monday morning brain dump

  • My sweet pea is at school and I love it. Does that make me a bad mom? I don’t know and I don’t care.
  • I’m sitting here sipping coffee and writing a blog post. That’s how I’m spending my time while Hudson’s in school. Does that make me a bad mom? Don’t answer that.
  • I’m mentioned this before, but I am officially the most impatient dog mommy on the planet. My dogs have taken a back seat. But, to my defense, they are really bad these days when they used to be really good.
  • They say there are no bad dogs and only bad dog owners. Hmmm….
  • Things at the house have been extra crazy and chaotic because it’s a really big work week for TC. I love him and I love that he loves his job. What a lucky guy! But I do miss him.
  • These are the weeks when I really wish my mom was here to hang out with me.
  • And I really wish I had an infinite amount of time to watch 90210 marathons.
  • Because it’s the best show ever.
  • Why did I ever think I wanted to plan people’s weddings? I love my weekends too much for that nonsense.
  • Our Gamecocks won this weekend! And we watched it at home. In the air conditioning.
  • I had a long chat yesterday afternoon with a friend about how we can’t get over awful things that people did to us or said about is in college. I should forgive, but some things just hurt too bad.
  • Those awesome boots that I ordered from Lands End still haven’t arrived. Where are they?
  • I spent about 20 minutes this weekend programming my DVR for fall television shows. My life is so exciting!
  • I’m so struggling for blog content. Can you tell?
  • Hudson is going to be a lion for Halloween. This is the costume we chose. It arrived this weekend and I nearly peed myself laughing at Hudson wearing it! (That’s not Hudson in the picture.)

  • I got a Facebook invitation to my 10 year high school reunion. I won’t be going. It’s too far away and it looks like there’s just a dinner planned. It’s just not worth the plane ticket. But I feel a little bad about letting my 10 year anniversary of my high school graduation go by without even seeing anyone from my class.
  • When I sleep, in addition to not being able to tolerate my thighs touching thus forcing me to wear pajama pants, I have to have heavy weight covers on my hips. I just do. It relaxes me and makes me feel safe.
  • I finished The Hunger Games and Catching Fire this weekend. I am a reader on a mission!
  • When TC finishes up with these crazy weeks of work, I’m begging him to play a game of nertz with me!
  • And then it’ll be just about time for us to travel to Auburn, Alabama for the South Carolina vs. Auburn football game.
  • This Southern Living Idea House laundry room is one of my old favorites. I know it’s a little dated now, but it just makes me so happy.

What’s going on with you this week?

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  1. says

    I almost feel like reunions are pointless today due to things like Facebook. I am still caught up with everyone that I want to be, I see what they look like, what’s going on in their life, etc due to Facebook!

  2. ACH says

    I love this post for so many reasons. What I love even more is that fact that you know exactly what I’m talking about. Most notable: that laundry room is ah-mazing. Can’t wait to see Hudson dressed up for Halloween. Hysterical. Happy Monday, enjoy your alone time (totally jealous). xoxo

  3. says

    Honestly…my 10 year reunion was a waste of time. The only people I talked to there were my friends I keep in touch with anyway. It just seemed like everyone was still caught up in themselves and weren’t interested in seeing what others were up to. On the other hand, I recently attended my husband’s 20 year and it was a blast.

  4. says

    I wish my mom was closer to hang out too! I TOTALLY love the mornings my little ones are at school. It is the time we can “sharpen the saw.” I learned about your blog from Catherine Lucas. So glad I did. Fun!

  5. Amanda says

    Okay .. So I don’t feel so bad now. My 10 year reunion is coming up this summer and I am not planning on going for many of the same reasons. People cannot believe that I am not planning on going.

  6. Catherine Kichler says

    I so enjoyed your Monday brain dump…and YAY for “some” you time. All Mom’s deserve that. H’s Halloween costume is precious. Since he turned one recently, wanted to ask for some advice. My son-in-law has twins (girl& boy) that will be one in Nov…want to get them a special gift. Was there any gifts H got that you would reccomend? These babies are going to get a bunch and we would like it to be something great. I would so appreciate your ideas!

    Thanks so much and enjoy your coffee time!

  7. maggi says

    I ordered from LE last Tuesday(clothes & shoes)…the order shipped today(or so the website said). They are usually faster than that!

