some happies on this Friday

Maybe it’s because we sprung forward on Sunday, but I’ve felt like every day this week was Friday. On Monday, I thought it felt like Friday. Now Friday is finally here. I know you’re probably thinking, “Erin, you’re a stay-at-home mom. How is Friday any different from any other day?” If you think that, you have a point. But there is something really great about having Todd here with me during the day and being able to spend time as a family. I feel less like there’s work to be done around the house and more like I can play and enjoy my whole family being at the house.

In no particular order, these are the little things that made me happy this week:

1. Felicity on DVD. I’m a woman on a mission. I finished Season 1 (that I got through Netflix) on Tuesday and then started Season 2 (that I got from Amy of Playing House). I finished Season 2 last night and I’ll be patiently waiting for Netflix to bring Season 3 to my house. I’ve pretty much been wasting Hudson’s naptime on watching Felicity DVDs, but I love this show. I watched it a little bit in high school and a little bit in college. But I’m pretty sure I didn’t see every episode.

Picture 3

It is so good. It is so much like college– except I’m pretty sure I would have liked college a lot more if I had gone to school in New York. Keri Russell has such a flawless face and natural way about her. There’s not a lot of loud drama and there are very few misunderstandings (which can be so frustrating for the viewer). I just love this show!

I’m totally on Team Ben, by the way. Were you on Team Noel or Team Ben?

2. Easter candy. Specifically Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs and Cadbury Mini Eggs.

Picture 9

I mentioned on Twitter that when I bought the bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs on Sunday, Todd bet me that the bag wouldn’t last until Wednesday. Well you better believe I left a few in there all the way through Wednesday. The bag lasted. But on Thursday afternoon, all of those little chocolate candy-coated eggs were g-o-n-e. I won.

Picture 10

3. Lands’ End Canvas. My wardrobe practically transformed overnight for nearly no cost at all. It is such a wonderful discovery. These are the items I can’t get enough of! And if you’re wondering about quality, it’s great. If you’re wondering about sizing, size up. I am not a “small” person, but I ordered a small in the turquoise boyfriend cardigan (shown below) and it is roomy on me. But it’s perfect for me and my lifestyle. I’m positive that I’ll be living in these clothes this summer.

Picture 6

Picture 5

Picture 8

4. Charleston. There’s just a great feeling in the air that is associated with the excitement of being in Charleston this time next week. Good food. Good friends. Great city.

Picture 11

5. Love the One You’re With. I’m currently reading my fourth consecutive Emily Giffin novel and it’s good! Y’all may remember that I posted my 2010 reading list and my goal was to read one book every month this year. I’ve already finished January, February, March, and April, and I’m currently reading the book I picked out for May. Yes, friends, I am a reading machine. You can see what I’ve thought about Firefly Lane, Something Borrowed, Something Blue, and Baby Proof if you become my friend on GoodReads.

We’ll be enjoying a fun evening at home tonight. We may take Hudson with us out for an early dinner at a family-friendly restaurant. But we may pick up some salmon at the Fresh Market and stay home. It’s supposed to be in the upper 70s all weekend and I’m so excited to spend some time outside. I have a lunch date with a good friend at Panera tomorrow and a fun Sunday school game night tomorrow night. I’m thinking that Spring is definitely here!

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  1. NINA says

    It’s an all-around great day!! Enjoy your evening at home tonight. We’ll be doing the same. Love you, friend!

  2. says

    TEAM BEN ALL THE WAY!!! I love Felicity! My mom and I always watched it together and then when I went away for college, I’d call her every week after the show and we’d discuss! I get excited every time I’m in a city with a Dean & Deluca… and I always wanted my own Javier!

  3. says

    Your Hppies make me happy too! I love me some Easter CAndy(who doesnt), Lands End makes me smile, Charleston… well its just AMAZING- if you like Mexican check out Juanitas! Emily Giffin is FABULOUS!! Thanks for sharing your Happies!

  4. says

    omg, team ben for sure. I own all of the DVDs and every now and then I’ll pull them out and reminisce. LOVE Felicity, especially senior year. Truman and I were just discussing how it might be time to resume Felicity since I watched Soph year at the end of my pregnancy.

    Although I’m team Ben I really do love Noel, too.

  5. says

    I love that Lands End Canvas is the affordable version of JCrew. I need a new hobby during nap time besides blogging… maybe I will have to check out Felicity!

  6. says

    I also loved Felicity in high school. I always enjoy your blog and wanted to let you know that Hudson’s room inspired me to re-do Gavin’s room. The before & after will be on my blog soon. Thanks for the inspiration! ~Erin J

  7. says

    Since you’re ahead on your reading list, does that mean you’ll sneak in Giffin’s 5th book, Heart of the Matter, once it comes out soon? I absolutely love her books and can’t wait for the next one!
    Have a fabulous weekend!

