just some stuff!

The red cup is back at Starbucks and I wait all year for the Eggnog Latte. Yum yum. I had my first Eggnog Latte yesterday right before I picked Hudson up from school. It was perfection and as good as I remembered.

I realized I haven’t updated y’all on the U-Haul road trip with my mom! We had a great time together and made pretty good time. We got to stop in my hometown to have lunch with my aunt, cousin, and my cousin’s baby. It’s never long enough there and I always want to see more people when we go there. But this time we had to get back on the road immediately to hurry on down I-20. We spent the night with some great family friends in Birmingham on the first night and took our time leaving Birmingham the next morning. We were back in Columbia by 6:00 p.m. on Friday– and I left Columbia at 7:00 a.m. on Thursday.

The sectional looks great and gives us so much more seating. I’m still so excited about it when I walk into the room. We haven’t decided what throw pillows we want just yet, so we’re using some that I had in another room for now.

I’ve put up some before and after photos for you!

The side of our living room where we added the sectional. Before on top, after on bottom.

We moved our other sofa that we love so much to the other side of the room and moved all the chairs to TC’s office.

Another view of the side of the room with the new sectional– and the cute little chair in the corner. Fiona has now taken over that chair as her bed since she’s not allowed on the new sectional.

We’re getting ready for a fun play date with friends this afternoon! Hudson and I are both excited!

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  1. says

    Loooove the new sectional! I am so ecited to eventually move to a new house so that we will be able to get one! All this talk about the holiday lattes, eggnog, creme brulee, etc. is really making me regret starting this low carb diet during holiday season!

  2. says

    Love the new sectional! You have great taste. And I have never tried the eggnog latte, but I should have last year because I was craving eggnog anything when pregnant with my little boy. I was highly disappointed one day when we drove through Jack-in-the-box to get an eggnog shake and they said they were all out of it. Ugh, the nerve of them!

  3. says

    Love the changes! The sofa on the other side of the room instead of the four chairs looks so much more cozy and really makes the fireplace POP more! Great changes 🙂

  4. Beth says

    My husband and I just bought a sectional for our new house and it’s AMAZING. I don’t think I can ever go back, there’s so much space! you’ll love it!

  5. says

    That sectional does something to your room that your couch and chair never did for it! It makes the room look huge! I can’t get over how warm and inviting those spaces are and I adore those ottmans! Beautiful!

    Also, I’m a little jealous of your eggnog latte… do you do decaf when you’re pregnant? Does that ruin it?

  6. says

    New arrangement looks awesome! We need additional seating so so bad but just haven’t found a way to add more. Maybe our next house, you know – that perpetual dream house, will let us fit a sectional!

  7. says

    So I’ve asked you before, but now that I live closer (almost!), I’m definitely calling dibs on you helping me decorate my house. Your style is gorgeous!

    I have to say I really like your golden retriever rug. 🙂

  8. Kelly says

    Love it! Question though- are you worried about keeping it clean with Hudson and the dogs? Your mom just helped us get our sofa recovered in a light blue chenille. It’s gorgeous but I’m so worried about my dog messing it up. She knows she isn’t allowed up there but secretly naps there when we’re not home. Any tricks? Did you scotchgard it? Just curious!

  9. Becky says

    Love it! It looks so comfy and inviting – both sides of the room do, actually. I just love those big ottomans, too.

    Another person commented on the pictures above your mantle so I went back to look. I love it, too! Where did you get it?

  10. carrie says

    Couch is beautiful!! Love the piece the television sits on!! 🙂 I also see the June & Gran chairs too!! They look good!!

  11. says

    Love the new sectional! We’re on the hunt as well… right after a new dinning room suite is procured!

    Also, now I feel totally jipped about the eggnog latte – I went on Tuesday and figured, since red cups are out, that the eggnog would be advertised and I’d order one… no signs about them in the drive-thru line so I just ordered my regular… now I’m going to have to stop tomorrow and specifically request!

