Hudson is 8 months old!

Hudson actually turned 8 months old on February 5, but things got a little crazy. We went out of town for over a week, and while I always vow to blog while I’m away, it’s rare when I actually follow through with that vow. It’s much easier to just enjoy the vacation from everything– including blogging.

Dearest Hudson,

I have to say that as your mommy, this month has been the most fun. You started sitting up at 5 months and then right after you turned 7 months you started crawling. You never army crawled. You just got up on your hands and knees and took off.



Crawling means lots of bumps and scrapes

You’re a heavy little booger and you want to crawl around and toward things that are dangerous and not for little boys. So I’m always on the ground picking you up or redirecting you. It has been so much fun to chase you around and watch you explore the house on your own. You still haven’t quite figured out that you can follow me when I leave a room.

But now that you’re crawling, it’s not enough. You want to stand on your own. So the pulling up started immediately after the crawling.


You are the sweetest little person I know. You light up a room and anytime someone new comes into the room you start jabbering and kicking your legs.  You want everyone to know that they’re welcome! And you want everyone to come talk to you. You’re kind of a little attention hog. But that’s because we shower you with lots of attention all the time.

Your daddy and I think you’re very funny. You’ve always got something to say (though no official words yet. We’ve heard “dada” and “baba” but they’re not in reference to anything specific) and you make new little sounds every day.

Hudson, you are a still an amazing sleeper and a great eater. Look at you! You’re a growing boy and growing boys need their food and their sleep. You still sleep 12 full uninterrupted hours at night and still take 3 naps every day. Not all of your naps are long, but you need them. You let us know when it’s time for you nap. You start rubbing your eyes and you put your little thumb in your mouth. We’re not too worried about you being a thumb sucker. You only do it at bedtime or when you’re upset, but you’ve never taken a pacifier. I figure we can correct the thumb issue later when it’s actually an issue.

You had your first stomach bug before we went to visit KK and Poppie. Mommy caught it, too, but that’s okay. I was so worried about you. I think you were worried about yourself. We went to see the doctor when you were sick and they weighed you at that appointment. You were 24 lbs and 14 ounces. Quite the big guy! You’re wearing all 12 and 18 months clothes now. Most of the 12 months things are a little snug.

We’re so proud of you and we’re so excited about every new day with you. You’ll be walking and talking so soon, but I’ve learned my lesson with the crawling. I won’t be wishing for the walking and talking to start any time soon!

You’re nearly as big as your monkey now!

I love you so much!


8 months




7 months


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  1. says

    Cute monkey pictures! He is growing up fast. I really like walking a lot better than crawling. We love the talking. Our two year old repeats everything we say. My stage that I didn’t like was when he used to pick up everything to put in his mouth. It passed though and he stopped doing it. Each stage seems to keep getting better and better.

  2. says

    He is so adorable, I just love babies at that age. My nephew just turned one month, I can’t wait till he gets to the sitting up and crawling stages.

  3. says

    Omg, that last pic of Hudson made my heart jump a bit. SO cute!! And what a big boy! I love these updates, keep em coming.

    And because I’m too lazy to look back through your posts, did you say you guys used the Baby Wise routine to get him on a sleeping schedule? I can’t remember now…email me if you can b/c I’m ALL about 12 hours of interrupted sleep by 8 months:)

  4. says

    Erin, I love reading your blog! Hudson is adorable and it’s fun to see how he changes. He will keep getting more and more fun too! My daughter is 12 months and I fall more in love with her every day. Their personalities really start to come out 🙂

  5. says

    Okay every time I think that he couldn’t get any more adorable… he does. Look at all of that hair! He’s a sweet little boy and those cheeks just make me melt! I love that you’re such a proud momma and brag on him each month.

  6. tori says

    Very sweet! Seeing all you pictures makes me want to add a new baby to my family. We have a 3 year old and 4 year old, so my husband would probably faint if I mentioned it. I guess I will have to get my baby fix here LOL!! They grow so fast. My daughter is 4 now and I am always saying “this is my favorite stage” ha. Each milestone is so fun and exciting.

  7. tori says

    On a side note. What is the name/artist of the painting over your fireplace? I am redecorating my living room and the colors would be perfect.


  8. says

    I’m a new reader, and I’m so excited because my little boy, Barrett, turns 8 months next week (June 25 b-day)! He’s not crawling yet, though, so we need to catch up! LOVE the name Hudson. Very cool. 🙂 Lauren

  9. says

    I LOVE the look of pride and excitement on his face in the picture of Hudson standing. He’s so cute, and the monkey pics are the perfect way to really show how much he is growing.

  10. says

    Hi Erin,
    I love your letter to Hudson. You’ve inspired me to write a letter to Gavin. It’s so fun to read your viewpoint of your journey as a new parent. Hudson is such a cutie pie and with Gavin being just six months older, it’s so fun to remember those milestones and memories through your blog entries. Thanks for sharing.

  11. says

    Yet another sweet post about your adorable little boy! He looks like such a happy baby! My “little” guy is big like Hudson too… Josiah was 24 lbs 5 oz at 6 months… and he’ll be 7 months this week. I love having such a strong, healthy boy! We’re in the 12-18 months clothes too… which makes them look more like little boys than babies doesn’t it! So cute!

  12. says

    love that little boy 🙂 he has grown so much and i’m so glad i got to spend some sweet time with the two of you last week. i miss you both already!! he is such a sweet boy and that smile is so contagious!

  13. says

    What a very sweet post! I can’t believe he’s 8 months old already! It seems like yesterday… but I guess that’s how it goes. You are a very lucky momma to have such a sweet, fun little boy.

  14. Caroline says

    Awww sweet sweet boy, can my niece be the older woman in his life one day=) She’ll be two in March….they would be adorable together!

  15. says

    sweetest post! 🙂 he is just too cute for words Erin!! I can’t believe he’s 8 months old. I CAN NOT get over how fast the time has gone by! And I realized today he and Addison are exactly 4 months apart 🙂 I will never forget his bday 🙂

  16. says

    OMgoodness, I’m way late in catching up with posts … but just had to comment that the photo with Hudson and the monkey chatting it up is too cute!

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