  8. says

    I always wanted to go to Dean and Deluca, being from a smallish town and not having one, and all…
    When we go to Napa/Sonoma we stop and grab lunch at Dean and Deluca. My heart flutters a bit.

    Oooh Cadbury Mini Eggs are my weakness…the crunch, the creamy chocolate…..I gain 5 lbs just looking at them.

  9. says

    Just joined good reads too! My word document list was getting out of hand! I love how easy it is to add what I am currently reading and keep a list of what’s next!

  10. says

    Those are my two favorite Easter candies, as well! I already finished the bag of Reese’s eggs Josh bought me last week so now I am working on the bag of mini eggs. It’s half gone. Did I mention I got those last night? ha!

    My in-laws are going to Charleston next week for a little trip. It’s their 2nd time in 6 weeks. I guess they fell in love with it!

  11. says

    I love all the EG books & can’t wait to read this one!

    Also – I’ve never introduced myself before but I’ve been following your blog for a while & I think you’re lovely…just presented you with an award over at my blog!

    have a great weekend!

  12. says

    That’s so funny….I’m watching Felicity right now too, during Ella’s naps! When I watched it in HS and college, I was on team Ben. Now I’m on team Noel. Isn’t that funny?

    Anyway, I have the boyfriend cardi from last season in the brown and hot pink stripe…LOVE IT!! I wasn’t sure if I’d wear it or not, and I probably wear it too much! I’m going to have to order some for spring.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  13. says

    I need to harness your reading energy – I had similar goals, but in 2010 I’ve only read 3 books thus far.

    I love that you’re doing a Felicity marathon! My friends and I loved it in college, and we watched all the reruns on “We”. After watching the episodes back to back in daily syndicated format we came up with this theory that watching a series in quick succession like that makes you feel differently than if you were watching it only once a week. I was not on team Ben or team Noel… I was on team Felicity get yourself together. I’m curious to see if through subsequent seasons you remain on team ben. We felt like watching it all in a lump made Ben’s shortcomings amplified and it seemed like he was constantly letting her down in some way.

  14. says

    I love Felicity! I had sort of forgotten about that show…

    I am also loving Lands End Canvas and Emily Giffen. I have read Something Borrowed and Something Blue (just finished that one last night), so I need to get her others.

    Have a great weekend!

  15. says

    I agree with your happy list 🙂
    I’ve never been to Charleston though, but i’m sure I’d love it, it looks so pretty.
    I loved Felicity & was on team Ben for sure (and everytime I watched the show I had the urge to pack up and move to NYC!)
    I checked out Landsend canvas due to the tweets you gals were doing & picked myself up a dress, looooove it, so BIG thank you!
    have a fabulous weekend

  16. says

    Felicity was my most favorite show in high school and college (along with Dawson’s Creek!) and I never missed an episode- I was and still am Team Ben all the way.
    The Reese eggs were only 39 cents at my Rite Aid this week- it was so hard not to buy 10 of them instead of 2!
    My husband and I are planning a mini vacation to Charleston- it’s one of my favorite cities and he’s never been- any suggestions for sites to see or restaurants to visit?

  17. Allie says

    Love all these happies! I am totally on board with all the Canvas love. I need to try different Emily Giffin book. I have been trying to get through Baby Proof and it isn’t my favorite. It is in the 70’s here too, so we are excited to spend time outside this weekend as well. Have a great weekend!

  18. says

    I was so obsessed with Felicity when it was on WE. I watched it in college too but also didn’t get all of the episodes. The soundtrack CD is still one of my favorites! I will always be on Team Noel – although I thought he was a little wimpy at times. I might just have to pull out my DVDs this weekend!

  19. says

    OMG! I’m obsessed with the Reese’s Eggs right now…So, ready for Easter to be over so these things will not longer be in my life and on my thighs! 🙂

  20. Laura says

    L.L. Bean has a new line out, similar to Land’s End Canvas, called L.L. Bean Signature. Lots of nice pieces!

  21. says

    Hi Erin…I’m Erin, too! I just discovered your blog last week and I love it- your family is precious…and reading your blog makes me want to live in the south even more than I already did!

    Felicity came out my senior year in HS and I watched the whole thing, but only caught bits and pieces of the next seasons after I went to college. I just decided to watch the whole thing over on DVD and I’m currently on season 3 as well! In HS I was team Ben, but this time around I keep going back and forth…I’m currently on team Ben!

    Also, I commute over an hour to work and JUST finished listening to the four Emily Giffin books our library has on CD. I love her, too!

  22. says

    I loved Felicity, one of my top favorite shows for sure. I think that I was more of a Noel fan but it changed through out the seasons. I think that show was what made me want to be an RA in college even though I never really thought it would be as much drama as it was on the show.

    I am so loving the Land’s End Canvas, watch out J Crew!

