once a TV addict, always a TV addict

I watch entirely too much television. I just do. I don’t always watch the shows on the night that they originally air. I have to DVR a lot of my shows and watch during nap time or watch on the weekends.

I’ve always been this way except I didn’t have as many options before the invention of the DVR. Even as an elementary, junior high, high school, and college student, I loved my TV.

My television addictions from the past:

Top: Beverly Hills, 90210 (high school, college, post-college), Saved by the Bell, Dawson’s Creek (Team Pacey!)

Bottom: Friends, Sex and the City, and Felicity (Team Ben!)

I could write a book on each of these shows. Why Ross is whiney and Monica is my favorite “Friend.” Why I loved Brenda more than mean-girl Kelly and always thought that Brenda got overshadowed by Shannen Doherty’s real life troubles. I can tell you why Pacey is so much better for Joey than Dawson and why I love to hate Carrie Bradshaw. She’s selfish and was horrible to Aiden. Sweet Aiden.

This proves that I watched too much TV when these shows were on.

My television addictions today:

Top Row: American Idol, Damages, LOST

Middle Row: Mad Men, Glee, Grey’s Anatomy (this obsession is on and off)

Last Row: Dancing With the Stars, Project Runway, The Bachelor/Bachelorette

And I just realized I didn’t include the Real Housewives of New Jersey or Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood in my super fun collage.

The whole thing is borderline unhealthy.

What shows were you addicted to 10 years ago?

What about today?

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  1. says

    I love your taste! I have been collecting 90210 and re-watching it from the original. And I am also Team Pacey!

    Can’t wait for The Bachelorette tonight (I love Ali, and I’m an avid Reality Steve reader, too) and for the Idol finale (Lee!!). =)

  2. says

    I love to hate Carrie too lmao! When I was younger I was obsessed with Felicity as well, and Charmed. I liked Buffy, but I loved Angel. I always liked Friends too, and sometimes I’ll catch a rerun 🙂

  3. says

    I actually wasn’t to bad when I was young LOL compared to now!

    10-ish years ago:
    1. Buffy
    2. That 70’s show
    3. Angel
    4. 7th Heaven
    5. a show called Popular
    6. Roswell
    7. TRL

    1. Gossip Girl
    2. The Tudors
    4. Bones
    5. NCIS
    6. NCIS Los Angeles
    7. Cold Case
    8. Criminal Minds
    9. One Tree Hill
    10. Vampire Diaries
    11. Supernatural
    12. Big Bang Theory
    13. Dexter
    14. True Blood

    Now I know where my spare time goes…

  4. says

    Wow, 10 years ago. I watched a lot of Dawson’s Creek, Felicity, Saved by the Bell reruns (I kick butt at SBTB trivia!!), and SATC. I loved Pacey without a doubt! I struggled between Ben and Noel, but yes, Ben was the one for Felicity! I remember Popular! Loved that show–I was definitely a “Sam”!

    Currently, I loved How I met your mother, Big Bang Theory, Gossip Girl, The Biggest Loser, Mad Men, Drop Dead Diva and No Reservations. I really got into Community this season. The Office is not as funny as I remember but I still tune in.

  5. says

    10 years ago I was for SURE addicted to Friends. Now, my addictions are RHONYC and NJ, The Office, Bachelor/Bachelorette and Parks and Rec, just to name a few =)

  6. says

    I am new to your blog and thought I would say (HI!) I have been reading your postings for the past few weeks and I love your blog 🙂 I am highly addicted to T.V also and if it wasn’t for DVR I have NO CLUE what I would do!

  7. says

    Fun post! I actually don’t watch that much TV anymore because we only get basic cable and don’t have a DVR. Sounds tragic, huh? Ha! We were trying to save money a year ago, and even though we could afford it now, we just don’t care that much now to pick back up the costs. But, I was obsessed with Gilmore Girls in college. I’ve seen every single episode and am now reworking my way through the seasons thanks to Netflix. I used to also love 7th Heaven, Felicity and the O.C.! Currently, hubs and I watch Glee and the Office.

