mish mash

There seems to be so much going on right now that I thought this kind of post might be a little bit easier.

1. While Hudson was at school this morning, I worked on a couple of Junior League projects I needed to finish. Except I need to know how to use InDesign. Either that’s my option or Word needs to give me more formatting options. I was ready to pull my hair out. I may be calling in some back-up in the form of incredibly kind, former coworkers that have skillz in InDesign and Illustrator.

2. Poor Hudson is teething. At least I hope he’s teething and that’s the cause for the runny nose and the fussiness. He’s not running a fever- he’s just pooped. But he is still so stinking cute even when he’s not feeling well. I could just eat him up!

3. We’re doing the Beth Moore “Living Beyond Yourself” Bible study right now and we met last night. I am absolutely loving this study and the verse that stuck out to me the most last night was Galatians 5:26, “Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.” I highly recommend this study. I have a friend who said she’s doing it at home alone without a group.

4. I got word last night that I’ll have the first grade choir to myself again tonight. Oh my, this is just new territory for me. I’m used to my 15 month old and was hoping I could ease into the first grade age group. I’m getting hit with 35 of them at once! I’m just going to try and help them stay active and embrace their high energy by doing high energy activities with the music. The kids are coming from school where they’ve been sitting still all day. I know it’s hard for them to come sit still for 40 more minutes. Tips are appreciated!

5. Can we discuss my excitement over the cooler temperatures? And the rain? From what I’ve seen on the news, almost everyone is getting cooler weather. It’s a great time of year.

6. We’re also leading into my favorite time of year which is also a super stressful time of year. I have such a hard time juggling the expectations and responsibilities of the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. It’s impossible for us to be in two places at once and I want everyone to be happy. And I want it to be fun. I know I’m not alone in this and all married gals deal with it.

7. After premiere week, it looks like TC and I (mostly me) are going to eliminate a lot of the new shows we were testing out from our DVR. Most of the new shows didn’t hold my attention and I really wasn’t interested in seeing another week of them. I’ve already given up on Outlaw, Running Wilde, Blue Bloods (because my DVR didn’t catch the whole thing), My Generation, and Chase. That may be over half of the shows! TC and I loved the Britney/Brittany episode of Glee and we’re enjoying having the original The Apprentice back. And that’s all we’ve been watching together–other than Dateline, of course. And we’ve both been falling asleep on the couch regularly!

8. There a few greater things than a spotless house. Maybe chocolate chip cookies could be better than that. And a free weekend with no plans? And fitting perfectly into your size 4 pants. (That hasn’t happened for me in almost two years.)

NOTE: I do not fit into my size 4 pants. I’m just saying that’s a good feeling when you do!

Hope y’all are all having a great Wednesday!

a fun weekend in Auburn

Our little family drove down to Georgia on Friday night. We got a late start getting on the road and we spent most of the time listening to Hudson’s Baby Einstein DVDs while he watched to stay entertained. But we finally arrived at Lyndsey and Adam’s house. I just love them and I’m so happy that we’re friends. They opened up their home to us so we could go down to watch South Carolina play Auburn.

Lyndsey and Adam both went to Auburn and they’re die hard fans, but they didn’t mind having two Gamecock fans at their tent. On Saturday morning, Adam’s mom came over to watch Hudson and ALM and we all made the 40 minute drive to Auburn, Alabama. Amy and DW joined us on Saturday morning and we got to spend the whole day with two amazing couples.

An article has been going around that raves about Auburn’s hospitality and talks about how Gamecock fans needs to learn to be hospitable hosts and be gracious to visiting fans the way the Auburn fans were to us this weekend. And it’s so true. We were clearly Gamecock fans and we weren’t treated badly by one single Auburn fan. I was so impressed with everyone.

I had been to Auburn a handful of times before as a visiting fan, but this time was definitely the most fun. We spent all day out in the heat, but we were with friends and it was just a great time. Hopefully next year we can show them just as good of a time in Columbia.

Amy, me, and Lyndsey (aren’t my friends GORGEOUS?)

Adam, TC, and DW

after we had all melted, we ran into the adorable Grits!

Unfortunately, the Gamecocks fought hard but didn’t win this one. It was a close game and TC and I kept saying, “we’re going to win!” Auburn has a great Game Day atmosphere and it is L-O-U-D in that stadium throughout the entire game. And I know it’s that way for the majority of SEC stadiums, but this game was really loud. Auburn and South Carolina don’t play that often, but I’ll look forward to the next time we have an excuse to go back.

3 years of blogging!

Three years ago tomorrow I started this little blog. I loved reading my friends’ blogs and really wanted my own, but I also had the fear that I’d have nothing to write about. And now, here I am, three years and almost 700 posts later, and I still feel like I have nothing to write about!

My first post was seriously lame, but I was just easing my way into it to see what would happen. I’ve absolutely loved being a blogger and sometimes wonder how long I’ll continue. But there’s not a single reason that I want to stop.

So, in no particular order, I wanted to share with you the things I love about blogging and reading blogs.

1. You find the absolute most wonderful and creative ideas. Blogs are better than magazines. I have countless saved images and starred posts in my Google Reader that I’d like to use at a party or in my house somewhere. The inspiration resources are free and innumerable.

2. If you need an opinion, you’re going to get one. Sometimes we ask for advice and get great advice. Sometimes we don’t ask for advice and get advice anyway… which is not always all that fun. But there is bound to be someone that has the right answer to solve the problem I have.

3. The relationships that I’ve found in the blogging community are so special to me and there are about a dozen other girls that I don’t know what I’d do without. In the blogosphere there is someone going through the same thing you’re going through somewhere and it’s so great to be able to connect and relate. And then there are the ones that have entirely different struggles and interests and you click with them anyway just because the friendships are awesome. I probably should have put this at number 1.

4. I’ve had to learn a lot about conflict resolution. I haven’t had conflicts in my life the way that I have through blogging. The negative comments. The mean, hateful comments about your family. The sarcastic anonymous comments from someone at your husband’s old law firm. I can’t say I always handle it well, but I’m protective and I love my family.

5. I’ve had a chance to use my creativity every single day. Blogging has become a hobby and it’s something I work into my daily schedule. Even if I write the post late at night and schedule it for the morning or I do it during nap time. I try to make time for it every day because I love it.

So that’s all I put into words right now.

But I want to thank all of my friends for reading and making these three years so much fun! Have a great weekend!

Don’t forget to enter the Blessed Be The Name giveaway!

Blessed Be The Name Giveaway

I am so excited about this giveaway! One of my fabulous advertisers, Blessed Be The Name, is hosting this for Blue-Eyed Bride readers and one lucky reader will be the winner!

I ordered the adorable corduroy playall with the dog on it for Hudson to wear this fall and I know it will be so cute on him! And the girl things? Oh my word, they are so stinking cute!

One winner will receive an outfit of their choice from the Blessed Be The Name website.

To enter, just visit their site by CLICKING HERE and then come back to leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite item is. These would be great gifts for kids or for moms-to-be at a shower. Or maybe you just want it for your little one!

The winner will be announced next week!

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