  12. stylishsuburban says

    Love the new sectional! We have been on the hunt for one for our family room as well and haven’t had much luck. Where did you find yours? So many out there are too modern I love the lines of yours. Both rooms look beautiful. I’m with all the other bloggers who have said it you have wonderful taste and would love to have you decorate my home!

  13. says

    Looks great!! I’m normally not a huge sectional fan because they can really make a room look small, but yours fits in so well and looks like it was made for that spot! I also love how you put the couch on the other side of the room! FABULOUS!!

  14. says

    Haven’t read the other comments so maybe I’m the first to say, KUDOS to you for going with the off-white sectional. I mean, sincerely, THANK YOU. Every time I buy something (or mention I’m going to buy something) that’s white or off-white or even pastel, I inevitably get the “oh tsk, tsk, you have young children, that’s a mistake!” And I HATE that. I want what I want, and I’m not going to stop myself from getting exactly what I want just because I happen to have small children! I will buy things in microfiber or slipcover or white (so I can bleach) and I will deal with the maintenance, but I’m not going to live with something I hate! (Can you tell this is a sore-spot issue with me?) 🙂

  15. says

    Have you already said where you got your sectional? We are looking for something similar, and I’d love to know the brand. If you have already mentioned, please forgive me 🙂

  16. alison says

    Oh my word, I am behind on reading blogs. 1. Congratulations on Baby Carroll #2!! My baby bump showed up MUCH sooner with number 2, but if it makes you feel better it took a lot longer to show up the 3rd time…:) 2. Don’t listen to anyone about the decision to do a C-section. It’s your body and it’s a decision between you, your husband and your doctor. I, personally, wanted a VBAC with the 2nd baby, but thank goodness my doctor refused to even listen to me as I had an almost 10lb and I think it would have been on the dangerous side for me to attempt that. 3. I LOVE the sectional, but will refuse to show your beautiful pics to my Hubby, because he will do the big, fat “I told you so” since he tried to talk me into one a few years ago. 4. Will your mom travel to the Greenville area the next time she is in SC to decorate my home?!

  17. says

    The new sectional looks fantastic, and I love your “old” sofa on the other side of the room, too! The room looks so inviting and beautiful. I am quite jealous. I really need to put some energy and money into decorating my living room (and bedroom and kitchen and dining room…)

  18. Cori says

    Gorgeous, love it, love it! Your rooms look so much bigger. Beautiful. I really like your curtians and your curtians rods. I have been looking for curtians for my master bedroom for YEARS, would you share where you purchased them. Thank You for sharing your home!

  19. says

    I love it! While I loved the look your old sofa too, I’m sure this new one will be MUCH more comfortable. Your home and decor is absolutely beautiful!

  20. says

    Loving your new sectional…So jealous! Right now, I’m stuck w/ my hubs’ bachelor couches. YUCK! They’re in great shape but oh so bachelor looking…One day, one day! 🙂

  21. crewlade drinka says

    I love the new toffee mocha- is really good! the starbucks lady told me that the eggnogg one is the most popular, and I will ahve to try it next time. I was excited to find out that you can get them all in decaf, too, (but I think a little caffeine is ok when pregnant. ) love your new sectional. love all that lounging room. made the mistake of buying 2 couches to face each other and takes up too much room and not enough lounging room! I was wondering about the fabric, too- is just scotchguarded or some special fabric? Just got bedrm chair in a light color in “everyday” velvet but is not the same as light upholstery in the family room. let us know the details on this!

  22. Elizabeth says

    Hi – I enjoy reading your blog and Congrats on your pregnancy!
    I noticed in the photos of your living room you have a chair
    with Hudson’s name on it. We have a 10 month old son
    and we have considered getting him his “own” chair when
    he turns 1! Like your son, he is very busy, and I was wondering
    if Hudson actually sits down and enjoys “his” chair!

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