  8. says

    I have to agree with April. My favorite shows 10 years ago were Roswell, Popular, Roswell, Buffy, Roswell, Friends and Angel. My favorite shows now are Supernatural, Lost (le pooh), Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill (seasons 1-6 only), Sex and the City, The Vampire Diaries, Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice.

  9. Mackenzie says

    I am in love with TV too and so nice to know some people watch way too much of it too! Ten years ago today I was a little kid, so I wouldn’t watch very much! But now that I am older I watch lots of shows that keep me up waaaay to late. Grey’s Anatomy, 90210, Gossip Girl, Desperate Housewives, Army Wives, Glee, Private Practice, Brother’s & Sister’s, Project Runway, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood, The Office, all of the Real Housewives (SO funny!) and many more! Love this post!

    What kind of font do you use for your posts? I love it!

  10. says

    It’s so nice to hear that other people are as addicted to tv shows as I am, it makes me feel so much better about myself! Right now I’m really into Vampire Diaries and Melrose Place, I never watched the old Melrose Place but I did love the old 90210 so much better than the new 90210.

  11. Jessica says

    A lot of my favorite shows are ending this week, but I have a feeling I’ll have some more favorites in a month or so! I watch 24, Lost, American Idol, The Office, Community, all the Law and Orders, Tori and Dean, Giuliana and Bill (on a break right now), Parenthood, and probably some more that I’m forgetting. My husband and I try and watch a handful of these together, then I don’t feel that bad for how much TV we watch! And if we don’t watch it together I’ll try and bring up a scenario from one of them in a conversation so we can at least talk about it. ie… “I saw this on Tori & Dean, what would you do if xyz happened?” He’ll usually indulge me and give me an answer most of the time.

  12. Erika says

    i purchased all four seaons of Felicity a few weeks ago, at this very moment i just started season four. its bittersweet! i keep switching teams, ben noel ben noel.

  13. says

    I used to be SO obsessed with Beverly Hills: 90210, too! And of course, Saved by the Bell, Full House, Boy Meets World, Family Matters, and admittedly, Two of a Kind and So Little Time (both starring Mary-Kate and Ashley!).

    Now, we have similar TV tastes! I love Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, The Hills (I don’t even know why!), Gossip Girl, The Real Housewives (all of them), Kendra, America: The Story of Us, Mad Men, and Grey’s Anatomy. Now after looking at this list, I too, am a TV addict! It’s amazing that I can keep up with all of these story lines!

  14. says

    My retro picks are so similar to yours:

    BH 90210 (I loved the college years in particular), Melrose Place, I was getting into West Wing and Gilmore Girls. Sob. Sob. TV isn’t what it used to be!

    Now I love-love-love Glee. I am still loyal to Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters and Private Practice. I punted Greys ages ago due to the whining factor.

    I am also a TOTAL reality TV junkie but we don’t get a lot of the US versions here. We make lame-o Aussie versions!

  15. says

    I’m highly addicted to TV and always have been, lol.

    I was COMPLETELY Team Pacey, btw. The fact that people actually wanted Joey to end up with Dawson was always incomprehensible to me, lol.

    First off, there is my lifelong obsession with soap operas….. General Hospital and All My Children, to be exact. I don’t watch as religiously as I used to, but I still record it everyday and just erase. Now, I watch a few episodes a month.

    Then: Friends, Felicity, Dawson’s Creek, Full House (clearly WAY back in the day), ER, The Profiler, First Edition, Dallas (WAY, WAY back in the day), Gilmore Girls…. to name a few.

    Now: Grey’s, So You Think You Can Dance, Big Brother, The Mentalist, Glee, American Idol, Big Bang Theory, Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, Bachelor(ette), Vampire Diaries, The Good Wife, Private Practice, The Amazing Race, etc, lol.

  16. says

    I am also a huge tv freak! I can’t get enough! I watch while I get dressed in the morning, while I’m at the gym during lunch, and then from the minute I get home to the minute I go to bed. We have similar tastes in shows too. Some of my faves from when I was younger were:
    Full House (like crazy obsessed with it)
    Saved by the Bell
    The OC
    Hey Dude (remember that one on Nick? anyone?)
    Family Matters
    Little House on the Prairie

    Oh, I miss all these good shows!

  17. says

    I couldn’t begin to list all my TV addictions, so i’ll just do top 3 for each.

