting what YOU want, it is your blog and it will be a wonderful way to look back on the happy, ordinary, stressful times in your life!

  6. says

    I hate that you even felt the need to write this. It always bothers me when I read blogs and people are bashing others or being passive aggressive (a pet peeve of mine!). It is just not necessary. Continue blogging for you. Afterall, that is why you blog!

  7. Ally says

    I am not a mother but I LOVE reading your blog. Love your honesty. 🙂 Keep it up and just IGNORE the haters! xo

  8. Emily says

    Type on! I love reading your blog! I originally found it thru a wedding search, I think?!? But I’m also a parent to a 3 year old! I’m currently planning a wedding which means reading lots of wedding blogs. But I absolutely love the break in my google reader when I get to read a blog about something other than weddings. Especially since I find that on any particular day most of the blogs are talking about the same thing. There is nothing about being a parent that you can copy and paste from another. It’s different(even in small ways) from the day before. No two parents or kids are the same. It’s so refreshing to hear what other parents are doing to battle nap time or picky eaters, as opposed to picking out the perfect shade of pink that no one will remember. I think you should write about whatever you want to. Censor what you want or don’t, that’s your decision, not anyone elses to make for you.

  9. Barbara says

    I’m neither pregnant, nor a mother, and I love your blog. Your voice is so refreshing. I love reading about Hudson’s hijinks and I’m loving hearing about Hayes. Y’all are so such a sweet family, and I love reading about your life and faith. Your voice through your writing is lovely. Keep it up!

  10. says

    Oh course you should write about your pregnancy! Of course you should write about motherhood! You should write about whatever it is that defines you! And right now, you are a wife and mother. And that’s perfectly wonderful. Keep writing, Sweetheart!

  11. says

    I love your blog. It’s the season that you’re in right now. I wish I would have had a blog to write about pregnancies.

    I’m so excited for you. Hope you’re having a great day.


  12. Beth says

    Good for you! I love to read about your every day happenings. I never understand negative blog commenters. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. I wouldn’t read anything if I didn’t enjoy it. I don’t comment very often but I just hate when I read that my favorite bloggers are being attacked by negativity. If you ask me, it’s about jealousy plain and simple. Keep writing, I love to hear all about your boys!

  13. says

    I just love you. you’re so right and wise!! I’m so sick of random people feeling the need to comment about how people live. I absolutely love the blog world, the friends I’ve made and the candid nature of what blogging is about. There are absolutely zero guidelines to what bloggers are “supposed” to be writing about… and if someone doesn’t like what a blogger has to say, that little “close firefox” button is a super simple solution.

    Rant over.

    That said, keep on, keepin’ on 😉 your “boring” life is fascinating to me and I just love the wife and mother and homemaker and friend that you are!

  14. Katie says

    as the other commenters have said, i love your blog. i can relate to many of the things you write about, whereas, in real life, i don’t have friends in the same stage of life (new stay at home mom to a 4 month old boy). i especially have loved your baby gear reviews and tips for traveling with the baby! keep it up! 🙂

  15. says

    I love reading your blog. It helps me to feel as though I am not alone in this “groundhog’s day” version of motherhood! ha! I get into those ruts also, but keep pushing through. I also struggle with my posts at times and tend to censor what I say because I don’t to cause ripples in my life. But it is my blog, and I just try to say what I need to say in the nicest way possible. I’m working on one of those posts right now, in fact! Being the wife of a previous youth pastor, and dealing with the church can be a touchy subject. I always worried about (and still do) saying something that would get my hubby into trouble! Especially at one particular church, when we really didn’t enjoy the location… but that’s a post for another day when there’s more time and water under the bridge:) Anyhow, all of this to say that I understand your predicament, and still enjoy reading your blog! Especially since I found that we are expecting our first boy after two little girls!

  16. Jackie E. says

    Don’t worry about the haters. Just do what you want and write about what you want. I’m a soon-to-be 50 year- old mom with a 19 year old college student and a nearly 16 year old. I like reading your blog because it gives me a fresh perspective and insight to today’s young mothers. And believe me, you will never tire of writing and talking about your children. They are the best!

  17. says

    Just wanted to say I like reading about your regular life. Hope you’ll keep writing about it and sharing it with us. I always smile when I see “Blue-Eyed Bride” in my Google Reader.

  18. says

    I love your blog and it’s YOUR blog! Write about whatever you want! I feel like I can really relate to you with the pregnancy stuff and soon the motherhood stuff too. If people don’t like what you’re writing about, they don’t have to read it.

    I basically write about pregnancy and that’s it on my blog right now because that’s what’s happening in my life! I’m sure after my son is born, all I will write about for awhile is raising him.