  8. says

    First of all, you should enjoy the time you have to yourself while TC & Hudson are gone. Congrats to your Gamecocks, my Cats won. I am secretly hoping to go to the UK vs South Carolina game on 10/16 & of course with a W for UK! I received a facebook friend request a while back from one of our classmates who was awful to me back in HS and I denied it. It rubbed me the wrong way, it felt more like she was being nibby rather than wanting to clear the air. I live 4 blocks from the location of our reunion and I am struggling on whether to go or not. My mom handles her class reunions and I think she is a little miffed as to why I wouldnt want to go. Don’t worry you aren’t missing out on that place, its just another bar in Ytown. I love that laundry room and thank you for sharing it.

  9. Emily says

    When you get your Land’s End boots, please tell us what you think of them in person!! I’ve been eyeing them myself, but just haven’t taken the plunge yet.

  10. says

    I hope that drinking coffee and blogging doesn’t mean you’re a bad mom. I have newborn in her pack n play right by me, rather than holding her, so that I can do the same thing 😉

  11. says

    this weekend i watched part of the south carolina football game and thought of you and wondered if you had hudson dressed in game day colors. your team has a great, respectable coach.
    and i LOVE that halloween costume. i picked that out for james to wear this year but now i’m debating between that or popeye. he’s king of our house but his rolls are slowly disappearing so i lean towards the spinach eating strong man.
    oh, who did your blog header? have a great week!

  12. says

    Oh man I feel the same way about Jayci being in school!! 🙂 And I have to have heavy weight on me when I sleep too. Adam likes sleeping with just a sheet, and I just cant do it!

  13. says

    I have to sleep with heavy covers too, no matter how hot it is outside. Then I turn on the fan and I’m pretty sure this all drives my husband crazy. But he talks in his sleep so we’re even, right?

  14. says

    what a FUN laundry room! I’ve never seen that pic before. Mine is just plain white and booooring.

    And no you’re not a bad Mom for being excited that he’s at school. I think ALL mom’s rejoice on the day school starts again!

  15. says

    I am so with you and your friend on not getting over some of the bad things from college. Beyond with you. Some of my drama happened the year after, but I can’t get over it. I don’t know how. I cannot be friends with the girl that hurt me so bad. And with so many mutual friends (and the fact that our husbands are friends)…. it can get hard.

  16. says

    I’m a new blogger! But, this week is very exciting for me , i find out if my sister is having a boy or girl! the first grandchild in my family! I so definately know what you mean about not getting over what awful things people may have said in highschool to you ! People are so cruel and mean, and some just dont ever grow up ! I have one in my own family , drama drama drama! It sucks when you cant say how you feel but yet they can and run right over you ! LOVE your posts though! Hudson will be adorable in the lion costume, my mom and i bought my sister a tiger one for her little one for next halloween!

  17. says

    I love these random posts of yours but makes it hard to comment because so many things I want to comment on, haha!!!!

    I love your love for 90210 because I heart it too!!!!

    And I want to go to my high school reunion because I don’t want to later down the road regret not going!

    And how cute is Hudson going to look in that Halloween costume!!!!

  18. says

    You’re definitely not a bad mom. Everybody needs a break once in a while, and everyone needs a little time to do something that makes THEM happy. So blog away!!

    Hudson’s lion costume is so cute! I can’t wait to see your pictures from Halloween. I’m still working on what my son will be this year. Halloween is so much fun again now that I have a child!

  19. says

    That lion costume is so stinkin’ cute. I’m sure Hudson will be even cuter than the model! Do tell where you found it, my nephew, Parker, needs an adorable costume 🙂

  20. says

    Don’t for a second feel bad that Hudson is at school. It is great for him and builds his independence!! Give yourself a break mama! Life is too short to bear the weight of the world on your shoulders! LOVE the Halloween costume 🙂

  21. AbsoluteMom says

    Don’t feel guilty or bad about taking some down time away from Hudson while he’s at school. He needs that time and space to hone his little social skills…good for you for exposing him to different experiences, people, and places!! You and TC can’t be the only ones from whom he learns. As for your free time, why should you slave away at something mundane? People who are paid at their jobs get a break where they drink coffee, blog, shop, or talk on the phone…why shouldn’t you?

  22. says

    I didn’t feel bad for a minute not going to my 10-year high school reunion. I am so over high school! And like someone else already posted, I feel that I know what my old classmates are up to just by being on FB.