    1. Dawson’s (uh yeah, Pacey all the way. He still makes me weak… Joshua Jackson that is)
    2. Growing Pains (way long ago, was totally in love with Kirk Cameron)
    3. Boy Meets World (and cried when it ended and felt like I was losing my BFFs)

    1. So You Think You Can Dance
    2. Brothers and Sisters
    3. Secret Life of the American Teenager

    I could list so so so many more. Perhaps I’ll do a blog post on this topic as well!
    OH, and like another commenter said, love my ABC soaps, but they are on too much for me to watch religiously. I’m a General Hospital girl for LIFE.

  18. says

    Oh my lord, I miss Felicity all the time! I loved that show and was 100% Team Ben! Where oh where did Scott Speedman go?

    I also loved Friends dearly, Gilmore Girls, Alias, Grey’s Anatomy and ER.

  19. says

    I’m going to go ahead and embarass myself, but as a TV addict myself, I created a spreadsheet on our computer this past fall when all of the new shows came out. I wanted to remember what was on when, and what channel. I of course did this in secret becuase it’s extremely embarassing, and Nick found it a few weeks ago and made fun of me for hours! In the fall when all of the shows come out, it’s just too hard to remember them all!!! Ha! I share almost all of your faves, past and present!

  20. says

    1. Friends (it’s a sad obsession and I can compare anything to a friends episode)
    2. Gilmore Girls (I watch the reruns regularly)
    3. Dawson’s Creek

    1. Glee
    2. Grey’s
    3. Bachelorette/Bachelor
    4. RH of NJ
    and many more!

    I, too, have a bit of an obsession with tv. I tell hubs that need to just let my brain do nothing in the evening since I worry about 90 ten year olds during the day!

  21. says

    Oh my gosh, this is so much fun! I love love love the original 90210, team Dylan. In fact, I had a Dylan sweatshirt and a pen with his face in a heart up top. And I was like 10 at the time! I loved everything on TGIF..Step by Step, Family Matters, Hangin with Mr. Cooper, Boy Meets World, Sabrina. Then it was Buffy/Angel, Dawson’s Creek, ER… I’m sure there were others… apparently I watch too much TV too! I hope you have a great week!~ Andrea

  22. says

    I have always been and am still obsessed with Friends. My Mom and I love that show, and my Dad cracks up and says we’ve seen every episode at least 100 times! When the series finale aired, I felt like I was losing real life “friends” forever. I realize this makes me sound like a crazy person! haha! I also loved BH 90210. I enjoyed Will & Grace. Currently, my favorites are Brothers & Sisters, Desperate Housewives (getting too cookey for me though), Gossip Girl, DWTS, and the Real Housewives of OC and ATL. I also liked the Southern Belles: Louisville show, but I am not sure if there will be a season 2 or not??

  23. Eve says

    Ahh Friends. I watched it EVERY THURSDAY. I still think of Thursday as my favorite day of the week…. “Must See TV” days gone by, I suppose!

    My two favorite episodes: The One Where No One’s Ready (going to Ross’s museum thing)
    “Look at me, I’m Chandler: Could i BE wearing any more clothes?”

    The One with All the Embryos (Game show Rachel & Mon vs. Joey and Chandler). “Ms. Chanandler Bong.”
    I recently splurged and bought the entire series on DVD. Heaven.

    I also watched SATC (and also have all of them on DVD), as well as Gilmore Girls (Yep, all of them on DVD)…West Wing (whole box set)… Yes, I own a lot of TV on DVD! Oops!

  24. Andrea says

    I LOVE my TV shows!! Past favorites include: “The Wonder Years” (Loved Kevin Arnold!),”90210″ and “Melrose Place”, “Friends”, “SATC”, “Seinfeld” (still makes me laugh), “The Cosby Show”, and classic “TGIF”. I never missed an episode of “Felicity”, which started my freshman year of college. I even made my dad tape the fall season of “Felicity” on VHS tape while I was studying abroad…I did not want to miss an episode! Who knew it would be on DVD for purchase several years later…

    Now that I am blessed with a DVR….I actually think I watch less TV…but I still tape everything, just don’t always get around to watching it. My new favorites are “GLEE”, “Parenthood”, “Modern Family”, and several reality TV shows.