  19. says

    You are SO right Erin! This is your blog…and you can and should blog about what is important to you at that moment. Be who you are…readers who care about you will be interested regardless of what you write about. I’ve never understood why people leave mean comments…if you don’t like the blog then just don’t read it!

  20. Jennifer says

    I love your blog. Keep writing. I enjoy the pregnancy, motherhood, fashion and decorating. Keep it up.

  21. says

    Amen! It’s your blog, and you should write what you want to write. I like reading about your “boring” life, and I like living and blogging about my “boring” life too 🙂

  22. says

    Erin I agree with what other commenters have said. It’s your blog and you should feel free to write about whatever you want. I love reading your blog every day! I am a Mom too and a lot of the time I don’t feel like I have an exciting life but I do love the friendships that I have made and the people that I have “met” through blogging. My kids are older than Hudson and soon to be Hayes 🙂 but I like hearing about what Hudson is doing. He is such a cutie pie! I miss those days when my kids were so little! I hate rude comments and I don’t understand why some people feel the need to leave them. It’s so irritating and frustrating. You are an inspiration to many people including me! Thanks Erin!

  23. Linda says

    I enjoy your posts, no matter the topic. Your blog is one of the very few I read consistently because of your writing style – you come across as honest, sincere and smart… qualities very hard to find on the blog-o-sphere. (Oh, and you have the loveliest home!) 🙂

  24. says

    It’s a beautiful thing that you write baout what you want to on YOUR blog! I’ve been reading since the beginning of the year, and I find your blog real and refreshing and very enjoyable. Let the haters be haters and keep on doing what you do! ♥

  25. CMC says

    I like what you write about! I would think most of the other people reading this blog have similar lifestyles! I am a married, working mama of 1 precious 1-year old boy and thinking about the next one – I can’t wait to hear about Baby Hayes and how life is with 2! Not to mention, I like when you post about what you’ve done during the day – I am contemplating being a stay at home mom one day and right now I live vicariously through your blog – so keep it coming!

  26. Amy Steger says

    I love and don’t change a thing! Keep up the good work! Would love to see some of your recipes in the future!

  27. says

    I want you to know that I like your blog BECAUSE you write about motherhood!! It reminds me that I’m not alone in the triumphs and struggles, the boo-boos and the snuggles! Shake those haters off girl!

  28. says

    Ooh – those people woh feel compelled to leave unkind comments really make me angry. Last time I checked, you didn’t have to check a box that said you would post content that pleased everyone all of the time in order to have a blog. Nor are those commenters actually required to continue to read posts that do not interest them. Personally, I enjoy your blog as is – keep it up just how YOU want to!

  29. says

    I love reading your blog! if people don’t like what you talk about they shouldn’t read your blog!!! its not like you make them! keep your head up!

  30. Tara Thompson says

    You should write whatever is on your heart and mind. I used to worry about pictures of my kids. If they weren’t what I thought were great pics I would not display them or even show them to anyone. She once told me, “It doesn’t matter that the picture isn’t perfect. All that matter is that is what the kids looked like at the moment on that day.” You are capturing moments. Glimpses of your days. For better or worse, they are what they are! Just cherish them and don’t worry about anyone else.

  31. Tara Thompson says

    I guess I should have proof read that comment before I hit submit! The she I was referring to was my mother. She gave me that advise years ago before she passed away. And I never forgot it!

  32. Erica says

    My mom always said, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”.
    If anyone is passive aggressive in their comments towards your blog, or ugly in their comments regarding your content, they probably aren’t very happy or satisified people themselves. To start with, they can just not read your blog if they don’t like the content. And second, they need to find other hobbies besides blog-stalking blogs they don’t even like. You love your life, and that is all that matters. Don’t let anyone else chip away at any of your happiness- misery always loves company. 🙂

  33. Victoria says

    I’ve read your blog for a while now…when I was single, when I got engaged, married, and even now that we are expecting our first baby. I love your writing style and that you write about where you are in your life right now…and that’s a mom. Don’t let people’s comments get to you – you have lots of readers who love your blog!

  34. says

    Totally your blog. If others don’t like it, just go to the next one! My blog is mostly about my kids, to keep my family updated, especially the ones that live so far away. But really I love to cook and bake. I would love to blog more about that, but the pictures I take usually make the food look so blah. Ha!

  35. says

    I don’t think I’ve ever commented before! I wrote a post like this not too long ago and then deleted it because I was “worried” how it would translate 🙁 I know exactly how you feel and you should write about whatever you want to. There are so many of us who are at home, doing the same things you are doing and we like to feel like we are not alone! I feel just like you do–like I talk about pregnancy too much, motherhood too much and then I’m too honest about what I say. My life sure as heck isn’t perfect either! Good for you for saying what you feel and congratulations on your soon-to-be baby boy!