    I always have to have some type of blanket when I am sleeping…even when it is 90+ degrees outside and the inside of our house is hot, too. There is something about the comfort of being snuggled up in a blanket. My hubby used to complain about the blankets I kept all around the house, but he has come to realize that I just can’t be happy without them!

  23. says

    I totally missed my high school reunion because I wasn’t on FB at the time. That’s the only way they tried to get in touch with someone. I can’t decide if that’s lame, or if I was lame because I wasn’t on FB!

    And yes, that laundry room is to die for. I’d take the dated-ness of it in exchange for the whole room devoted to laundry and gift wrapping. 🙂 My washer and dryer – although new and quiet – are in my kitchen. My galley kitchen. Most days I love my house, until I see pictures of entire laundry *rooms* and then I get house envy.

  24. says

    I have the same sleeping issue! I hate my legs touching and I need to have the heavy blanket on me. Thus, I sweat a lot at night. HA! My hubs thinks it’s crazy so I’m glad to hear I’m not alone. Happy Monday! Enjoy your quite time, I am very jealous! 🙂

  25. says

    I’m sorry, I can’t even get through this post without writing this comment first.

    Frick NO! You’re not a bad mom for sending your kid to “school”! Don’t say that ever again! Seriously. Stop even thinking that or prepping people to say that! You are not and you will never be for doing this! It’s good for him and good for you so stop it!

    Now back to reading this post.

  26. says

    I missed my 10 year reunion, and 4 years later, I don’t regret it a bit. AND I’m not even on Facebook. I’ve heard lots of people say that their 25 year reunion was totally worth it. Hmmm…I wonder what changes in that time? Love the costume. I think Joseph is going to be Bob the Builder, and I haven’t decided on Ben yet.

  27. says

    Now, that lion costume is seriously the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

    The laundry room is a dream and although I would say to go to your 10 yr reunion, I understand where you are coming from and would have to agree. Mine was a blast but I live like 20 minutes from where I grew up. I missed those that couldn’t make it but it’s life. Some people you just won’t see much after high school and that’s just reality. 🙂

    Have a good week! 🙂

  28. Erin says

    That lion costume is so cute! I can’t wait to see pics of Hudson in it for Halloween.

    As for the reunion, don’t feel bad about not going. Like others have already said, Facebook allows us to keep up with our friends from high school. I went to my 5 year college reunion, and sadly it was such a waste! The cliques were just the same as when we were students there, and the food wasn’t even that good. :-p

  29. says

    – Don’t feel bad about taking time for yourself! As someone mentioned above, people take 15-20 minute breaks all the time at day-jobs. You should too. (Hello, look what I’m doing right now…when I should be working…ha!)
    – I agree on the wedding planning. I think people who are willing to give up their weekends for other people’s events are saints.
    – Hudson is going to be the cutest little lion ever.
    – Since moving back to the same city as my Mom, I realized just how much I enjoy being around her and having her as a friend. Hopefully you’ll get to live near yours one day too.

  30. courtney says

    Is it weird if I ask you to share your fall TV DVR schedule? There are so many shows I’m trying to keep track of it’s stressing me out!

  31. says

    Why do I always love people’s brain dump posts? IDK, I just do.

    Don’t worry about not going to the reunion, esp. if it’s just a dinner. We’re going to husband’s 10 yr reunion in 2 weeks! But it’s more of an excuse to go up to Oregon and see his friends we hardly ever see and to see his family. 🙂

    I miss my momma too. She’s been living in Boston for work and I want her to come back to So Cal!

    Also, can I please move into the laundry/craft room?! I love it.

  32. says

    I ordered a few things from LEC over a week ago and they still have not arrived! What is up with that???

    Hudson will be the most adorable little boy in that Halloween costume, I cannot wait to see pictures. And no way are you a bad mom! Taking time to yourself to recharge makes you an even better mom and wife than you already are! Besides, you already have Hudson’s Halloween costume in hand over a month early. Impressive 🙂

  33. says

    Phew! I am glad another mom can admit that she, too, needs a break. Sometimes I feel like a bad mom because I want a few minutes to myself. But, I think I am a better mommy when I can get a break, so I guess in some ways being a little bit selfish is good.
    Oh, and I just about died when I saw that lion costume! Too cute. I think I am going to make my little girl be a pumpkin. She will only be four months old, but these little baby costumes are too sweet to pass up 🙂

  34. says

    I really like that laundry room. The lion costume is so incredibly cute. He will look adorable, I am sure!
    What books did you get the other day at BN? I picked up two new ones yesterday: Wolf Hall and One Day. I had Mennonite in a Black Dress but put it back at the last minute. And what’s on your list for fall tv? We like Parenthood and are looking forward to its return. We are not sure if we are giving up on Gossip Girl or not.

