lions… and tigers… and bears!

Oh my!

The weather in Columbia was pretty darn close to perfect this weekend. My dear husband despises the colder temperatures and as soon as there’s even a hint of Spring he gets so excited. He wants to come home early from work so we can take the baby and Boudreaux on a walk (no, Fiona still doesn’t come with us). Todd hates the rain and the cold, so a perfect day brings out the kid in him and he wants to do everything outside. Our little family had been apart for two weekends in a row, so we wanted to make the most of this weekend.

Columbia has a pretty great zoo. Todd and I had one of our very first dates there, and we return back to the zoo at Christmastime every year to commemorate the first zoo visiting occasion.


December 2006

On Saturday, we were so excited to take Hudson on his first Riverbanks Zoo experience. He loves being in the stroller and seeing new things. He loved being out of the stroller even more so he could really see the animals. His favorite part was the aquarium. The fish are so bright and easy for him to see. We all had a great time. We didn’t stay long because an 8 month old doesn’t have the longest attention span, but it was nice being outside and seeing the animals. It was even more fun watching Hudson see everything for the first time.





On an unrelated note, I had a great weekend, but ate my weight in ice cream, chocolate chip cookies, and anything else I could get my hands on. No weight gained– yet– but I definitely would like to keep losing it, so I need to get it together.

I hope you’re all having a great Monday!

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  1. says

    I definitely miss Riverbanks! We can’t wait to take Mac to the zoo here once it gets a bit warmer – what a beautiful time y’all must have had! Such a cute family.

  2. says

    Ugh, I just left a big comment, and it was erased, sigh. I’ll try to recreate.

    Y’all look like a model family- love the pic of TC and Hudson. Is Hud wearing a gingham skull and crossbones outfit? LOVE!

    P.S. you in purple=hotness!

  3. says

    Oh how you have me longing for nice weather here! I know it won’t be long, but I can’t wait to get out for long walks with the dog. I just hate walking her when it’s cold out.

    By the way…LOVE your hair! Seriously. It’s so pretty!

  4. lizziefitz says

    Adorable pictures! We enjoyed the weekend here in Charleston too! Baltimore had a great Zoo and I just found out about Columbia’s Zoo last week. I hear it is amazing. Who knows maybe one of these days we can meet there with the kiddos. I hope I don’t sound like a stalker:)

  5. says

    I LOVE the zoo! The zoo is one of those things I cannot wait do with our future children because I have such happy memories of it as a child! Austin doesn’t have a zoo (which I always found odd) but Waco does and my grandmother used to take me during every visit. What a fun activity for such a pretty weekend! Dallas was balmy and in the upper 60s… and now we’re set to have snow again tonight πŸ™

  6. says

    Cute zoo pics! We were going to see Beth, but now we aren’t. We can’t go because the drive is too far and the flights are over $400 from Shreveport to ATL. Oh well…maybe next time!

  7. Perfectly Imperfect says

    Look at his smile!! I think the touch of spring the South got this weekend made everyone smile. Now if only it would stick around….

  8. Melissa Wellington says

    Sounds like a fun day! I hope we’ll get some nice weather like that in VA soon! Just wondering… I thought you had a Bumbleride stroller… but it looks like Hudson’s enjoying a different ride at the zoo… do you guys use the Bumbleride? I just remember because that was how I found your blog in the first place… I had googled the stroller & carseat we were getting to see a picture of them together, and you had put together the same combo!

  9. says

    Ok first of all lOVE LOVE LOVE Hudson’s outfit. Seriously how adorable is that?? If I had a little baby boy I would snatch that outfit right up. Secondly, Hudson is getting so big, and he still looks adorable as EVER. And you are so beautiful! Love how you are glowing in that first pic. Maybe its because the pictures are all bright and Spring looking but clearly I am loving this post!

  10. says

    Hi Erin, It’s Peyton! I found your blog randomly on Southern Weddings blog awhile ago, and was shocked when I discovered that I had stumbled across a blog from someone I actually know!
    I just wanted to say I love your blog, and all of the pictures of Hudson (BTW, the pic of your whole family on your mom’s New Year’s card was just perfect)! I’m so happy to see that you’re doing so well, and have such a cute little family.

  11. says

    I love that zoo! We have fam in Columbia and once went for the Christmas lights event. If you can and are interested, would you mind following me on Twitter? I’m private so you can’t see my tweets, but would love to convo you sometimes. Thanks!

  12. says

    I ate my weight in chips & salsa and chocolate covered gummi bears (because they’re chocolate covered gummi bears!!! Could.not.stop.eating!). What a fun weekend! I love the zoo (yes, I’m 12). The pictures are great–love that last one of you and Hudson.

  13. Jill says

    I bet you’ve had MUCH warmer weather than where I am… I just hope that we don’t get more snow. I even said those words yesterday as I was driving home. And then when I woke up this morning there was a dusting on the road and an accident on the way to work. Ugh. I think I have a case of the winter weather seasonal depression. It’s just dragging out this year and becoming more and more annoying.

    I’m jealous of your trip to the zoo! I would love a nice day to do something outside but we just haven’t had a good opportunity. πŸ™

    Love Hudson’s little outfit!

  14. says

    that’s fun! and such cute pictures πŸ™‚ don’t feel bad, i’ve been eating my weight in anything i can get my hands on for the past WEEK! constant battle, i tell ya!

  15. says

    So jealous ya’ll got to go to the zoo! I am dying to take Madelyn but it’s still freezing here in Atlanta (crazy bc we’re not That far away from ya’ll). Hudson is precious and I cannot believe those little legs- Madelyn is 10 months now and still only 19 lbs- think Hudson would share some of that precious chub?!

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