  23. says

    I loved Felicity in High school! I completely forgot about it. It’s so much fun to watch old shows like that. My sister and I watched the first two seasons of Dawson’s Creek over her Christmas Break and it was a blast. So hilarious!

  24. says

    I love, love, loved Felicity! I loved Ben too. 🙂 What a cutie!

    Have fun in Charleston! I always miss living there, but I miss it most in Springtime!

  25. says

    MMMM! Love those Reeces eggs at Easter time. My other downfall is the chocolate malted eggs… YUM!!!! I’ve never been to Charleston, but it looks so beautiful! What are your plans when you are there? Anything fun?

  26. says

    You are definitely stronger than I am-I bought a bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs Tuesday and they are GONE as of today! They are just too irresistible 🙂 Love The One You’re With was my favorite Emily Giffin book and I am so excited for her 5th book coming out soon! Enjoy your weekend.

  27. says

    Totally Team Ben! That’s my fave Easter candy too. I bought a bag of the mini eggs when they first appeared on Target’s shelves this season and made Lee hide it from me. Otherwise it wouldn’t have lasted a total of 3 days! It’s supposed to reappear in my Easter basket. Let’s hope that’s the case. My Land’s End order arrived today (so quick!) and I can’t wait to try everything on. Charleston is one of my favorite cities and I can’t wait to explore it with Lee. I wish the girls Spring Break wasn’t quite so early this year and maybe I could have joined you. Guess I’ll just have to live vicariously through you 🙂

  28. says

    I love that gray skirt. It’s so pretty!

    And there’s no reason that a sahm mom can’t enjoy Fridays. I like them because it signals the coming of the weekend and my husband being home with us! There’s nothing wrong with that. We have a work week too!

  29. crewlade drinka says

    TEAM BEN!!! I did exactly what you are doing now, too! I never made it to the last season though, but I remember the series ending which was depressing to me. but I really loved that show!
    I must be really old (34) b/c while everyone else remembers watching in high school, I was already in med school (meaning way done with college +1 extra yr before med school)! when the show started. oh well! I still feel young!

  30. says

    I’m loving so much about this post…Reese eggs, Land’s End Canvas, Charleston, and Emily Giffin books! Her new book come out soon and I can’t wait 🙂

  31. says

    Aww! Thanks for the little shout-out 🙂 I always waffled between Team Ben and Team Noel.. depending on what was happening with the plot at the time. I’m definitely going to investigate Lands End Canvas this weekend after all the buzz I’ve been reading about it. I recently rediscovered regular LE as a great option for some basic pieces, and have a feeling that I’m going to be able to complete my spring wardrobe in one fell swoop with this new line. Have a great weekend, Erin!

  32. says

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Felicity! I can watch it over and over again. I’m kind of surprised I don’t own them. Cadbury eggs = Heaven! I’m trying to lie to myself and say they aren’t aloud in pregnancy so that I don’t eat the whole bag! I love hearing about your book reads!! I look forward to the year when i can make a want to read and or have read!!

  33. says

    You are a reading machine! I am so happy to have such a good reading buddy in the blog world. If we were closer we’d have to start a book club!

  34. Rosalyn says

    I had never really watched Felicity (occasionally in high school) but when I saw you tweeting about it, I thought I would really like to watch it so I Netflixed it. I don’t think everyone feels the same way about Felicity because someone obviously tried to steal it as it was ripped open on the end where the DVD was but then I think they saw what it was and left it! Hope you have a great weekend!

  35. says

    Oh I was such a Felicity fan! I never missed an episode in high school OR college! I was a Team Ben fan! I also read all of those Emily Giffin novels. They are great! Baby Proof is probably my least favorite. I am anxious to see what color her next novel will be…I am thinking lavender.

  36. says

    I love normal Cadbury cream eggs! I pretty much live for this time of year so I can have them.

    And I love all of Emily Giffin’s books! Although it feels like it been far too long since she’s published something new.

  37. Candace says

    I LOVE FELICITY…I spent 4 days sick a couple years back and a friend of mine gave me her entire set of Felicity…and I just sat in bed with crackers and sprite and watch the show from start to finish….LOVED IT….I had caught a few episodes when it actually aired, but i loved being able to see it all…I was even sad when it ended…I just wanted more! Team Ben!!

  38. says

    I re-discovered Felicity about 2 years ago and watched all four seasons in a few weeks. I love love love this show ! Oh, and I’m a die-hard fan of Cadbury mini-eggs. Too bad they don’t exist in France =(

  39. Nici Comer says

    Felicity is one of my all time favorite shows. I was already out of college when it started, but it helped put me right back there, angst and all. I don’t want to ruin it for you, but when you’re finisehd I’ll tell you my all-time favorite scene. Love it.

    And reese’s peanut butter eggs? BEST CANDY OF ALL TIME. I could eat my weight in them.

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