  25. says

    It is comforting to know I’m not the only girl wasting precious time on bad tv 🙂 I wasn’t that bad in college but I always kept up with:

    The OC
    Sex and the City

    Now, I don’t know how my DVR holds it all:

    Real Housewives
    Grey’s (which I agree, is off and on..but I can’t seem to full out quit!)
    Gossip Girl
    American Idol
    So You Think You Can Dance
    Dancing with the Stars

    Way too many!

  26. says

    I’ve always been a TV addict too. I remember crying when The Cosby Show ended when I was a kid. Loved 91210, Melrose Place, ER, Friends, Will and Grace. I lived for Thursday night TV. I was thinking today how I always get into shows and then get so sad when they are over.

    I’m so addicted to my DVR now I don’t even know what channels shows come on anymore – just watch everything on the DVR after the little guy goes to bed at night. I live for Glee, So You Think You Can Dance, America’s Next Top Model, Young and the Restless, Oprah, Grey’s Anatomy, How I Met Your Mother, True Blood, Gossip Girl, The Good Wife and then LOST. Yep, I’m a TV addict too.

  27. says

    I loved Lois and Clark, SBTB, Friends, Sopranos, Alf, Full House, Perfect Stranger…yeah big geek here.

    Now I love, 2 1/2 men, american idol, grey’s anatomy and modern family.

  28. says

    was 90210 10 years ago? or longer? oh and yes, melrose place!!

    anyway, since i’m not good with the past, i’ll just list my top addictions currently:

    celebrity rehab/sober house!!! (altho not currently in season- boo hoo)
    modern family
    the office
    celebrity apprentice (yay bret michaels)
    the new bachelorette started tonight and it looks perhaps cheesier than ever so YAY- i’m all over that one!!!

    i watch way too much t.v. too. i irritate myself with my love of it.
    i’m so glad there are others out there that share in my addiction!!

  29. says

    Oh we definitely have similar taste in TV! Loved 90210- I remember I used to get the 90210 Collector Cards back in the day! lol. Ugh, there is no Bachelor on here at the moment though (feeling deprived). 🙂

  30. says

    Oh yes, the TV addictions. I’ve found most of my favorites online also (hello, surf the channel!) which has been really bad because then I can watch many episdoes at once and pretty soon the whole afternoon is gone (but I did get through half a season of Mad Men). Definitely FRIENDS is up there along with Desperate Housewives, American Dreams (I miss it), and Mad Men.

  31. says

    We have very similar TV taste! I was ALL about Dawson’s Creek in 8th and 9th grade and agree that Pacey was the one for Joey. I am now all about American Idol (can you believe tonight is the TOP TWO?!) and Mad Men and am getting into Glee. Not-so-much a fan of Greys anymore as it seems to be taking the same turn ER did.

  32. says

    I loved your TV of the past collage and share a love of most of them! I am pretty sure I never missed a Saved by the Bell or 90210 episode in high school. I was even a huge fan of the SBTB made for TV movies. I was definitely an addict then and still am. DVR is a lifesaver since I now work nights as a L&D nurse. Otherwise I would go through serious TV withdraw!

  33. says

    Yes, Pacey was SO much better for Joey and I bawled for hours at the Felicity finale when Ben and Felicity meet up in California. Team Pacey and Team Ben! I bet you & I could kick some serious butt at Saved By the Bell Trivia (my friend & I actually came up with 100 trivia questions) and I have the Friends trivia game. 🙂 You’re a girl after my own heart!

  34. Laura says

    oh boy…let’s see.

    10 years ago it was dawson’s creek, 90210, felicity, and pretty much every other show on the WB.

    now, i love mad men, damages, the good wife, true blood, and the real housewives series. i have a love/hate relationship with grey’s anatomy. i used to love law and order and all of the CSIs but lost interest.

  35. says

    Oh my gosh, same exact feelings about SATC! Damn Carrie.

