Easter Traditions

Holidays are so much fun when little ones are around. It’s so much fun to experience the holiday through their eyes. To teach them about the true meaning of the holiday and then celebrate in kid-friendly ways. This Easter was a lot of fun for us because it was Hudson’s first Easter where he could participate in some of the more secular traditions of Easter.

We did the Resurrection Eggs with him and read the age appropriate parts of the Easter story to him from his little Bible.

But we also dyed Easter eggs this year and he went on an Easter egg hunt at school. I should have just stripped Hudson down to a diaper so he could participate more in the egg-dying process, but because I didn’t trust that he wouldn’t dump the egg dye onto the carpet, I just kept him in his high chair. It was my first time to dye eggs in many years, so it was fun for me, too! And it was a good way for this pregnant mama to spend a day inside with her boy.

Then I made some cupcakes for an Easter gathering and we had quite a few left over. I let Hudson have one after dinner, and rather than give him bites to contain the mess, I just let him get after it. He was surprised, I’m sure, and pretty darn happy about it.

The Easter Bunny came by our house and left Hudson some really fun goodies in his Easter basket! He got lots of fun Sesame Street books, coloring books, and stickers. And a Mr. Potato Head Easter Bunny, finger paint, sidewalk chalk, and some really fun bunny Sing-a-Majigs. His daddy has loved those the most! Not kidding.

He also got some jelly beans and some Animal Crackers. I was a little conservative about the whole candy thing. He is a wild toddler, after all!

Our church service this morning was one of the most moving that I can remember in my life. The message was wonderful, the music was worshipful, and the Spirit was there and was touching hearts. My parents couldn’t be here to celebrate Easter with us, but TC’s parents joined us at church and afterward, we went to his grandmother’s house for lunch and an Easter egg hunt.

Hudson loves Easter egg hunts now that he understands what to do. But today he wouldn’t put down his snack holder and I had to follow along behind him, carrying his basket, to catch his eggs as he tossed them in.

I think his favorite thing was identifying what color each egg was and shouting out, “I see purple!” or “I see blue!”

It was such a hot day that all of the dyed eggs were sweating in the sun and the dye started coming off on our hands. And of course a little bit got on Hudson’s white linen outfit, but boys will be boys and they will get dirty.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get a great photo of the three of us– because my face is so swollen and I am being vain and refuse to show them to you. But TC and Hudson looked so sharp! I love my boys and can’t wait for my next boy to arrive soon.

And… lastly, defying all family tradition set forth by his father and me, Hudson tried a Peep today and loved it. TC kept saying it was “gross” so then Hudson thought they were called “gross” and kept asking for “more gross.” Hilarious. Hopefully he’ll snap out of his love for Peeps before next Easter!

I hope you all had a great Easter with your families or loved ones. We sang In Christ Alone this morning and it is one of my favorite songs. I kind of have to pretend to sing because I always get so choked up that really ugly sounds come out when I try to sing. But I usually just listen and worship. I wanted to share my favorite lyrics from In Christ Alone with you:

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny

No power of hell, no scheme of man
Could ever pluck me from His hand
Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I stand

Philippians 3:10-12
I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

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  1. says

    What a wonderful post! Love Hudson’s precious outfit!! You look fantastic too! I wish I would have taken your advice to wear pants today. It was cold and raining here and I couldn’t get over the whiteness of my legs. ha! Despite the weather, it was a beautiful Easter Sunday!

  2. says

    Blasphemy… peeps are my favorite!!

    Yall should make Smore peeps… such a fun snack. And if you do it in the microwave, the peeps will get super big!

  3. Kim says

    Hudson is adorable!

    In Christ alone is one of my favorite worship songs! Sadly our church did not use it today but like with your church the message was the best I’ve ever heard.

    I was wondering what resurrection eggs are? I have a 3 yr old and almost 2 yr old and am looking for creative way to show Jesus to them.

  4. says

    I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now and am loving it. You are so precious and such a great wife and Mommy to that adorable Hudson. I live out at Lake Murray and my 3 precious ones are grown – 25, 21, and 18, but I must tell you that you bring back all the fun memories I had with my angels. I love the way you dress Hudson, the fact that you send him to a church preschool, the way you read to him and play with him. I promise you it will pay off. As I looked at my grown babies today at my parents’ house, I realized how lucky we all are. Keep up the good job with Hayes. I look forward to reading many more posts from you. (P.S… I was a blue-eyed bride 29 years ago! and my husband is a lawyer here in town too…)

  5. Sarah says

    I love Hudson’s outfit!!! And no one is going to judge what you look like while pregnant!!! It’s a beautiful thing!!

  6. says

    i love hudsons little easter outfit! so cute! i love your sweet blog…i have been following you for a while. my husband is from chapin, so we are in your neck of the woods alot! i hope yall had a wonderful easter!

  7. says

    Look at sweet little Hudson!! He looks so big! And how has his hair grown so much since the last time I saw him?!?

    I want to see the picture of the three of y’all. Because I miss y’all!!

  8. says

    I love the pics of him with the cupcake and peeps! Your belly is so cute in that picture too…you are SO CLOSE to having that sweet boy.

    Our church sang that song today too…I was in Journey Kids though so I didn’t get to cry through the entire thing like usual. 🙂 LOVE Easter Sunday!!

  9. says

    Happy Easter! I love that you include the real reason we celebrate Easter.
    Hudson’s Easter outfit is adorable! I can’t wait to come baby shopping in Columbia and Charleston this summer!

  10. says

    Yes! Get that boy off the Peeps! Ha ha! Just kidding. And before I even saw the part you wrote about yourself, I was thinking how GREAT you look. Love your Easter outfit!

  11. says

    I feel like Easter services are my favorite. So much joy and it’s like one big exclamation of faith and love. Rather sad I didn’t make it to an actual service yesterday.

    Holidays with little ones are the best. Adore Hudson’s outfit. I bet next year he’ll be so excited to share his “gross” with his little brother. 😉

  12. says

    Hilarious that he called Peeps “gross!” I totally agree that they are awful!

    Harper’s egg hunting was hilarious. He held his sippy cup the whole time and dragged the basket behind him. Everywhere he walked, he left a trail of eggs behind him, which I had to follow behind and pick up.

  13. Nancy says

    What a sweet blog about your Easter. Question: are those habersham chairs in you dining room? I believe they are as I have them along with a table. A quick note would be so appreciated.

  14. Lindsey says

    I love your blog! Thanks for sharing! I am a new mom and reading your thoughts makes me feel normal! ha

  15. says

    Oh my goodness. Love H’s Easter outfit. I wanted to buy those outfits for my boys this year, but it was just so darn cold. SO CUTE!!!

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