  35. says

    You spend your free time however you want! You deserve it! I’m mad that Netflix doesn’t have 90210 on the list that you can watch right through your tv, you have to actually get the DVD’s in the mail. I really wanted to get that lion costume for my little boy who is 3 months old! I think it is SO cute!! My 10 year is this fall and I’m not going either. And I live in my hometown. It’s just like, if you’re still friends with hs friends then you talk to them anyway and if you’re not, then why would you want to go? That’s how I see it anyway 🙂

  36. Becky says

    I want that laundry room! Why shouldn’t the room I spend the most time in be beautiful and fun and colorful???

    I love it when you “struggle for blog content.” The posts tend to appeal to my ADD. 🙂

  37. Kristy says

    Don’t feel too bad about missing your reunion. I just had my 10 yr. last month and lets just say I am pretty sure I won’t be going to the 20 year reunion. It’s funny how some people never change and then there are those that totally surprise you…and I don’t mean in a good way. Apparently the cool thing to do at my reunion was leave your spouse at home and hook up with someone else at the reunion….CLASSY!
    P.S. Hudson is going to make a VERY cute little lion!

  38. says

    I have the same sleeping issue. I started off putting a travel pillow in between my knees which has since turned into a full size pillow and covers stuffed in between my feet. I finally had to just find a heavy quilt because it is just to hot for my big down comforter.

  39. says

    I love the brain dump….I think that should be a weekly or monthly tradition! Love the Halloween costume too. Since you always give us followers great shopping advice I saw 2 outfits for Hudson this weekend that made me think of you. I am emailing you the link (hopefully).

    Oh, and I have yet to forgive people who talked badly about me ages ago…I don’t hate, just don’t want them in my life

  40. says

    Hudson will most definitely be the world’s cutest lion this Halloween. Seriously. I don’t think you could find a more adorable costume if you tried!

    Also, Nertz? Wish I were closer, I’d come play with you and TC!!

  41. says

    I can’t sleep with my legs/thighs touching either! I can’t stand it!!! It also bothers me to wear a skirt or dress, which I do all the time, but only with deodorant between my thighs so I can’t feel them touch as much. I have a special one just for that! Weird, I know.

  42. says

    These are usually my favorite posts of yours..

    I don’t think enjoying time to yourself makes you a bad mom at all. Sometimes I get frustrated with E if she cuts a nap short or something if I was enjoying something to myself. I can’t help it. This makes us human…

    I also had some bad, bad stuff happen to me in college. I think it says a lot about someone to get through all that and still be an amazing person. And you are. =)

    And my reunion is in my town and I’m still not sure I want to go. Hasn’t Facebook kind of done away with the need for a reunion?

  43. says

    I didn’t go to my 10-year reunion. It was over a 4th of July holiday and would have been expensive to fly home for. Every “event” was for a fee, too. I have heard that the 20-year reunion is the one not to miss.

  44. says

    I’m in the middle of Catching Fire and I’m loving it! I just wish I could sit down and finish the whole thing in one sitting!! I would love to hear your thoughts on it also! Let’s have a bookclub post!

  45. says

    Oh my gosh, Erin that is so funny! That’s the lion costume that I picked out for Gavin for Halloween this year! Did you get it from Wishcraft? Gavin loves to crawl around growling like a lion, so I thought that would be a great costume for him. Then, when I was visiting my sister and her new baby in Kansas City last weekend, her next door neighbor happened to be having a garage sale. I got the most adorable puppy dog costume for $10! I was pretty happy to get the good deal, but wasn’t sure Gavin would like it as much as the lion idea. I showed it to him when I got home and helped him put it on in front of the full length mirror so he could see the transformation and see what he looked like in it. He loved it and started barking right away! It was so great! Now, I don’t have to order the $55 lion costume. I still love it though and kind of want to get it anyway! Hudson will look SO cute in that costume!!

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