    I have been addicted to Friends for years. I’m still in denial that it went off the air 6 years ago. I have all the seasons on DVD and watch them regularly. I looooooooved 90210 and for a period of time (like 3.5 years) we didn’t have cable, so, I couldn’t watch it, holy smokes, getting cable back was the best thing EVER. Also, loved ER. Hadn’t watched it in years, but, had to watch the series finale. Sigh….

    Current addictions? Now that LOST is over…. Reality TV. It’s a vicious cycle. Tori & Dean=the best trainwreck ever. I can’t look away!

  36. says

    TEAM BRENDA! Kelly was so mean- like the prom dress! She has unlimited funds, and has to buy the same one as Brenda, who doesn’t have a car, and who’s brother is the only one with a job? What a harlot. Then Brenda goes to Paris and Kelly whores it up with her best friend’s boyfriend! Ugh.

    Oh, don’t get me started on the self-righteousness of Kelly in college. I do love when she becomes addicted to cocaine though.

  37. Megan says

    Oh my goodness…I dearly love tv as well! I LOVE Felicity and am still holding out hope that Scott Speedman will ask me to marry him! Ha! Friends or S&TC are my go-to tv on dvd for sure. Current shows I’m obssessed with (in no particular order): So You Think You Can Dance, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, Survivor, Grey’s (on & off), The Middle, The Office, One Tree Hill (though my interest has waned this last season), Idol, and The Biggest Loser. I also really like The Tudors, but I think it’s on Showtime, which I don’t have anymore. 🙁

  38. says

    I LOVED Saved by the Bell when I was younger! I also watched Boy Meets World. I remember being seriously jealous of Topanga’s beautiful hair. I also watched Clarissa Explains it all and then Sabrina the Teenage Witch. LOVED Melissa Joan Hart. Now I don’t watch as much but I’m still addicted to Glee, The Office, and 30 Rock.

  39. says

    I’m cracking up right now! I’m with you girl! I was always bad, but now with DVR…it’s awful!

    10 years ago:
    Dawson’s {totally team Pacey!}
    Gilmore Girls {still my absolute fave show ever…I have 38 of them stored in my DVR at the moment}
    The OC

    Now: {and this is totally ridiculous}
    The Bachelor/Bachelorette
    One Tree Hill
    Biggest Loser
    Tori & Dean
    Real Housewives – Orange County & New Jersey
    So You Think You Can Dance
    Big Bang Theory
    Celebrity Apprentice
    Brother & Sisters
    Big Bang Theory
    Southern Belles: Louisville

    It’s become a sick obsession! That dang DVR….

  40. Krissy says

    Oh goodness, I was SO addicted to 90210 from when it first started when I was in 5th grade! My mom didn’t always let me watch it at that age, though…but I quickly caught up! 🙂 I cried when they ended the show after my freshman year of college. :'( Saved by the Bell is another classic fav of mine, as is Dawson’s Creek. 🙂 Friends is hands down my most favorite sitcom of all time. Have seen every.single.episode several times.

    Current must see’s: Desperate Housewives, Grey’s Anatomy, How I Met Your Mother, 2 1/2 Men, Dancing with the Stars, and 24. My hubby and I are SO addicted to 24 and I am so sad that it’s over now. We just started watching from the very beginning in January and there are 24 episodes in each season…we are currently on season 7 and there are 8 total. Yep, that’s a whole lotta tv in 4 months…we’re super addicted. 🙂 I highly recommend you guys rent and watch it, it’s THAT good! 🙂

  41. Krissy says

    OH….and my hubby told me a few weeks ago that after we finish the 24 series, he wants to start LOST! 🙂 Sounds good to me… 🙂

  42. Krissy says

    PS…forgot one big favorite that will start back up again in June…True Blood on HBO. It’s SO good and so bad for you to watch, but it’s addicting. Okay, I promise that’s all. 😉

  43. says

    ten years ago, i was a senior in high school and didn’t have cable (my parents liked to pretend we were amish). but i have every season of friends and satc on dvd, and i agree wholeheartedly that monica is the best and carrie can be a selfish beast.

    now, i don’t watch tv all that often (except on netflix or hulu), but i watch every episode of project runway and i love modern family. i used to watch grey’s, but when everyone in the hospital started trading venereal diseases i was over it.

  44. says

    Team Pacey for sure! Loved that show.