  36. says

    Hi Erin! I just wanted to say hi. I’ve been reading your blog for awhile and just wanted to say hi that I love what you write about! It’s your blog and if people think it’s boring, they can stop reading. 🙂 Looking forward to hearing about the birth of Hayes and getting to know you better!

  37. says

    I enjoy reading whatever stage that you are in. It is nice to hear other peoples thoughts and feeling, because at times it helps validate my own.

  38. says

    Love your blog! You have so many people who enjoy reading it because you’re real. I think we all wear all kinds of hats- mom, cook, decorator, daughter, wife to name a few. Sometimes its nice just to focus on one!

  39. Heather says

    Dearest Erin, your blog is far from boring! I wish you knew how much I look forward to reading your posts! I love the honesty and vulnerability in your writing. AMAZING! Please don’t overthink your content. I am at a different stage in motherhood, my baby is ten, but I can relate to everything! Keep up the great work!

  40. says

    Sometimes I try to sit down and write about things other than E or parenting but it feels forced. This is my life right now. I feel like if people don’t want to read it.. they can look elsewhere. Keep doing what you do. I love your blog 🙂

  41. crewlade drinka says

    sorry you have to deal with those commenters. I cannot believe they would have an issue with what you put on YOUR blog! but I do love your blog jsut like the majority of us who read it. if you don’t like it dont read it, right? some (unhappy)people just like drama. keep on doing what you are doing

  42. says

    Boo to mean comments and haters. It’s amazing what people will “say” behind the safety of their computer screens. I would imagine these same people wouldn’t (and shouldn’t) have the nerve to say hurtful things to you in person. Whatever happened to “If you don’t have something nice to say…” Your blog, your life, your loves (your babies), and that’s all that really matters. 🙂

  43. Allison says

    You know, Erin, it’s YOUR blog and you should write about what interests YOU… who cares if everyone doesn’t agree with everything you have to say! At the end of the day, you want your blog to be a reflection of you and your life and your loves and you shouldn’t have to feel like you need to cater to your “audience.” I think blogging is not only a great way to connect with friends and other people in similar life circumstances, but it’s also a great memory-recording tool… and that’s what you are doing, recording memories for yourself and your children down the road to look back on each stage of life you have gone through as a family so you can remember them all fondly after you have moved on to the next stage. I, personally, enjoy your blog very much, because I am in a similar situation as you… a stay at home mom of 2 very young boys, and I can relate to so very much that you write about. Thanks for being honest and for showing what a real life, a real family, and a real mother goes through!! 🙂
    -Allison in NC

  44. says

    I don’t understand negative commenters who “attack” bloggers. Take your negative energy elsewhere…or here’s a hint….stop reading that blog if you don’t like it! I hope you’re feeling okay despite your physical discomfort now that you’ve reached the end of this pregnancy. May 5th will be here before you know it! My grandma (who lived to the ripe age of 95 years old) was born on May 5th-it’s a lucky day:-).

  45. says

    Of course you should write about what YOU want to write about. Ignore negative commenters, this is YOUR blog and obviously they are finding something interesting and entertaining about it, or they wouldn’t be reading! 🙂

  46. says

    I completely agree with what everyone else has said…if someone doesn’t want to read about motherhood or pregnancy then they can move onto a different blog!!! I, for one, love reading about the day to day!! Keep on chugging along 🙂

  47. says

    I feel like I blog about the same things all the time too. But you have to remember that you write this for yourself, not everyone else. Blogging is like the cheapest therapy ever! 🙂

  48. Emily says

    You speak my language. I am in your “stage.” Please continue to post about your pregnancy and children. I learn so much from you! I now say “y’all” and my baby boy (12 months now…oh dear) wears shortalls!!!

  49. Emily says

    I would love it if you wrote a blog post recommending the essentials a first time mom should register for!! That would help me out SO much!

  50. says

    You know what’s funny…lately I come to your blog, and every day I am SO excited there is a brand new post. I was just thinking the other day about what an amazing *blogger* you are because you always have so much to say, and such interesting things to write about. And I really mean that! I think as a Mom, blogger, wife (fiance for me), caretaker, cook, fashionista, and for you pregnant with your second–we really second guess everything in life, because there is so MUCH to think about. So I hope this comment, and the others before me encourage and help you to realize how much we in the “mommy blog” world really appreciate every post, and especially your honesty in this one! You are so relatable to so many people, and that’s what keeps me coming back.

  51. says

    Oh, I know what you mean! There are so many days I just stare at my computer and think, “What on earth could I possibly write about today??? How I loathe vacuuming? How many poopy diapers I’ve changed today? Nobody wants to hear about that.” But, the truth is…that there’s a lot of mommas out there that read your blog that have the exact same life…and it makes ours seem more normal. And, by the way, being honest doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re complaining or that you hate your life…it just means that you’re real. Thank you for your honesty! =)

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