    Do you watch Modern Family and Cougar Town? Those are seriously so funny. Nic will watch them with me, and I always love shows we both enjoy.

    Didn’t you love the finale of Grey’s?!?

  45. courtney says

    10 Years Ago – 7th Heaven, 90210, Friends, Boy Meets World, A Wedding Story, A Makover Story

    Now – The only t.v. I watch is while I’m on the treadmill. So it’s usually either The Duggars, Cake Boss, The Little Couple, Little People Big World (Okay I have some strange obsession with TLC), and I’ll probably watch K8 plus 8 (I can’t stand her but it’s like a train wreck – just can’t turn away)

  46. says

    I loved all those first shows you mentioned. I think Felicity ended way too soon. Dawsons was my high school obsession.

    I love love Greys and LOST(tear).

  47. says

    I ADORED Felicity! and I am still swooning for Ben! I think he has to be my #1 TV boy crush of all time so far. He was just so cute in so many ways!

    10 years ago:
    Boy Meets World
    Saved by the Bell
    Dawson’s Creek
    Er – this was my first Drama. Loved me some Dr. Carter!

    Well Lost was at the top.
    SATC – I am with you on the selfishness of Carrie. Oh How I adore Aiden!
    True Blood
    Any of the Housewives shows
    Gossip Girl

  48. says

    I’m so with you! I’m a total addict 🙂 And to ALL of the “old” shows you mentioned! I truthfully don’t really like much in the way of currently-on-the-air shows other than reality crap (which I love) and Glee 🙂 I much prefer to watch my old faves on DVD or re-runs!

  49. says

    OMG, I totally hear you! I don’t even have TV, yet I still catch all my favorites (online) and obsess about all of them. Currently, I watch Lost (still catching up on episodes missed, then I finally get to watch the finale everyone has been talking about), The Biggest Loser, The Amazing Race, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, Modern Family, and The Office.

    And I was a Friends Freak too. Still am, actually. I own all 10 seasons and when I’m feeling sick or just blah, I always pop a season in and it makes me feel better. 🙂

  50. says

    10 years ago:

    1. Saved by the Bell
    2. Friends
    3. Dawson’s Creek
    4. Sex and the City
    5. Beverly Hills, 90210


    1. Glee
    2. The Office
    3. Veronica Mars (I know it’s off air, but it’s still one of my favorites ever)
    4. Biggest Loser
    5. Grey’s Anatomy (off and on as well)

  51. Sara says

    Okay, after a month or so of reading, I’ve decided to come out of lurking. Hello!

    I didn’t really get into TV until high school, but then The O.C. came on the air and I’ve been hooked ever since. My favorite shows 10 years ago were definitely Friends and Full House. Nowadays I’m loving Dexter, Weeds, United States of Tara, Arrested Development (not on the air anymore, but still awesome), Modern Family, and Community. Lost is probably my favorite show of all time, so I’m pretty heartbroken that it’s over.

  52. says

    You totally crack me up. I don’t know you, but you still crack me up. I’m laughing. Hear my laughter…

    Loved all those shows too and I was TOTALLY Team Pacey. I also loved Gilmore Girls. 🙂

  53. says

    10 years ago…Friends, Gilmore Girls, Bachelor, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, 7th Heaven

    College – Sex and the City Marathons with my roommates!

    Now – Bachelor/Bachelorette, Divine Design, Say Yes to the Dress, Platinum Weddings, Ace of Cakes, Project Runway

    I loved Ali last season and think this one is going to be just as good! I don’t believe it either but it’s fun to watch!

  54. says

    your TV addictions are all of my favorites. Obvs 902dime is my favorite {Go Team Kelly! Go! bwahahah}

    My current TV addictions are the Real Housewives and Top Chef. Sometimes Tori and Dean. But really we never watch TV. It’s sad really.


  55. says

    I would say 90210 and Melrose 10 yrs ago. Now I like Gossip Girl and The Good Wife. We also watch Mad Men when it’s on. I normally watch The Bachelor or Bachelorette, but for some reason, I don’t care for Ali so I am not watching this one.

  56. says

    I am not as knowledgeable on all things tv as you but the one thing we do definetly agree on is how Aiden was treated I loved Aiden!

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